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T/Sgt. James F. McGuire
2/25/44 - 3/4/44

McGuire Diary 2/25/44-2/29/44 DATE:
2/25/44 - moved out this A.M. Walked 14 mi. Bivouaced in bambo over night. crossed 2 rivers not bad going.
2/26/44 - Supposed to go 5 mi. to get supply dropping. Got dropping for all outfits, our plt. worked it. Got one do-nut. One of our I & R's hit Japs. We had one wounded. Chinese close by have Japs surrounded and are killing them all.
2/27/44 - 10 mi. to-day. went 10 mi. B. Bn I & R boy got killed in fight with Japs. It was a machine gun. Japs seem to be retreating. Rained alot, crossed several rivers. Wet feet.
2/28/44 - Went 4 mi. our plt point.Thorne hit me in eye, it really hurts. Got headache from it. Get dropping to-morrow. splept most of day.

Note: Boy that got killed was Pvt. Robert Landis, The first marauder to be Killed In Action.

Note: Sgt. McGuire due to the stress of combat made a mistake and added 2 days to February. From this point on the real date will be in ( ).

2/29/44(3/1/44) - Our plt. sent out to secure other side of river. Saw a lot of Burmanese women and men dead in village, Japs killed them. Dogs eating on their bodies. It stinks. Theyre some Burma guides with us. Marched 14 mi. mostly to-night, hard going, too dark to hike, but we have our mission to reach in few days. We attack Jap plt. to-morrow. Get dropping to-morrow.

McGuire Diary page 2/30/44-3/02/44 2/30/44(3/2/44) - Moved out, supposed to hit them to-day. Walked 11 hr, went 18 mi. Japs moved out of positions. Get dropping to-morrow A.M. To-day hard day, it's really hot. Crossed River 4 times. Saw alot of natives that have come back to this Village. Japs left them.
3/1/44(3/3/44) - On guard at dropping. No water, got plenty water from bambo. Walked all night. It really was dark. Get dropping to-morrow and attack Japs.

Note: As bamboo grows it forms ribs that make the bamboo into a series of cylinders placed end to end. Sometimes, if your lucky, you find water (bamboo juice) in these sections.

3/2/44(3/4/44) - Walked until 8:30am been walking 12 hours no rest. Get dropping Never had any sleep. Heard chinks machine gunning and morter Japs. Walked 9 mi. Got dropping, within 6 mi of Japs. Been on go for 40 hrs, very little sleep.

McGuire Diary3/3/44-3/4/4/44 DATE:
3/3/44(3/5/44) -Our I & R ran into Japs squad. No one hurt seriously, just nicks. Tanks is supposed to help us. Japs left steak ready to eat, when we hit them. One outfit captured a few Japs. Been going now for 3 days and nites. It's really been tough. Whent 10 ni to-day. Hit japs nearobjective, killed 5 japs one was officer. Bivouaced for nite. We are here now
3/4/44(4/6/44) - Crossed river to-day to take Walaubum. They're alot of Japs here. Japs attacked us this morning. They gave us hell. 5 of ours wounded. We killed one if not more of them. our mortars made them fall back. We have little ammo and no food.It looks like Japs evacuating this valley. Heard Japs trucks last nite Orange I & R crossed river we had. Killed several wounded. Planes straffed and bombed the village. Noon, still no food We goy anmmo dropping and no food. Small cubs took wounded out, we built air field on paddy field. One crashed. Still in same positions.

Evac. Plane

NOTE:This is a close-up of an Evac. Plane. Planes carried one litter and the pilot. Only equipment was a compass. Click on photo to see a larger size, then click on the back button at the top of your browser to return to this page.

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