3/5/44 (3/7/44) - Still no food, no food for 2 days. We have walked 242 mi so far, 175 mi into Burma. Stay here to nite. Orange mowing them down that are charging across river.
3/6/44 (3/8/44) - Moved below village. Japs shelled us with artillery and mortars. We got so close to their guns the concussion shook us. Shells going over our heads all day. Dug in with knife and helmets. I've got charge of 6 mortars. Moved out after dark, we were in a trap. Got lost it took 5 hrs to get out. Ran into our own booby traps, 4 hurt. Got out 4 A.M.. No Rations. Chinese here now. They've took over.
3/7/44 (3/9/44) - Got 1 day rations. Last nite could hear Japs trucks moving all nite. Move back 4 mi to-day. At Walaubum we killed from 200 to 300 Japs. Got plenty of rations, one do-nut and some rice. Moved 8 mi to another dropping. Had 1st good meal in week. Walked another 11 to make room for chinks headquarters. Supposed to get much needed rest.
3/8/44 (3/10/44) - Probably stay here 2 days. Hear Chinese shelling Japs. Cooked some eggplant. I wonder if my x-mas package arrived yet. Living on rice and eggplant. Heard over radio about our fighting at Walaubum. Heard 1st music I've heard for 1½ mo's.
3/9/44 (3/11/44) - Rice for breakfast, dinner, supper. Heard news for 2nd night. Burs filled up all day. Taking it easy. 5 day rations. Might go back and guard air port. Walked 260 mi. so far. BBC said we killed 300 Japs at Walaubum. No mail for 1½ mo. Be glad when we get out of here.
Note: The rice Sgt. McGuire has been eating, was captured from the Japanese. Most men had only emergancy "K" rations to eat.
3/10/44 (3/12/44) - Had rice three times to-day. Slept most of day. Took swim.
3/11/44 (3/13/44) - Issued 10-1 rations. Suppose to last 2 days. Rations in 2 meals. What a meal! Move out on our new mission tomorrow. 14 mi. tomorrow. Had more than 2 could eat today.
3/12/44 (3/14/44) - Moved out 10:30am. Got a Large pack, 5 days rations. It weighs 45lbs. Be glad when our mission is over. We have 5 days to reach objective. I really was wet with sweat, when we reached bivouac area.
3/13/44 (3/15/44) - Make 12 mi today. Move out 9:30am. Walked 15 mi. I sure was tired and sweaty when we stopped for day. Bivouacked by river. Had rice pudding, I really like it the way I fix it.
3/14/44 (3/16/44) - Our plt. Leads. Walked 14 mi. Bivouacked in good area. Been crossing rivers every day, wet feet. Got dropping. Rained tonight.