5/18/44 (5/20/44) - Never slept to good, moaquitoes about ate me alive. Moved toward Myitkyina on a good road. Signs of Jap trucks on sand. Went 8 mi. Went into village close to Myitkyina. It's (350 people) populated. It's the largest village I've seen in Burma. Japs hit us, we had one wounded. They withdrew. They had plenty of food and ammo.
5/19/44 (5/21/44) - Rained this morning. Jap stragglers ran into us and high tailed. Out of rations, lucky 2 had some extra. Issued 1K and 1C. Got big write up and over radio, news about us. Been on go in Burma, 4 months.
5/20/44 (5/22/44) - Rained last nite. Alot of fireing around Myitkyina. Oil dumps and ammo dumps burning from shelling. 80 more miles and road to China will be open. Moved again, getting water from swamps.
5/21/44 (5/23/44) - Mosquitoes about ate me up, no sleep. Raining today. Might be out of here 30th of month. Moved on toward road block. Japs hit us. We bivouaced for nite. Japs came into village at one end and we left the other end. Japs "E" mortared us a lot, no one hurt. Our artillery ran them out of village.
5/22/44 (5/24/44) - Slept good last nite, except the Jap mortaring. Moved back to village. Issued 2 day rations. We mistook Chinks for Japs, artillered them. Rained me out of tent.
5/23/44 (5/25/44) - Rain flooded me out, slept in cow barn with cows. Still raining. Merrill's (Marauders getting) a lot of puplicity. Last 4 months been living on K rations. Got plt. C.P. in cow barn. Sent out patrols.
5/24/44 (5/26/44) - Chinks fired all nite. They really burned up ammo. Japs got in perimater. Killed 2 officers and four men wounded, about 6 men. Move to railroad and block it. A lot of fish on the ground. Out of rations.
5/25/44 (5/27/44) - Hope we get rations today. 2 nites ago we killed 75 Japs. Rained a lot. 3 day K. A lot of men evacuated. Jap patrol hit us. No one hurt. One Jap prisoner, he was wounded, he finally died.
5/26/44 (5/28/44) - A lot of firing last nite. One wounded. Raining this morning. Col. Beach called to field, I hope it's about getting us out of here. Engineers relieved our co. we go up on left flank of chinks.
5/27/44 (5/29/44) - Bullets was sure flying around our area last nite. The only way to get the men out of Burma is to evacuate them.(I have 8 riflemen left out of the original 34 men) I feel sorta lonesome with most of plt. evacuated. It's like being away from home a long time, which I've been over 3 years. I hope Myitkyina falls soon.
5/28/44 (5/30/44) - Had good nite sleep in long time. Slept in 3 ft. fox hole. Engineers filling in perimeter. I have a M.D. tag now to get on transport.
5/29/44 (6/1/44) - I hope I am one of 25 that's evacuated today. I was one. Went to field got on transport.