T/Sgt. James F. McGuire
4/14/44 - 4/26/44
4/14/44 (4/16/44) - Received 23 letters from home. It was dropped to us. Move tomorrow, Jap mortar fired at us no one hurt.
(Next 5 lines blacked out not able to read)
4/15/44 (4/17/44) - Listened to news and music. Moved to field. Issued 10-1 rations. We get priority on equipment. Took 1st bath in 2 wks. Issued all new clothes, shoes and other equipment. Received 50 letters in last 2 days.
4/16/44 (4/18/44) - Going to church tomorrow. Issued 10-1. Plane crashed, killed one another one badly hurt. Rained most of day. 2nd plt. Came off hill.
4/17/44 (4/19/44) - Issued MA rations. We are allowed to write 2"V" mail letters and say were in Burma.
NOTE: This is a scene fron the Easter Service, after the seige at Nphum Ga was broken. The service was attended by people of all faiths. Click on the photo to see a larger size, then click on the BACK button at the top of your browser to return to this page.
4/18/44 (4/20/44) - Rest of outfit coming off of hill today. Believe it or not we are having close order drill 4 miles from Japs. C-47 plane crashed on paddy field several hurt.
4/19/44 (4/21/44) - Moved to another area. Field inspection tomorrow. Cleaned up area. Close order drill again today.
4/20/44 (4/22/44) - Inspection of area today. Have chute for tent, sleep on 4 chutes. Eating good.
4/21/44 (4/23/44) - Drill schedule today. It really rained big drops as big as dimes.It sleeted also. That's something unusual in Burma.
4/22/44 (4/24/44) - Suppose to move? After Chinese take over places. Moved to front of hill, issued C-rations. Chinese came in.
NOTE: Crashed C-47. Click on the photo to see a larger size, then click on the BACK button at the top of your browser to return to this page.
4/23/44 (4/25/44) - Slept OK last nite. Sending out patrols. Move out tomorrow. Got some magazines. A lot of write ups in there about us.
4/24/44 (4/26/44) - Go 8 mi. to rendezous area. Some in plt. sick mostly malaria. 5 men dropped out, too sick. Really hottest day I've hiked yet. Sick evacuated. Took swim and washed clothes in river.
4/25/44 (4/27/44) - Slept OK. Another man evacuated. I have 11 of them left, 19 in all. Walked 8 miserable miles up and down hills, heat is bad.
4/26/44 (2/28/44) - Move out 8:15am. Went over hills 4 miles. Got to area 1pm. Stay here 2 days. issued 5 day rations. Joe Stilwell here. I guess it's another mission. Mortar setctions attached to I.R. Have 16 men in plt. now