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T/Sgt. James F. McGuire
4/27/44 - 5/7/44

McGuire Diary 4/27/44-4/30/44 DATE:
4/27/44 (4/29/44) - Got our mission, it's Myitkyina. Were supposed to put in a road block. Chinese Regiment going with us. Killed fish with handgranads. Had roasted fish, fried in banana leafs.
2/28/44 (4/30/44 - Raining. 6:30am started hiking, went up 2600 ft really a tough climb, we have 6000 ft mt. to go over and it's really raining and muddy. Bivouaced at village, water scarce. The path is a 20% incline.
4/29/44 (5/1/44) - Really rained last nite. went up 4000 more ft, going tough. Lost a lot of horses, they fell over cliffs, had to be shot.Lost about 12 horses and mules.
4/30/44 (5/2/44) - Raining yet hills muddy you can't hardly climb them. Lost some more animals. Equipment has to be hand carried, move to top of mt. 6000 ft. up. You can see for miles around. Went down 2000ft..

McGuire Diary page 5/1/44-5/4/44 Date:
5/1/44 (5/3/44) - Still Raining. Some of plt. hasn't caought up yet. Moved up 1200 more ft. Still raining and muddy lost some more animals, if this keeps up we won't have any animals left. Bivouaced at 4pm. Run out of rations at breakfast.
5/2/44 (5/4/44) - Out of rations. Moved to another village to get drop. The Japs have it. We had banana hearts and bouillon to eat, everybody out of rations. Got can of green beans from Kachins also corn mutton, 5 of us ate 8 lbs. Filledup.
5/3/44 (5/5/44) - Get drop today, all outfits out of rations. Sending out O.P. and Patrols to protect drop. Got 4 day K. Got insect bites all over body. Had to get a shot.
5/4/44 (5/6/44) - We hit a village where 152 Japs are. Chinese hit another village at same time. It's really raining hard. Rained most of AM. Took village no Japs there. 4 man Jap patrol there several days ago. Cut thumb on bambo. Listened to radio. Took bath.

McGuire Diary5/5/44-5/7/44 DATE:
5/5/44 (5/7/44) - Move out 8am. It's raining hard. Heading for Rippong a lot of Japs there. Moved in and out round block. The situation screwed up, it's muddy and raining going tough. Move on tomorrow.
5/6/44 (5/8/44) - Have to cut trail to another trail, it's 4 mi. It's a sucker play against Japs. Our plt. leads. Get drop tomorrow. Not raining yet. Walked 600 mi. so far. Chinks attacked village close to us. Bivouaced for nite, no water.
5/7/44 (5/9/44) - Have to go 8 mi. put in road block. Ran into Jap cook and others, we had one wounded. The cook had just finnished cooking rice and was taking it to the men in the village. Rations run out at noon. Had 4 wounded today, 1 killed. We got a lot of souvenirs in the bivouac area, flags, maps, equipment.

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