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T/Sgt. James F. McGuire
3/25/44 - 3/30/44

McGuire Diary 3/25/44 DATE:
3/25/44 (3/27/44) - Slept in village. Moved out 5am went to another village. Japs hot on our trail. Orange I&R ambushed 30 Japs. Moved to another village ate breakfast, washed up washed clothes, get dropping tomorrow. Rained cat and dogs. Be glad when we get out of here. Marched in rain carried liter cases up and down hills. 2 Jap Ban's trying to surround us. Got wounded out by plane. We were in a trap and never knew it. The old man above was with us.

McGuire Diary page 3/26/44-3/28/44 3/26/44 (3/28/44) - Slept OK lastnite. Heard Barn Dance last nite, 1st time in 2 yrs. Move to another village 5 mi., get dropping there. Got 2 day rations at dropping. Went on patrol saw no Japs. A lot of Japs headed this way. Got my fill of rice today. Took bath.
3/27/44 (3/29/44) - Move today. Walked 428 mi so far in burma. Crossed same river 50 times. Went up that dreaded hill, 3100 ft up. took 2 hrs to go up it. By passed B Bn. and bivouaced for night.
3/28/44 (3/30/44) - B Bn. was attacked by Japs, they were shelled. Had a lot of wounded. we are heading back into hills for safety. We were behind Japs lines to far. Moved on to another village. Set up block for dropping. Planes taking out wounded. get dropping tonite.

McGuire Diary3/29/44-3/30/44 DATE:
3/29/44 (3/31/44) - Never got dropping lastnite, get it today. Our planes straffed and bombed Japs. B Bn. is surrounded and Japs are shelling the hell out of them. B BN. has a lot of wounded and dead but can't get them out, there hurting. Our clothes are torn, shoes no good and to think the U.S.A. is well equipped. We are a sorry looking bunch. In 4 days B Bn. has had 30 casualties. Planes holding Japs off. Kachines helping us out, they have Tommy guns. Ran out of rations lastnite. Rice has been a life saver.
3/30/44 (4/1/44) - Fighters straffing Japs again today. Japs sure are catching hell. day before yesterday received letters from Charles and aunt Ethel, it was dropped, 1st mail in 2 mo's. Got 10 - 1 rations 3 days K, plenty to eat. Got fried chicken, apple turn overs, jam and bread. Chinese due in anytime. Got badly needed clothes and shoes.

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