Commanding Officer
5307th Composite Unit (Provisional)
December 11, 1955
of Youngstown Ohio
First Marauder Killed In Action
February 25, 1944
Click On The Letter Of The Last Name To Search
Names Are Listed In The Following Format
Last Name,First | Serial # | Rank | Date Passed On
= Killed In Action Or
Died While In The C.B.I. Theater
= Original 5307th
*= Joined the Marauders for the battle of Myitkyina.
**= Member of 124th Calvary, 475th Infantry or Mars Task Force.
This Page Last Updated: April 22, 2002
Abato, Albert - 31383798 - Pvt. - 5307th/475th - May 6, 1996
Abbott, Brut E. - 32838664 - Pvt. - 5307th/475th - January 5, 2003
Abbott, Dale E. - 36481467 - Pfc. - 5307th - October 9, 2007
Abbott, Fred D. - 11013588 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - August 15, 2004
Abernathy, Tom W. - 34119172 - Sgt. - 5307th - 1977
Acker, John A. - 34104668 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - June 16, 1993
Acree, Howard W. - 35697516 - Pfc. - 5307th - June 11, 1981
Adams, Anthony J. - 20607202 - Pvt. - 5307th - February 1, 1977
Adams, DeWitt C. - 36319152 - Pfc. - January 1976
Adams, Donald R. - 31284990 - Pfc. - K.I.A. June 11, 1944
Adams, Gustove R. - 37272322 - Pfc. - 5307th - October 5, 1991
Adams, Jack G. - 6859130 - Pfc. - 5307th - February 13, 1989
Adams, Leon J. - 7009813 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - August 22, 1984
Adams, Maurice S. - 13016821 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - April 16, 2005
Adams, Robert V. - 13111930 - Sgt (Field Com. to Lt) - 5307th/475th - November 25, 1987
Adams, William J. - 36179713 - T/4. - 5307th Med - July 2, 1990
Adkins, John R. - 19056534 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - February 23, 2003
Agner, Fred C. - 7085160 - Sgt. - 5307th - December 7, 1986
Aguila, Hernamdo I. - 501653 - Capt. - Medical - Unknown
Ahearn, George L. - 31263643 - 124th - May 12, 2007
Ahern, James B. - 3735867 - Pfc. - 5307th - October 12, 1981
Ahlfors, George F. - 37270105 - Cpl. - 5307th - 1974
Akui, David M. - 20011820 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - About 1996
Albanese, Vincent - 6145985 - T/Sgt. - 5307th/475th - February 1, 1986
Albert, John - 32750996 - Pvt. - K.I.A. July 2, 1944
Albert, Matteo M. - 33366673 - Cpl. - 5307th - January 1, 1966
Albright, Robert C. - 33263701 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - December 5, 2001
Alexander, Donald R. - 12051317 - Pfc. - 5307th - April, 1989
Alexander, William P. - 34922512 - Pfc. - 475th - March 9, 1989
Allen, Clifford, - 6388499 - Sgt. - 5307th - June 13,1988
Allen, Dewie J. - 38215163 - Pvt. - 5307th - K.I.A. March 29, 1944
Shaduzup, BURMA
Allen, Elmer J. - 34578883 - Pvt. - 5307th - July, 7, 2004
Allen, Eugene - 37240530 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. March 29, 1944
Shaduzup, BURMA
Allen, Horace - 11106646 - Pfc. - 475th - April 1, 1996
Allen, John P. - 35016145 - Pfc. - 5307th - August 28, 2010
Allen, Samuel T. - 38250071 - Cpl. - 124th - June 29, 1961
Allison, William W. - 34496463 - T/4. - 5307th - April 17,2001
Altman, George D. - 33671944 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - December 12, 1980
Alvarez (Arias), Eladio M. - 32509474 - Cpl. - February 11, 1999
Alverez, Sandolio C. - 34543586 - Pvt. - K.I.A July 1, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Amacher, Malcolm E. - 33274545 - Pvt. - 5307th - October 1, 1979
Ames, Arthur JR. - 32735589 - Pvt. - K.I.A. June 11, 1944
Ammon, Edward C. - 7023130 - Lt. - 5307th - January 3, 1998
Ammon, Francis - 16007660 - Pvt. - November 16, 1991
Amyotte, Alfred H. - 37305140 - T/4 - 5307th - June 18, 1988
Anderson, Bill E. - 15382513 - Pvt. - K.I.A. June 14, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Anderson, Leroy A. - 17018437 - ?. - 124th Cav. - July 13, 2000
Anderson, William J. - 20633573 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - July 8, 1978
Anderson, Wilmot A. - 39081709 - Sgt. - 5307th - July 1, 1986
Andrews, Charles F. - 18004541 - Pvt. - 5307th - January 26, 2010
Andruss, Walter E. - 0425227 - 1st Lt. - July 1980
Angelo, William J. - 13092688 - Sgt - 5307th - June 16, 2009
Angelos, James - 15106707 - Sgt - 5307th/475th - August 4, 2009
Angolano, Frank H. - 31253940 - T/5 - 475th - February 12, 2006
Ankeney, Charles S. - 33372291 - T/5 - 5307th - 1974
Antonelli, Louis P. - 6145964 - Sgt. - 5307th - April 9, 2007
Anzalone, Beniamin L. - 32495674 - Cpl. - 5307th - August 1, 1991
Apicerno, Peter P. - 31290362 - 475th - Pvt. - November 4 2008
Applegate, James H. - 1324694 - 1st Lt. - February 22,2002
Archer, Herbert S. - 33360781 - T/4 - 5307th - March 28,1989
Arias, Eladio M. - 32509474 - Cpl. - 5307th - February 11, 1999
Armour, Charles Jr. - 34084361 - T/5 - 31st QM PK - May 7, 1976
Arms, Jack G. - 6859130 - Pfc. - 5307th - February 13, 1989
Arnett, Willard C. - 15061160 - Sgt. - 5307th - K.I.A. March 31,1944
(Naphum Ga, Burma)
Arnold, Jack - 38683383 - Pvt. - 475th - Janurary 24 2003
Aros, Adolph C. - 39856921 - Sgt. - 475th - May 3, 2003
Arredondo, Ben R. - 38031200 - Pfc. - March 26, 1991
Arsenault, Robert J. - 31319171 - Pfc. - K.I.A. July 2, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Arthur, Burrell - 35790336 - Pvt. - K.I.A. August 4, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Ashcraft, Calvin C. - 35790838 - Pvt. - K.I.A. June 15, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Ashbrook, Ray F. - 20507466 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 29, 1964
Asher, Joe V. - 38246275 - T/4. - 5307th - July 20, 2007
Askew, Olin D. - 34200705 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - October 2, 1993
Astrausky, Stanley B. - 33302496 - Pfc. - 5307th - August 3, 2005
Atherton, Ralph J. - 36708619 - Pvt - 5307th - December 22, 2011
Atkins, Charles S. - 34172346 - T/5 - 5307th - March 21, 1999
Atkinson, Samuel R. - 34304191 - T/5 - 5307th - July 18, 1977
Atwood, Robert E. - 0-11179009 - 1st Lt. - 5307th - July 30, 1979
Aucoin, Arthur - 31290627 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th December 2, 2006
Auerback, Morris - 33170181 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - Octomber 10, 2011
Ault, Hugh - 35429855 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - August 30, 1990
Austin, Floyd R. - 32838650 - Pfc. - K.I.A. February 25 1946
Averett, Thomas W. - 6592529 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - About 1974
Avery, Darrell L. - 16110543 - Pfc. - K.I.A. 1944
Avery Inamn N. - 14081840 - T/5 - 5307th - March 25, 1995
Avery James A. - 1284988 - 1st Lt. - 5307th - October 7, 2007
Avola, Salvatore P. - 11024259 - Sgt. - 475th - KIA Unknown 1944
Axe, Glenn C. - 33501781 - Pfc. - November 19, 1998
Aydt, William J. Jr. - 12010746 - 1st Sgt. - 5307th - September 12, 2001
Ayers, Alfred L. - 34096370 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - December 5, 1986
Ayoob, Joseph - 33164256 - Pfc. - 5307th - October 24, 2009
Baaba, Edward. - 36709321 - Cpl. - 5307th - 1989
Baase, Charles F. - 16062150 - T/5. - 5307th - March 1, 2010
Baca, Lawrence E. - 38100676 - T/5 - 5307th - August 10, 1945
Bacharach, Robert L. - 13129702 - T/5 - 1972
Bader, William R. - 33573161 - Sgt. - K.I.A. June 12, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Bagley, Luther E. - 34440458 - Pfc. - K.I.A. July 25, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Bailey, Benjanmin F. - 36741808 - Pfc. - 5307th - April 11, 2011
Bailey, William C. - 38665628 - T/5. - 612 FA - Unknown
Baker, Fred - 6985896 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - Mar 26, 1996
Baker, Lawrence J. - 20746150 - 5307th - M/Sgt. - Date Unknown, 1984
Baker, Walter E. - 34087104 - Pfc - 5307th - December 26, 1986
Baker, Wendell J. - 37123924 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. - May 24, 1944
(14 Evac. Typhus)
Ball, Milton P. - 34188651 - Cpl. - 5307th - November 18, 1986
Ballard, James C. - 20942420 - M/Sgt - 5307th - Date Unknown, 1980
Ballard, Jesse C. - 32833797 - Pfc. - K.I.A. August 2, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Baluk, Jesse C. - 13028659 - Pfc. - 5307th - Octomber 4, 1994<1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Bame, Charles H. - 35422015 - Pfc. - K.I.A. June 24, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Bane, Robert L. - 35696975 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - November 9, 2008
Banks, Charles E. - 37444449 - Pfc. - 5307th - Janurary 20 2005
Banks, Earest c. - 38106827 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 26, 1991
Bannon, Joseph S. - 32296760 - Pfc. - 5307th - October 1, 1977
Barber, Lester C. - 35604057 - Sgt. - 475th - January 1, 2004
Barnes, Horace M. - 34114224 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - Date Unknown
Barnes, Robert E. - 34430096 - Pfc. - 5307th - May 17, 1999
Barrett, Robert S. - 7001543 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - June 6, 1994
Barranco, John J. - 6719358 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - March 31, 1997
Rev. Barrett, Thomas E. - 00000000 - K.I.A. June 4, 1944
(20th Gen. Hosp. India)
Barrow, Bert Jr. - 37430361 - Pfc. - December 30 1943
Bartell, Robert H. - 36709523 - T/5 - 5307th/475th - March 8, 1984
Bartiromo, Pasquale S. - 32805097 - Pfc. - K.I.A. July 12, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Bartolovich, Pete W. - 35021686 - Sgt. - 5307th - January 20, 1991
Barton, Howard T. - 13010371 - Cpl. - 5307th - February 13, 1963
Barton, Milburn M. - 00000000 - Sgt. - K.I.A. May 24, 1944
(Chaparte, Burma)
Bassano, Anthony L. - 32605504 - ???. - 124th Cav. - November 13, 2002
Bassetti,T. Joseph - 32099426 - Pfc. - 5307th - April 1, 2011
Bateman, Andrew J. - 39694451 - T/5. - 475th - May 1, 2013
Bates, Richard D. - 20151358 - Pfc. - 5307th - January 7, 1993
Bates, Willis S. - 693353 - T/5 - 5307th - December 7, 1997
Battcher, Fred H. - 36226746 - T/5 - 5307th - October 22, 1988
Bauman, Bernard N. - 00000000 - OSS - K.I.A. 1944
Beach, Charles E. - 0-273885 - Col. - 5307th - July 1954
Beach, Rex - 0-65238 - Capt. - 5307th - May 3, 1999
Beard, Robert E. - 37664198 - T/5. - 5307th - December 9, 2017
Beard, Vernon L. - 01794738 - 1st Lt. - 5307th - Date Unknown
Beattie, Earnest H. - 20509672 - 5307th - Setember 1, 1990
Beaupre, Gerald J. - 31317191 - Pfc 5307th/475th - July 21, 1997
Beck, Robert. - 35725498 - Pvt. - 5307th/475th - July 8, 1983
Becker, Gene A. - 1315259 - Lt. - 5307th/475th - November 14, 1983
Behers, George F. - 33252280 - Pvt. - 5307th - October 21, 2005
Belk, Julian D. - 14009065 - T/5 - K.I.A. October 5, 1944
Bender, Fred - 32808227 - Pvt. - 475th - 21 November 5, 1985
Benefield, Clyde B. - 34356876 - Pfc. - 5307th - Spetember 3, 1980
Benfield, John K. Jr. - 0424009 - Cpt. - 5307th - February 23, 1977
Bengtson, Harold L. - 11968134 - Pfc. - 5307th - June 19, 2002
Benner, Clayton E. - 31184385 - Pvt - 5307th - Ocyober 24, 2003
Bennett, George L. - 35712353 - Pfc. - K.I.A. July 1, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Bennett, Marion D. - 36653262 - Pvt. - May 15, 1986
Benson, Stanley G. - 39130071 - T/5 - 5307th - April 16, 1982
Benson, Stanley L. - 39375008 - T/5 - 5307th - December 1, 1989
Bentley, Harrold E. - 39472641 - Pfc. - 475th - February 18, 2007
Berg, Harrold L. - 0-1017696 - OSS - K.I.A. December 18, 1944
Berger, David S. - 32494933 - Pvt. - 5307th - October 5, 2001
Bergman, Paul K. - 01294071 - 1st Lt. - 5307th - Stember 18,1997
Bernardi, Joseph R. - 36586775 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 7 2007
Bernstein, James J. - 00000000 - OSS - K.I.A. 1944
Berrett, Harold J. - 11018122 - Pvt. - K.I.A. June 5, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Berstler, Royal R. - 549491 - 2nd Lt. - 475th - K.I.A. - January 1, 1945.
Berter, Robert T. - 35789635 - Pfc. - 475th - Date Unknown, 2002
Bertrand, Felix - 6592366 - Pfc. - 5307th - January 1, 1982
Bethke, Stanley J. - 6134215 - S/Sgt. - K.I.A. June 5, 1944
(Myitkyina, Burma)
Bettis, Billy B. - 34772728 - Pvt. - 5307th/475th - July 3, 1998
Beurala, Carl - 35789635 - 209th Eng - March 12, 1989
Bey, Rueben M. - 20649202 - 1st/Sgt. - 5307th - August 24, 1982
Bias, Charles A. - 35208149 - Pfc. - K.I.A. April 7, 1944
(Nhpum Ga, Burma)
Bice, Desera - 2063573 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - December 1, 1997
Bickford, Walter A. - 20105956 - T/5 - 5307th - June 21, 1991
Bickle, Harry S. - 39861129 - Pfc. - 475th - October 10, 1982
Bieker, Bernard C. - 37390342 - T/5. - 5307/33 QM PK - March 16, 2014
Biesiadecki, George A. - 12026439 - M/Sgt. - 5307th - January 1, 1966
Bigelow, Harold C. - 00000000 - xxx. - 236th Eng. - June 11, 1992
Bigiarelli, Italio P. - 35758425 - Sgt. - 475th - July 28, 2004
Binter, William J. - 36808011 - Pvt. - 5307th - March 12, 2013
Bingham, Melvin E. - 14097666 - Cpl. - 5307th - Unknown
Biondo, Paul F. - 31072164 - Pfc. - 5307th - August 25, 2010
Birkenbach, Stephen F. - 36585916 - S/Sgt. - 475th - February 10, 1986
Birky, Glen H. - 36480813 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 28, 1968
Birr, Clarence L. - 39619865 - Pfc. - 475th - July 22, 1999
Bishop, William A. - 37244229 - S/Sgt - 5307th - August 16, 2018
Bixby, Kenneth - 20104316 - S/Sgt - 5307th - May 26 2004
Black, Frank N. - 00000000 - xxx. - 612 FA - September 1, 2002
Black, Louis - 33153543 - Cpl. - K.I.A. - March 30, 1944
(Nhpum Ga Burma)
Blackeby, Harold W. - 32810689 - Pfc. - 1994
Blaho, Andrew - 13089562 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - July 6, 1993
Blain, Sherill T. - 36414909 - Cpl. - 5307th - Date Unknown
Blair, Harry F. - 12063150 - Pfc. - 5307th - November 8, 1988
Blair, Melvin R. - 000000 - Col. - 209th/124th - RHF - April 19, 2008
Blais, Hector E. - 31082909 - Pfc. - 5307th - January 23, 1990
Blake, Hewbell B. - 14020013 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 21, 1986
Blazier, George O. - 36610620 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - July 23, 1998
Bledsoe, Garlie W. - 31096389 - Pvt. - October 6, 1998
Blevens, Griswold W. - 31266958 - Pfc. - K.I.A. June 16, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Blevens, James T. - 35697661 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - August 20, 1970
Bliss, Lewis W. - 6592526 - Pvt. - 5307th - 1992
Blissett, Hobert L. - 35712376 - Pfc. - April 17, 1993
Block, Edawrd J. - 36359582 - Pfc. - 5307th - November 22, 1970
Blocker, James K. - 0-413148 - Cpt. - October 27,1993
Bodozian, Stephen - 31298646 - Sgt. - October 28, 1999
Bogardus, Thomas E. - 0396019 - Capt. - 5307th - May 24, 1999
Boggs, Harlass D. - 13016657 - T/5. - 5307th - About 1968
Boggs, Kenneth J. - 34606388 - T/5. - 475th - October 1, 2008
Boggs, Richard - 00000000 - XXX. - 612 FA pk - February 4, 1994
Boiteau, Robert A. - 31164673 - Pvt. - 5307th - February 28, 2002
Bokelman, Raymond J. - 32306750 - Pfc. - K.I.A. April 7, 1944
(NHPUM GA, Burma)
Bombons, George W. - 15015464 - T/5. - 475 - July 18, 1989
Bonfiglio, Joseph J. - 35048357 - Pvt. - 5307th/475th - November 24, 1995
Bonner, Harry M. - 33849246 - Pvt. - 475th - October 24, 1990
Bonnyman, George G. - 00000000 - Pvt. - FA - July 30, 2004
Bookner, Max M. - 6908112 - Sgt. - 5307th - August 8, 1985
Boone, Paul - 6908112 - Sgt. - 475th - April 28, 1999
Boone, Hiram V. - 33657455 - Capt. - 5332 612 FA PK - November 26, 2012
Boone, William H. - 37394524 - T/5. - 5307th - July 8, 2009
Bostwick, Dale R. - 35002538 - Sgt. - K.I.A. June 6, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Bosley, Calvert E. - 33558696 - Pfc. - 5307th/475 - August 24, 2008
Botts, Luther B. - 01292460 - 1st Lt. - 5307th - About 1972
Bouchard, Paul E. - O-1308792 - 2nd Lt. - 475th - May 17 2002
Boucher, George J. - 31025315 - Pfc. - 5307th - September 20, 1987
Bougie, Robert F. - 20745645 - Pvt. - 5307th - December 12, 1973
Bounds, Marvin B. - 34491491 - Pfc. - 5307th - Octbor 20, 1982
Bowen, Seabrook - 14004255 - Sgt. - 5307th - July 10, 1997
Bower, Charles R. - 33501157 - Pfc. - Octomber 13, 1988
Bower, Richard H. - 33849583 - Pfc. - March 30, 1997
Bowers, Elbert G. Jr. - 14124579 - Pfc.- 5307th - October 24, 1997
Bowers, George J. - 33110318 - T/3 - January 27, 2002
Bowles, Victor C. - 34038959 - Pfc. - 5307th - Date Unknown
Bowser, George J. - 20646887 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - September 21, 1986
Boyd, Charles R. -36169468 - SPfc. - 5307th - May 23, 2000
Boyko, Anthony - 13009563 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - March 7, 1998
Boyko, Frank M. - 31285156 - Pfc. - April 07, 2000
Boyle, Thomas J. - 31236380 - T/5 - December 26, 1986
Braaten, Raymond L. - 37380351 - Pfc. - K.I.A. March 10, 1944
(Warong Burma)
Brabazon, Harry - 33335714 - Pfc. - December 1, 1985
Braccio, Arthur - 32736179 - Pfc - 475th - Unknown
Bracik, George - 35607179 - 124th Cav. - July 4, 1999
Braden, Ray C. - 6584251 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - Date Unknown
Brader, William S. - 33616918 - S/Sgt. - March 12, 1999
Bradfeord, Ewing A. - 34985596 - Pfc. - 475 - September 1, 2007
Bradley, John A.. - 01315781 - Maj. - 5307th - 1984
Bradley, Tim L.- 17011199 - S/Sgt. - K.I.A. June 1, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Bradosky, Charles - 33669896 - Pvt. - 5307th - August 20, 1992
Bradt, Frederick W. - 0-33410314 - Cpl. - 475 - April 14, 2005
Bragg, Stanley H. - 31519583 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - July 4, 1986
Brainard, Edward L. - 0-439203 - 1st Lt. - January 18, 1989
Branscomb, Clarence B. - 39008775 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - December 22, 2015
Branthafer, Floyd B. - 33756842 - Pvt - 5307/475th - June 30, 2011
Brasher, Jesse G. - 34377803 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 22. 2015
Brattlof, Kenneth O. - 0-1308262 - 2nd Lt. - 5307th - June 10, 1984
Bredenberg, Leonard - 35872311 - 612th FA PK - July 20 2000
Bresee, Robert O. - 36442575 - Pvt. - 5307th - May 31, 1949
Bressette, Roland O. - 31452785 - Pvt. - 475 - March 24, 2013
Bressler, Raymond - 13116687 - Pfc. - K.I.A. April 3, 1944
Brewer, Samuel Lee - xxxxxxxx - xxx. - 475 - April 16, 1996
Bridges, Leo L. - 36434318 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 16, 2000
Briggs, Edwin J. - 0-358112 - Col. - 5307th - October 2, 2001
KCT Commander
Brighenti, John C. - 31452774 - Pfc. - February 1, 1997
Bright, William T. - 0-1298812 - 1st Lt. - 5307th - K.I.A. May 1, 1944
(20th Generenal Typhus)
Brigman, Roy M. - 34304104 - Sgt. - 5307th - December 26, 2001
Brink, Francis G. - 0-10239 - Col. - 5307th - April 4, 1982
Bristol, Milton B. - 0-1322129 - 1st Lt. - August 8, 1996
Broadbooks, Lewis F. - 0-1299677 - 1St Lt. - K.I.A. July 22, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Brooks, George R. - 39410916 - Pfc. - K.I.A. June 16, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Brophy, William M. - 07041243 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. April 9, 1944
Brothers, Sheridan H. - 35697007 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - January 1, 1973
Broullard, Gerard J. - 20104747 - Pfc. - 5307th - September 1, 1977
Brown, Aaron C. - 32288679 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - April 9, 1991
Brown, Arthur J. - 20740774 - Pvt. - March 1,1978
Brown, EDward P. - 13108463 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 4, 2010
Brown, Frank R. - 0-164585 - 2nd Lt. - 5307th - Unknown 2007
Brown, Harvey A. - 36436940 - Pfc. - 5307th - July !, 1987
Brown, James H. - 36368453 - Pfc. - 5307th - September 1, 1978
Brown, James W. - 35814577 - Pvt. - 475th - December 15, 2009
Brown, John N. - 1302770 - 2nd Lt - K.I.A. Jun2 28, 1944
Brown, Lavern F. - 36428386 - Pvt. - 5307th - K.I.A. 1944
Brown, LeRoy - 31019775 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. April 1, 1944
(NHPUM GA, Burma)
Brown, Robert C. - 20502321 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - Unknow , 1983
Brown, Wendll A - 35630919 - Pfc. - K.I.A. July 13, 1944
(Mitkyina, Burma)
Brown, William V. - 34019439 - Cpl. - 5307th - October 4, 2003
Brown, Wyatt C. - 38699013 - Cpl. - 5307th - March 28, 1983
Browning, William L. - 36525732 - Pvt. - May 13, 1985
Brubeck, Shields A. - 0-421011 - Capt. - 1984
Bruneau Clarence J. - 6904202 - Sgt. - 5307th - K.I.A. 4 March 1944
(WALABUM, Burma)
Bruno, Alfonso - 33585405 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - February 7, 1988
Bryant, Howard S. - 39686029 - Sgt. - 5307th - July 13, 2008
Bryner, Edgar J. - 13012832 - Cpl. - 5307th - January 8, 1985
Buchton, John _ 33365299 - Sgt. - 5307th 2nd BCT - April 2, 2010
Buckler, John P. _ 6997280 - Pvt. - 5307th 1st RCT - April 17, 1998
Buckley, Tomothy T. _ 36327806 - Pvt. - 5307th 3rd Bn KCT - November 20, 2000
Buckley, Walter A. _ 12012020 - T/5. - 5307th 2Bn BCT - March 18, 1974
Buczynsky, Albin _ 12012020 - T/5. - 5307th 2Bn GCT - February 1, 1979
Budge, George H. - 18103622 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 9, 2001
Buffington, James E. - 34207186 - Pvt. - 5307th - October 31, 1989
Buford, Earl D. - 34132687 - Sgt.- 5307th - 1993
Bunton, Joe C. - 35427350 - Pvt. - Date Unknown
Burch, Mitchell L. - 6971705 - Sgt. - Fenruary 1, 1998
Burch, Clarence O. - 0420084 - 1st Lt. - 5307th - march 19, 2000
Burch, Mitchell L. - 6971705 - Sgt. - 5307th/475th - February 1, 1998
Burchard, Albert H. - 16013724 - T/5. - 5307th - February 7, 2004
Burgess, Gilbert J. - 15374007 - T/5. - 5307th - November 25, 1943
Burgoon, David J. - 37229218 - Pfc. - 5307th - September 6, 1987
Burke, Carl - 39161226 - Pfc. - 5307th - February 28,1999
Burke, Malcolm - 11131699 - Pvt. - 12/27/97
Burns, Ronald P. - 32803277 - Pvt. - July 14, 1990
Burt, Lewis D. - 01318411 - 2nd Lt. - March 14, 2000
Bursewitz, Stephen - 32275336 - T/5.- 5307th 2nd Bn - July 2, 1995
Burton, Milburn M. - 6235362 - Sgt. - K.I.A.- May 24, 1990
Bush, Alvin B. - 35723321 - Pvt.- 5307th - June 15, 1990
Bush, Mathis R. - 0548856 - 2nd Lt.- 475thth - February 6, 2011
Bush, Richard M. - 36104874 - Sgt.- 5307th - July 9, 1983
Bushur, Kermit A. - 36742895 - Pfc.- 5307th/475th - July 11, 2009
Bussoletti, Dorando - 0889329 - 1st Lt. - 5307th - Nov. 1959
Butcher, Louis J. - 20634049 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - April 1981
Butler, Alven E. - 36525369 - Pvt. - 5307th - July 8, 1986
Butler, Richard P. - 33175200 - Pvt. - 5307th - K.I.A. - June 4, 1944
Butterfield, Ivan F. - 37458492 - T/5 - 5307th - April 2 1974
Byers, Ernest W. - 20519505 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. April 1, 1944
(Nhpum Ga Burma)
Byers, Peter C. - 13132930 - Pvt. - 5307th - December 19,2001
Byrne, Frederick P. - 32749791 - Pfc. - 475th - August 30, 2008
Cabral, Joseph M. - 31448419 - Pvt. - 475th - January 3, 2009
Cacyuk, John F. - 32255286 - Pfc. - 5307th - 2000
Cady, Fred A. - 1031943 - 2nd Lt. - 5307th - January 11, 1976
Cain, Sylvie - 7083579 - Sgt. - 5307th - 1960
Calaci, Joseph - 31191397 - Pvt. - 5307th - October 1982
Calder, Thomas - E. - 32766507 - Pfc. - 5307th - October 29, 2004
Caldwell, Meredith - 01315781 - 2nd Lt. - 5307th - February 20, 1986
Calfapietra, Alfred - 32695359 - Sgt. - 5307th - December 4, 2003
Callanan, Robert J. - 0-1303591 - 1st lt. - K.I.A. July 2, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Callisto, Anthony R. - 12017591 - Pvt - 5307th - December 25, 2011
Camera, Frank P. - 20134358 - Sgt. - 5307th Medic - March 25, 2000
Cammack, Clarence M. - 36272228 - Pfc. - 5307th - April 19, 2008
Campanella, Dominick - 32806875 - Pvt. - Date Unknown
Campbell, Claude W. - 38535886 - Pvt. - 475th November 1, 1997
Campbell, Donald S. - 33302720 - Pfc. - 5307th - August 10, 2007
Campbell, Elihue - 6647304 - 1st Sgt. - 5307th - May 27, 2004
Campbell, James W. - 32536539 - T/4. - 5307th - Unknown
Campbell, Jay D. Jr. - 36872574 - Sgt. - 5307th/475th August 2, 2003
Cannon, Lewis F. - 7082661 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - January 1, 2004
Canonie, Joe - 36406599 - Pfc. - 5307th - February 22, 1998
Caprari, William - 31062017 - Pfc. - 5307th - January 20, 2016
Caral, Francis J. - 33368015 - Pfc.- 5307th - March 29, 1985
Carbone, John P. - 31018306 - Pvt. - 5307th - June 6, 2005
Carder, Bernard K. - 36073682 - Sgt. - 5307th - K.I.A. April 4, 1944
(Nhpum Ga Burma)
Cardoza, William - Pvt. - 5307th - June 16, 1985
Carey, Roscoe C. - 32639519 - Pfc. - 5307th - January 5, 1992
Carnes, Keith B. - 19000838 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - K.I.A. April 8, 1944
(NHPUM GA, Burma)
Caron, Francis H. - 31319111 - Cpl. - K.I.A. July 26, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Carnahan, William A. - 36373939 - Pfc - 5307th - Unknow
Carpenter, Leland A. - 32854099 - Pfc. - 5307th - February 5, 2001
Carpenter, Wayne G. - 34491509 - Pfc. - 5307th - November 17, 1988
Carr, Robert - 6592336 - Sgt. - 5307th - February 12, 2002
Carrigan, Daniel B. - 36605796 - Pvt. - 5307th - K.I.A. April 4, 1944
(NHPUM GA, Burma)
Carroll, Gerald C. - 36585477 - T/4. - 475th - April 4, 2011
Carroll, James P. - 32521247 - Pfc. - About 1982
Carrozza,Ralph Sr. - 31060121 - Sgt. - 5307th - November 22, 2009
Carter Bernard L. - 35035550 - T/4 - 5307th - Unknow
Carter Clarence C. - 34367552 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 19, 2003
Carter Clarence E. - 6926754 - Cpl. - 5307th - January 1, 2002
Carter George J. - 6572101 - M/Sgt. - 5307th - August 29, 1989
Carter Howard - 35447538 - T/5 - 5307th - August 15, 1982
Carter John H. - 36368347 - Pfc. - 5307th - July 18, 1986
Carter John W. - 33521057 - Pfc. - 5307th - Unknow
Caruso, Angelo J. - 32838645 - Pfc. - 475th Inf. - K.I.A. February 25, 1946
Casey, Edward F. - 32189945 - T/Sgt. - June 12, 1982
Cassidy, John P. - 35547152 - Pfc - 5307th/475th - March 16, 2000
Castagner, Ronald J. - 32582641 - Pfc. - 5307th - September 1, 1977
Castaldo, James N. - 32534411 - T/5 - 5307th - Sept 28, 2009
Castonguay, Lionel B. - 31151780 - T/4 - 5307th - December 6, 2006
Castor, Robert C. - 000000 - B/Gen. - NCAC G1 - December 6, 2006
Castro, Jesus - 39602396 - Pfc. - 5307th - August 1977
Caswell, John M. - 35697597 - Pfc. - 5307th - July 5, 2001
Cattaneo, Charles F. - 39694580 - Pfc. - January 1998
Cauble, Earl D. - 34187375 - 5307th - Sgt. - February 7, 2004
Cavanary, Oliver E. - 20630991 - 5307th - Sgt. - 1979
Celius, Wesley F. - 37438262 - Pfc. - 5307th - May 8, 1978
Cerlanek, Joseph W. - 31316029 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. June 22, 1944
Cervenka Edward - 18226893 - Pfc. - February 6, 1991
Chambers, Raymond K. - 7025667 - Sgt. - 5307th - K.I.A. May 21 1944
Chambers, Walter E. - 36434227 - Pvt.- 5307th/475th - February 18, 1985
Chamales, Theodore T. - 0-5101157 - 2nd Lt. - Det 101, Unkown
Champpel, Harold K. - 36559466 - Pvt.- 5307th - Unknown, 2002
Chance, Hugh L. - 38274072 - Pfc. - 5307th - August 10, 1994
Chandlee, William S. - 33552141 - Pfc - 209th Med - February 13, 2002
Chandler, Alvin W. - 6147693 - T/4 - 5307th - April 30, 2002
Chaney, Eugene - 38321255 - Pvt. - 5307th - February 15, 1967
Chapman, John W. - 32766433 - Pvt. - 5307th - K.I.A. June 24, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Chappel, Harold K. - 36559466 - Pvt. - 5307th - August 14, 2000
Chappell, Oscar - 35790498 - Pfc. - K.I.A. February 25, 1944
Charron, Lorenzo J.- 31155991 - Pfc. - 5307th - May 3, 1999
Chase, Robert N. - 12055592 - Pfc. - 5307th - September 13, 1999
Chaskes, Arthur - 32095600 - Cpl. - April, 1959
Chatham, James J. - 6967876 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - May 25, 2006
Cherubini, Roman - 20226610 - Pvt. - K.I.A. 1944
Chesbro, Frederick R. - 12022752 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - January 26, 1985
Chester, Marvin W. - 7081239 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - May 25, 2005
Chosay, John E. - 12055592 - Pfc. - October 31, 1997 - 475th Inf.
Christian, Alfred H.- 31025051 - Pfc. - 5307th - February 21, 993
Christianson, Harold L.- 36810296 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 10, 1979
Christner, Philip J. - 32251472 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - January 18, 2003
Christopher, Charles E. - 33288180 - 5307th - Pfc. - 1996
Chrysler, Theodore H. - 6592420 - XXX. - 612 FA PK - December 19, 1998
Chubbic, Raymond W.- 6592420 - Pfc. - 5307th - July 1, 1999
Ciafre, Rogger - 33586186 - Pfc. - November 7, 2002
Cianflocco, Alferd J. - 33433116 - Pvt. - K.I.A. July 1, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Ciccolella, John B. - 32202712 - Cpl. - 5307th - November 12, 2007
Ciotti, Frances X. - XXXXXXXX - XXX. - 475th - SMarch 25, 1997
Cipolla, Daniel A. - 32550437 - Pfc. - 5307th - May 11, 2008
Clann, Herbert J. - 36125705 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - September 9, 2008
Clapp, Aubrey H. - 0-1298194 - 1st Lt. - 5307th - June 16, 2000
Clapp, William H. - 35543369 - Pvt. - 5307th - December 23, 2000
Clark, George B. - 20646049 - M/Sgt. - 5307th - January 25, 2001
Clark, Harold C. - 19020789 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - September 1, 2000
Clark, Harold L. - 1288705 - Capt. - K.I.A. January 18, 1945
Clark, James W. - 14035685 - T/4 - 5307th - July 25, 1996
Clark, John E. - 20150870 - Pfc. - 5307th - May 2, 1997
Clark, William B. - 19114323 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - May 27, 1991
Clark, William E. - 38273866 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. March 14, 1944
Tahayung Burma
Clausen, Harold F. - 37320984 - XXX - 124th Cav.- June 25, 2006
Clayton, Murry P. - 14033929 - S/Sgt - 5307th - 5307th - December 12 1963
Clement, Robert L. - 38274282 - Pvt. - 5307th - November 5, 2002
Clements, Linwood C. - 20144670 - 1st Sgt - 5307th - April 27, 2007
Clemer, Walter W. - 00000000 - 236th - February 26, 2001
Clevland, Harold L. - 36045146 - Sgt. - 5307th - K.I.A. June 6, 1944
Click, Leo G, - 37049484 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - 2002
Clifford, Alfred J. - 31319306 - Pfc. - February 11, 2001
Clifford, Elmer W. - 6661735 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - September 12, 1999
Clifford, Vincent G. - 6814731 - T/5 - K.I.A. June 11, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Clinard, Thomas R. - 34723201 - Pvt. - 5307th - K.I.A. July 14, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Clinton, James O. - 12187638 - Pfc. - 5307th - November 28, 1993
Clofine, Herbert - 33333229 - Sgt. - 5307th - February 7, 2009
Clogg, Richard G. - 35764491 - Pfc. - 5307th - May 15, 1991
Closuit, Fredrick C. - 0410845 - Cpt. - 5307th - January 16, 2000
Clubb, Vermon E. - 37132503 - Pvt. - February 1, 1978
Clurman, Charles I. - 39009628 - Sgt - 5307th - July 9, 2001
Cobb, Stanley G. - 6146967 - S/Sgt. - November 19, 1987
Cobill, Warren R. - 31188348 - Pfc - 5307th - January 4, 1996
Coburn, Harry B. - 417266 - 1st Lt. - 5307th - February 28, 1969
Coburn, Joseph D. JR. - 34543548 - Sgt - 5307th - K.I.A. 1944
Codamo, Vincent J. - 6841053 - M/Sgt. - 5307th - January 29, 1978
Cody, Albert V. - 7083565 - S/Sgt. - Date Unknown, 1947
Cohen, Jack - 33333172 - Cpl - 5307th - May 26, 2006
Cohen, Morris - 33326641 - T/5 - 5307th - August 19, 1989
Cole, Charles W. - 14047497 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A 1944
Cole, George W. - 20711137 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 1, 1977
Cole, Robert W. - 20711137 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 1, 1977
Coleman, Fredrick C. - 00000000 - Eng. - K.I.A. June 15, 1944
Myitkyina (Burma
Coll, John L. - 35008582 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - August 8, 1966
Colley, Ralph B. - 33214137 - Pfc. - 5307th - November 28, 2001
Collins, David C. - 01594207 - 1st Lt. - 209th Eng. - 1991
Colombo, Anthony C. - 32708385 - Cpl. - 5307th - December 10, 2004
Colombo, Peter J. - 33293321 - Pvt. - 5307th - May 5, 2001
Combie, Bernie A. - 38341771 - Pvt. - 5307th - July 23, 2010
Combs, Williams H. - 110977 - Lt. Col. - 5307th - K.I.A. June 15, 1944
Myitkyina (Burma
Comer, James G. - 35650390 - Pfc. - July 14, 1972
Condon, Herman E. - 31317353 - Pvt. - K.I.A. June 16, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Condron, George D. - 6148737 - Cpl. - 5307th - 1978
Congleton, Arthur - 34172448 - T/5 - 5307th - December 4, 1979
Connelley, Walter F. - 35651551 - Sgt. - 5307th - March 28 2005
Connery, Henry J. - 36710923 - T/Sgt. - K.I.A. July 27, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Conrey, Richard E. - O-465131 - 1st Lt. - Date Unknown
Consolo, Angelo - 69911930 - T/5 - 5307th - November 16, 1990
Contess, David - 12032115 - Pfc. - 5307th - January 10, 1994
Conway, Jermiah F, - 31463803 - Pvt. - June 5, 1989
Cook, Lamont E. - 37123808 - Pfc. - 5307th - May 8, 1987
Coon, Barlow G. - 32138146 - Pvt. - 5307th - K.I.A. May 18, 1944
(Gen. Merrill's Orderly, Myitkyina)
Cooper, Clyde D. - 34377978 - Pvt. - 5307th - June 3, 2001
Cooper, Francis I. - 00000000 - Eng. - K.I.A. June 1, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Cooper, Harold E. - 33353476 - Pvt. - 5307th - January 1, 1995
Cooper, Leroy L. - 0-1301265 - 2nd Lt. - 5307th - November 1, 1990
Copper, Gilbert F. - 37674248 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - June 2, 2010
Coppola, Victor - 12009921 - Pfc. - K.I.A. December 18, 1944
Cordeiro, Joseph R. - 31172188 - T/5 - 5307th - November 22, 1997
Corder, Furrill R. - 13018124 - Pfc. - 5307th - February 1, 1994
Core, Merie - 37445665 - T/5 - 5307th - December 6, 1982
Cosme, William E. - 12009486 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - 1978
Costin, Fred C. - 7083235 - Sgt. - 5307th - March 18, 1978
Costner, Virgil L. - 34038857 - Pfc. - 5307th - February 5, 1999
Costova, John - 31161145 - Pfc. - 5307th - 1962
Cothren, Floyd H - 34188448 - T/5 - 5307th - December 1, 1973
Cotton, Joseph N. - 17088607 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. April 1944
Nhpum Ga
Coughlin, James R. - 13010908 - xxx - Det 409 October 21, 1971
Cowan, James M. - 34508625 - ? - 124 Cavalry - May 11, 2006
Cowart, Allen D. - 38171461 - Pfc. - 5307th - 2003, Date Unknown
Cox, Cecil L. - 14032784 - Pfc. - 5307th - Date Unknown
Cox, Edson R. - 31027674 - Cpl. - 5307th - December 4, 1972
Cox, Henry - 35476858 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 16, 1999
Cramer, Neil F. - 0-888241 - 1st Lt. - 5307th - December 20, 1997
Crabtree, Walter V. - 39031826 - Cpl. - 5307th/475th - May 17, 2007
Cramer, Neil F. - 888241 - 1st Lt. - 5307th - December 20, 1997
Crane, Robert L. - 39402027 - Pvt. - 5307th - K.I.A. May 24, 1944
Cranston, George - 12032007 - Pfc. - 5307th - November 1, 1993
Crawford, Raymond M. - 39018531 - Pfc.- 5307th - Unknown
Crawley, Joseph E. - 34038875 - T/5 - 5307th - January 24, 1992
Crawley, Phifer P. - 34038058 - Pfc. - 5307th - January 24, 1992
Creeden, Gerard J. - 32633394 - Pfc. - 5307th - July 22, 2006
Crews, William D. - 20930679 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 21, 2000
Cromer, dean M. - 16055749 - T/5 - 5307th - November 20, 1988
Cronan, Louis F - 31361005 - T/5 - 124th Cav. - November 27, 1989
Cronkite, Thomas W. - 31324482 - Pfc. - 5307th - April 17, 2017
Cross, Walter J. - 6998826 - Pfc. - 5307th - July 30, 1990
Crouch, Ben M. - 35092914 - Pfc. - K.I.A. June 23, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Crowe, Charles H. Jr. - 31361005 - T/5 - November 27, 1989
Crowell, Hank - 31361005 - T/5 - November 27, 1989
Crowell, Henry M. - 12050556 - Pfc. - 5307th - 5307th - May 1, 2000
Crowley, John E. - 32345244 - M/Sgt. - 5307th - April 4, 1994
Crowley, Monroe E. - 31398151 - T/5 - December 22,2004
Crum, William B. - 33573096 - T/5 - October 7, 1996
Crump, Melvin C. - 38339111 - Pfc. - 5307th - October 25, 1984
Cruse, Leonard M. - 35697596 - Pfc - 475th - February 15, 2000
Cryderman, Michael J. - 32849908 - Pfc. - December 19, 1988
Culver, Boyd H. - 36240714 - Pfc. - 5307th - June 3, 1974
Culver, Edward W. - 35466858 - Pfc. - About 1975
Cumbie, Barnie A. - 38341771 - Pvt. - 5307th - July 2, 2010
Cumbie, William G. - 469467 - Capt. - 5307th Medic - unKnown
Cunningham,Robert L. - 13005005 - T/5. - 5307th - July 1, 1992
Cuomo, Lawrence - 32495735 - Pvt. - 5307th - March 22, 1998
Curl, Vivian C. - 36184418 - Pvt. Medic - 5307th - November 13, 1973
Curti, Sebastian. - 32246275 - T/5 - 5307th - March 22, 1998
Curtis, Marvin W. - 20144151 - T/5 - 5307th - August 7, 2008
Custer, Warren L. - 0523984 - Cpt. - February 12, 1997
Czebrowski, Edward F. - 12011455 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - April 30, 1982
Czenwinski, Victor J. - 36262985 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 22, 2000
Dado, Anmthony C. - 35363029 - Pfc. - 5307th - August 21, 1999
Daidone, Joseph D. - 12011619 - Sgt. - 5307th - October 16, 1977
Dailey, Lawrence E. - 37290795 - Pfc. - 5307th - September 10, 1982
Dailey, Robert J. - 6145764 - Sgt. - 5307th - Unknown 1999
Dalbik, John J. - 32236425 - Cpl. - 5307th - Unknown, 1992
Daley, Dallas E. - 19017994 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - August 1, 1966
Dalmus, Ellsworth - 32355228 - Sgt. - 5307th - July 27, 1981
Dalton, Ronald E. - 16031581 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 1, 1970
Dalton, Thomas J. - W-2106352 - WOJG - 5307th - August 31, 1990
Daniel, Hislel A. - 34723396 - Pfc. - 5307th - November 11, 1987
Darcey, Donald P. - 341545512 - Sgt. - 5307th - August 26, 2000
Darling, John B. - 6980548 - Sgt. - 5307th - January 11, 1985
Darling, Norman K. - 12021494 - Pvt. - 5307th - October 3, 2004
Daubert, Alven E. - 33022604 - Pfc. 5307th/475th - KIA - July 2, 1944
Daugherty, Dewey J. - 7070419 - Cpl. - 5307th - September 5, 2001
Davey, George F. - 31163835 - XXX- 209th - Eng - December 2, 2007
Davi, Chester A. - 32839159 - Pvt. - 637th Med. Det. - October 17, 2012
Davis, Charles E. - 35093536 - T/5. - 475th - December 4, 1997
Davis, Clyde - 39695719 - Pvt. - 5307th - August 13, 1986
Davis, Earl R. - 35725723 - Pfc. - 475th - January 4, 2014
Davis, Elmer R. - 35603687 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. August 2, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Davis, Eugene H. - 6589161 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - 1980
Davis, Jack C. - 6274650 - Sgt. - 5307th - September 3, 1996
Davis, Jimmy R. . - 00000000 - ?. - 31st QM PK Air Drop - March 30, 2009
Davis, Kyle W. - 34118997 - Sgt. - 5307th - May 28, 1989
Davis, Melvin E. - 33374166 - Pvt. - 5307th - May 22, 2002
Dawson, Richard M. - 13016729 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. May 24, 1944
Day, Lewis E. Jr. - 6152446 - ? - 5307th - November 14, 1997
Day, Thomas E. - 20508340 - T/5 - 5307th - February 23, 1974
Daye, Philip W. - 31319369 - PFc. - K.I.A. 1944
Dean, Marvin H. - 6397722 - Pfc. - 5307th - February 1, 1987
DeAngelo, Victor. - 12006507 - Cpl. - 5307th - 1992
Debias Frank - 0-1292488 - 1st Lt - 5307th - May 24, 2002
Dec, Edward J. - 31211248 - Pvt. - 5307th - November 6, 1981
Decker, Vencent K. - 31315845 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - January 20, 2012
Deese, Melvin C. - 34430641 - Pvt. 209th - Eng. - K.I.A. - June 13, 1944
DeFelice, Anthony F. - 33302819 - Pfc. - 5307th - June 1, 1986
Deffenbaugh, Ralph E. - 35604262 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 16, 2005
DeGavage, Charles - 33175789 - T/5 - March 25, 1970
DeLashmit, Harold A. - 17169883 - Pvt. - 5307th - April 13, 1988
Dellinger, Joseph A. - 35368972 - Pfc. - 5307th - January 1, 1981
Delorey, Donald W. - 01308314 - 1st Lt. - November 6,1997
DeMarco, Salvitore - 32805398 - Pvt. - 5307th - December 27, 2006
DeMars, Russel J. - 20638578 - T/4. - 5307th - September 22, 2002
DeMatteo, S. Charles - 12173164 - Pvt. - February 3, 2005
Demczyk, Raymond O. - 15322243 - Pvt. - 5307th - June 27, 1978
DeMido, David J. - 32810379 - Pfc. - August 1, 1993
DeMuro, Nicholas J. - 32384695 - Pvt. - 5307th - February 3, 2002
DeNigro, Dominick P. - 32668121 - Pvt. - September 29, 1967
Dennehy, Charles, W. - 32806488 - T/5. - 475th Med - Octomber 16, 2013
Denney, Ellis, P. - 0-1183051 - 2nd Lt. - 475th - July 26, 2004
Denton, Carl A. - 37444462 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 24,1994
Denzler, Edward - 12085872 - Sgt. - 475th May 19, 2013
DePalma, Alphonse F. - 32540166 - Pvt. - 5307th - June 1, 1984
Derouin, William G. - 31324119 - T/5 - 5307th/475th - July 17, 1977
Derrington, Earl T. - 35491655 - Pfc. - 5307th - June 23, 2004
Derrow, LeRoy D. - 35094777 - Pfc - June 22, 2001
Descisciolo, Ignazio - 12007424 - T/5 - 5307th - March 14, 1997
Desrocher, Joseph J. - 11013523 - Sgt - 5307th - December 28,1956
Devine, John E. - 6592392 - Pvt. - 5307th - May 1, 1998
DeVreugd, Russell J. - 36414658 - T/5 - 5307th - 1967
Dew, John - 37444360 - Pfc. - 1972
Dewhurst, Kenneth - 31031238 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - February 7, 19988
Dezotelle, Myron H. - 31199963 - Pfc. - 5307th - October 7, 2009
Dibble, Harold E. - 35116626 - T/5 - 5307th - May 5, 1993
DiBenedetto, Michael R. - 31248371 - Pfc. - 5307th - January 16, 1999
Dickinson, LeRoy E. - 32477684 - Pfc. - 5307th - June 12, 2001
Dickinson, Marshell C. - 0-1180167 - 2nd Lt. 612th PK FA - April 25, 1998
Dicks, Richard W. - 35099718 - Pfc. - January 19, 1996
Dickson, Lawrence A. - 504733 - Capt.1st Bn Chaplain - 5307th - March 30, 20601588 1968
Diebler, Guy - S.33494580 - Sgt. - K.I.A. July 16, 1944
Diederich, Maurice A. - 36030705 - T/5 - 5307th - September 6, 2003
Diederick, Patrick - 00000000 - XXX - MTF - August 5, 2004
Dietz, Solomon - 31007070 - ? - 5307th - January 7, 1981
Diggs, Dewey K. - 34491721 - Pfc. - 5307th - November 3, 2007
Dillabough, Lawrence A. - 32849640 - Pvt. - 5307th/475th - March 1, 1999
Dillard, Charles E. - 35696996 - Sgt. - 1991
Dills, Willard G. - 34088879 - SGT - 5307th - K.I.A. May 23, 1944
Dillon, James F. - 31199336 - Cpl. - 5307th - December 12, 1977
Dinsmore, James M. - 33433026 - Pfc. - K.I.A. July 12, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
DiOrio, Joseph P. - 35320327 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - December 21, 1998
Dittfach, Albert H. - 37273624 - T/3 - 5307th - January 19, 2000
DiTucci, John - 32736103 - Sgt - 5307th/475th - February 17, 2004
Doallas, Clarence H. - 6151502 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - July 18, 1990
Dodge, Russel E. - 20117032 - S/Sgt - February 4, 2004
Doeling, Noble F. - 20710805 - T/Sgt - 5307th - October 4, 1989
Domino, Fred - 32580993 - Cpl. - 5307th - March 3, 1984
Donahue, Daniel F. - 33616672 - Pvt. - 5307th - September 23, 2006
Donaldson, William F. - 6965352 - T/Sgt. - February 18, 1900
Donnell, Warren D. - 20145095 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - July 14, 2004
Donovan, Lawrence P. - 7070674 - Pvt. - 5307th - September 5, 1998
Dooley, Hyacinth W. Jr. - 32810525 - Pvt. - K.I.A. June 6, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Doolittle, Herbert. - 35603404 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - December 16,1992
Doran, Paul J. - 39312173 - Pvt. - 5307th - September 6, 2000
Dotson, Thomas A. - 6291162 - Sgt. - 5307th - May 7, 1988
Dougherty, James S. - 33440306 - T/5. - 5307th - December 31, 2003
Douglas, Maxie S. R. - 35697522 - Pfc. - August 10, 1946
Douglas, Roy L. - 00000000 - Eng. - K.I.A. June 5, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Doyer, Joseph - 2133078 - WOJG - 5307th - K.I.A. January 25, 1945
(128th Evac Hosp)
Dragone, Vincent. - 3331673 - Sgt. - 5307th/475th December 12, 1970
Drake, Donald M. - 12081529 - Pfc. - 5307th - June 7, 1993
Drake, Shelly J. - 35506650 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. June 13, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Drake, Stanley W. - 20429117 - Sgt. - February ?, 2001
Drake, William J. - 16118523 - Pvt. - September 12 2001
Draper, Benjamin - 20429117 - Cpl. - March 12, 1900
Drattlo, Reese - 38059869 - Cpl. - 5307th - March 7, 1989
Drumma, William - 32027511 - T/5 - May 5, 1987
Duane, Walter R. - 14039365 - Pfc. - 5307th - August 30, 1976
DuBois, Rosario A. - 31267081 - Pfc. - October 10, 1998
DuBois, Thomas A. - 16014271 - Sgt. - 5307th - January 19, 2000
Dudgeon, Richard W. - 35251944 - T/5 - 5307th - March 3, 1997
Duff, Lee P. - 37527123 - Pvt. - 475th - July 14, 2001
Duguay, Napoleon J. - 11063456 - Sgt. - 5307th - March 7. 1988
Dul, John A. 0-384468 - 2nd Lt. - 5307th - Unknown
Dulian, Chaster N. - 36217812 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - November 28, 2004
Dumsha, Stanley - 0-1318525 - 2nd Lt. - 5307th - Januuary 7, 1995
Duncan, William Z. - 0-1318146 - 1St Lt. - 5307th - November 12, 2008
Dunlap, Paul A. - 0-1299713 - 2nd Lt. - 5307th - November 3, 1989
Dupas,Camile J. - O-1285218 - 1st Lt. - 475th - February 27, 2009
Dupre, Roy J. - 34230619 - T/4 - 5307th - January 6, 2002
Durham, Lewis W. - 7083070 - T/5 - 5307th - Date Unknown
Dussault, Alexander O. - 20144001 - T/5 - 5307th - August 20,1994
Duval, Leo J. - 31072248 - Pfc. - 5307th - Date unknown
Dye, Clayton. - 7027652 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - December 19, 1988
Dyer, Lowell - 1312294 - 1st Lt. - 5307th/475th - May, 2006
Dyer, Stanley - 1312294 - XXX - Med. - 5307th - July 7, 1988
Eades, Everett A. - 01175694 - 1st Lt. - 612th FA - April 22, 1965
Eagen, James P. - 6148331 - Sgt. - 5307th - April 10, 1983
Eagerblade, Armour L. - 39407640 - Pfc - 475th/226 Med - April 1, 1981
Earp, Robert E. - 14049090 - Pfc. - September 19, 1989
Easley, Robert W. - 17020778 - Sgt. - 475th - Unknown Approximatly 2005
Easterday, Ben H. - 14092178 - Cpl. - 5307th - February 7, 2001
Eatman, Robert D. - 7084976 - Pfc. - 5307th - September 7 2009
Eberhardt, Herbert H. - 20603754 - Pvt. - 5307th - K.I.A. March 3, 1944
Eding, Stanley J. - 36402676 - XXX. - 33 QM PK - December 18, 1997
Edler, Gilbert C. - 32952608 - Pvt. - October 2, 1999
Effron, Alvin N. - 0-1308264 - 2nd Lt. - 5307th - March 17, 1987
Egan, John E. - 13014759 - Pfc. - 5307th - November 16, 2010
Ehrke, Albert O. - 35917558 - Pvt. - Aug 30, 1985
Eibell, Ferdinand - 33578418 - Pvt. - 5307th - April 04, 1979
Eickstaedt, Oliver L. - 7004120 - Pfc. - 5307th - September 10, 2000
Eidson, Curtis E - 34760385 - Pvt. - 5307th/475th - Unknown
Eidson,George A. - 34491359 - Pfc. - 5307th - June 9, 2015
Eifler, Carl F. - 00000000 - Col. Det 101 - April 8, 2002
Eldredge, Clifford L. - 20131648 - Sgt. - 5307th - September 4, 2004
Ellis, Orville E. - 36576256 - Cpl. - 5307th - January 30, 1988
September 4, 2004
Ellis, Orville E. - 36576256 - Cpl. - 5307th - January 30, 1988
Elskant, Edward E. - 16041213 - T/5. - 5307th - August 23, 2009
Elson, Miles E. - 20503965 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - March 24, 2002
Elswick, Howard - 6922907 - T/5. - 5307th - Unknown, 1983
Emanuelsom, Thomas A. - 19078847 - Cpl. - 5307th - July 13, 1989
Embree, Charley F. - 0-909869 - Capt. - 5307th - Air Liaison - July 3, 1962
Emerich, William J. - 0-284760 - Capt. - 5307th - June 5, 1986
Emerson, Dwight D. - 36436065 - T/5 - 5307th - Augus 6, 2003
Emery, Edward E. - 31321332 - T/5 - 5307th - June 4, 2003
Emery, Paul - 34524845 - Pvt. - 5307th - October 3, 1993
Engebretson, Floyd M. - 36263035 - T/5. - 5307th - August 4, 1988
Englert, Howard N. - 37200755 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - About 1980
Ervolino, Alexander - 12007510 - Sgt. - 5307th - November 26, 1986
Ericson, Wallace R. - 36824667 - Pvt. - 5307th/475th - October 25, 20020
Espanet, John E. - 31297050 - Pfc. - 5307th - September 30, 2010
Espinor, Richard - 00000000 - XXX. 236 Med. - March 6, 1989
Espinosa, Leo E. - 36509861 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 4, 2009
Esterbrook, Earnest F. - 000000 - M/Gen. - February 21, 1989
Estus, Nealus - 36525153 - Pvt. - 5307th - July 7, 1994
Etter, Earl H. - 6883137 - T/4 - 5307th - About 1992
Eurich, Gottfred, 37027577 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. May 29, 1944
Evanoff, John - 35603606 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - January 15, 2015
Evans, Albert M. - 38320172 - T/5 - 5307th - About 1994
Evans, Robert - 33353519 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. 1944
Evans, Robert S. - 0-489061 - 1st Lt. - 5307th - K.I.A. April 11, 1944
Eve, Edward J. Jr. - 35695034 - Sgt. - April 25, 1996
Ettipio, Carlo A. - 32832415 - Pfc. - August 9, 2018
Faas, Frederick - 12026387 - T/5 - 5307th - November 11,2006
Fagan, Fred G. - 34260944 - Pvt. - 5307th - K.I.A. May 23, 1944
Faggion, Peter J. - 36951202 - T/5 - 475th - February 16, 2006
Fahnestock, Edward J. - 33510734 - Pfc. - 475th - January 30, 1998
Fahr, Herbert J. - 32635347 - Pfc - 5307th - December 5, 2004
Fairlie, Raymond J. - 13044975 - XXX - 33rd QM PK - December 30, 2001
Falcon, Frank - 16022626 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 8, 2002
Falcone, Anthony L. - 33586011 - T/5 - 475th - August 27, 1986
Farley, William B. - 0-450152 - Capt. - 5307th - March 23, 1970
Farmer, Chester A. - 34491530 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 19, 1989
Farmer, William G. - 15048027 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. - September 1, 1950
(Naktong River, Korea)
Farnsworth, Charles W. - 35049777 - Pfc. - May 27, 1998
Faro, George T. - 15015739 - Cpl. - 5307th - September 22, 1986
Farrell, Philip N. - 17151361 - Cpl. - 5307th - March 19, 1969
Farren, Thomas E. - 35015696 - Sgt. - 5307th - About 1978
Farris, John I. - 0-389829 - Capt. - November 3, 1988
Faulkner, Frederick H. - 31194005 - T/5 - January 11, 1988
Fay, James M. - 0-1315809 - 2nd Lt. - 5307th - November 13, 1990
Fedder, Albert J. - 13002632 - 5307th - Pfc. - May 13, 2008
Federico, Antonio - 0-568098 - 5307th - 2nd Lt. - Date Unknown
Federighi, Egidio F. - 39125323 - Pvt. - February 19, 1997
Federline, John R. - 0-382611 - Capt. - November 23, 2004
Feia, Lawrence F. - 37305829 - Pfc. - 5307th - May 10, 2006
Felix, William - 6871846 - Sgt. - 5307th - December 10, 1980
Feltwell, George E. - 34093736 - T/4. - 5307th - October 1, 1980
Fentress, Layman - 15045084 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - June 3, 1953
Ferguson, Jack E.- 15321034 - Sgt. - 5307th - April 1,1998
Ferguson, Miles H.- 0410265 - Capt. - 5307th - May 28 1977
Ferguson, Tony E.- 19071706 - Pfc. - February 27, 1985
Ferrante, Frank C.- 32298886 - T/4 - 124th Cav. - July 16,2003
Fesselmeyer - Frederick F. - 577539 - 1st Lt. - May 5, 1999
Fiddler - Warren G. - 34723402 - Pfc. - 475th - K.I.A. - Unknown
Fielder, Leonard E.- 01307214 - 1st Lt. - 5307th - September 6. 1988
Fields, John W. - 33214010 - Pvt. - 5307th - May 11, 1982
Fields, Paul - 20509097 - Sgt. - 5307th - September 4, 1987
Fields, William G. - 14037855 - Pvt. - 5307th - February 1,1993
(NHPUM GA, Burma)
Finlay, Homer C. - 37182894 - Cpl. - 5307th - November 10, 1976
Finnegan, Thomas J. - 6998263 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 15,2007
Fisher, George J. - 20506472 - Cpl. - 5307th - November 21, 1989
Fisher, Carl E. - 00000000 - XXX. - 475th - May 28, 2003
Fisher, Paul C. - 33302776 - Pfc. - 5307th - About 1971
Fisher, Roy L. - 6589145 - Pvt. - 5307th - February 23, 1955
Fitzgibbon, Cyril J. - 31019706 - T/5 - 5307th - November 13, 1992
Fleming, Edmund J - 00000000 - Rev. - Nov 1965
Flinn, Robert S. - 35603639 - Pfc. - January 31, 1983
Fogarty, John M. - 33617915 - Pfc. - 475th - April 20, 1998
Fogarty, Thomas J. - 6885015 - Pfc. - 5307th - Nov 1974
Foil, William C. - 39304931 - Cpl. - 5307th - January 3, 2008
Foley, Arthur R. - 32247526 - Pfc. - 5307th - 1975
Foley, Peter F. - Unknown - Det 101 - K.I.A. Date Unknown
Fontaine, Wilfred E. - 6153248 - Pfc. - 475 - Unknow
Fontana, Anthony F. - 32839734 - Cpl, - 6307th/475th - March 7, 2007
Forbes, Howard J. - 32027647 - Sgt. - February 13, 1987
Foote, Edward G. Jr. - 0-1324995 - 2nd Lt. - K.I.A. July 2, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Ford, Neal F. - 33573446 - Pfc - 475 - March 14, 1999
Ford, Willie E. - 34428438 - Pfc - 5307th - February 13 1979
Fore, Bert - 34428620 - Pfc. - 5307th - July 1, 1994
Formolo, Elvio P. - 36450814 - Pfc. - 5307th - July 27, 1994
Fornoff, Edward S. - 35035009 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. March 14, 1944
Tahayung Burma
Forrer, Elwood L. - 33603874 - Pfc. - June 1, 1999
Fortin, Maurice G. - 37242997 - T/5 - 5307th - April 24, 1981
Fortunato, John - 33302778 - Sgt. - 5307th - About 1967
Foster, Raymond - 17090921 - Pvt. - 5307th - August 3, 2006
Fountain, Curtis - 14064574 - Pvt. - K.I.A. 1944
Foust, Paul K. - 6924227 - T/5. - 5307/475 - Unknown
Fowler, Ellis E. - 14020788 - Cpl. - 5307th - October 30, 2008
Fowler, Neal A. - 00000000 - Det 101 - K.I.A. Date Unknown
Fowler, Tony - 38277629 - Pfc. - March 27, 1990
Fox, Norman V. - 33405372 - Pvt. - January 25, 1999
Foyder, Charles A. - 12087727 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 31, 1986
Frame, James F. - 33171817 - 5307 - Sgt - November 21, 1994
Franklin, Guy E. - 00000000 - Det 101 - K.I.A. Date Unknown
Franklin, Paul B. - 13382371 - Pfc. - 5307th - June 24, 2007
Frazier, Donald J. - 36800323 - Pvt. - 5307th - February 6, 2014
Frecks, Ervin J. - 37145549 - Cpl. - 5307th - August 23, 2008
Fredrickson, Elmer G. - 38256341 - Sgt. - 5307th - September 10, 1970
Freeman, Earl C. - 39027971 - Pfc. - 5307 - August 26, 1993
Freeman, William H. JR. - 35629104 - Sgt. - K.I.A. 1944
Freer, Joseph F. - 32163703 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - 1966
Fricke, Bobbie L. - 35697385 - 475th - Pfc. - 475th - August 25, 1996
Friday, Fawn F. - 20721924 - Pvt. - 5307th - March 11, 2003
Friedman, Sol. - 20610276 - Pfc. - 5307th - 1980
Froberg, Paul - 00000000 - Det 101 - K.I.A. Date Unknown
Fry, Warren C. - 20927850 - Pvt. - 5307th - K.I.A. Date Unknown
Fryant, Charles M. - 20009291 - Sgt. - 5307th - March 1, 2004
FulK, Hershel C. - 20502306 - T/5. - 5307th - July 6, 1987
Fuller, Billy L. - 38137808 - Cpl. - 5307th - October 7, 2001
Fuller, John L. - 0443938 - 475th - 1st Lt. - April 10, 1996
Fuller, Russell R. - 6149035 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - May 19, 1984
Fuller, Walter R. - 35106893 - Sgt. - 5307th - May 1, 2005
Funderburk, Ralph C. - 20730423 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - March 27, 2005
Furbish, George R. - 31315913 - Pfc - August 28, 1996
Furlan, Lawrence - 33512301 - Pvt. - 5307th/ 475th - April 1, 2010
Furumoto, Howard H. - 17175768 - T/4. - 5307th - January 19, 2010
Fusillo, Daniel - 35094830 - T/Sgt. - March 25, 1999
Fyffe, Robert M. - 31562153 - Sgt. - 5307th - Unknown
Gabbett, Michael F. - 69811255 - M/Sgt. - 5307th/475th - January 26, 2001
Designed The Merrill's Marauders Patch
Gailius, Mike, - XXXXXXXX - 124th Cav. XXX - May 10,1988
Gala, Joseph A. - 31357982 - 5307th/475th - Pvt. - K.I.A. July 14, 1944
Gallagher, Frank P. - 6979083 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - May 24, 1995
Gallagher, John J. - 6979083 - S/Sgt. - 5307th/475th - May 2, 2001
Gallagher, Wilburn M. - 37158731 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - K.I.A. August 21, 1946
Gallant, Honore - 31005594 - Pfc. - 5307th - September 1, 2006
Gallovitch, Elmer - Unknown - Det 101 - K.I.A. Date Unknown
Galloway, Arnold A.- 38109970 - S/Sgt. - 1981
Galloway, David G.- 37691522 - Pfc. - January 18,1962
Gambill, William B. - 36014684 - Pfc - 5307th - January 15, 1992
Ganci, Joseph A - 32196555 - Cpl. - 5307th - December 21, 1990
Garcia, Joe D. - 39856930 - Pfc. - K.I.A. July 29, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Gardiner, Robert O. - 0-1286631 - 1St Lt. - 5307th - December 15, 1988
Gardner, Lawrence W. 33219159 - 1st/Sgt. - 5307th - November 12, 1989
Gardner, Martin E. - 33139150 - Cpl. - 5307th - July 24, 1973
Garlewsky, John - 11033047 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - September 28, 2000
Garmon, Clarence - 34337876 - Pfc. - 5307th - September 10, 1987
Garner, George - 7005678 - Pfc. - 5307th - April 18, 1976
Garner, George - 7005678 - Pfc. - 5307th - April 18, 1976
Garrett, Ben - 34364683 - Pfc. - 5307th - September 12, 2005
Garrison, Howard G.- 1301469 - 2nd Lt. - 5307th - September 14, 2007
Garrison, Lyle C.- 35599909 - Pfc. - 5307th - 1967
Garza, Simon Jr. - 6282424 - Pvt. - 475th - February 9, 1999
Gately, John J. - 20105542 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - May 1997
Gately, Thomas E. - 20105536 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - July 1979
Gateman, Albert J. - 37194450- S/Sgt. - 5307th - May 10 2005
Gavin, Edward F. - 37123911 - Pvt. - 5307th - January 14, 1974
Geary, PHILLIP J. - 36882938 - Pvt. - K.I.A. July 1, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Gehan, Thomas - 32838565 - Pvt - 475th - December 1, 1989
Geisser, Arnold T. - 36216067 - T/5 - 5307th February 2, 2002
Gemalo, Stanley J. - 32812148 - Pfc - 475th September 2, 1997
Genest, Rene J. - 31154250 - Pvt - 5307th September 2, 1995
Genot, Richard D. - 6975256 - Sgt. - 5307th - December 18, 2005
Gentile, Dominic. - 13009601 - T/4 - 5307th - 1998
George, Herbert V. - 32810294 - Sgt. - 5307th - Octuber 1, 2005
Gerald, Cleeland T. - 34096314 - Sgt. - 5307th - July 1, 1993
Gerbrick, William A. - 62900571 - Pfc. - 5307th - February ?, 1944
(Died on Route
Gesner, Richard D. - 19015926 - Pfc. - 5307th - November 23, 2004
Gestring, John F. - 0-233736 - Col. - October 7, 1983
Getz, Seymore I. - 35008175 - Sgt. - 5307th - September 22, 2006
Ghiz, Edward M. - 0342820 - Maj. - 5307th - January 8, 2002
Giandonato, Frank R. - 13027722 - Cpl. - 5307th - 1963
Giaquinta, Guido G. - 35607478 - Pfc. - K.I.A. 1944
Gibbons, Henry - 00000000 - Det. 101 - K.I.A. 1944
Gibbs, Walter B. - 35684236 - T/5 - 5307th - October 2, 2005
Gibson, Alonzo - 00000000 - XXX. - 33rd QM PK - January 1, 2000
Gibson, David V. - 35512230 - Pfc. - 5307th - October 29, 1955
Gibson, Ernest W. - 36054286 - Sgt - K.I.A. 1944
Gibson, Joe, Jr. - 38274568 - Pfc - 5307th - February 7, 1997
Gilbertson, James L. - 16096105 - Pvt - 5307th - October 14, 2006
Gildea, Joseph - 00000000 - Pvt. - K.I.A. June 1, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Gileta, Stanley F. - 6976679 - S/Sgt. - K.I.A. January 27, 1945
Gillette, Richard A. - 32833814 - Pfc. - 55th Chinese Div. - November 17, 2012
Gison, Roy W. - 00000000 - XXX. - 31st QM PK - January 18, 1990
Glasburg, Kennith H. - 12143650 - T/5 - 5307th - May 10, 1999
Glaves, Alezander E. - 0-1635938 - 2nd LT - 5307th - December 9, 1991
Glavin, Msgr. Edward R. - Chaplain - 5307th - July 21, 1997
Glines, Fredrick M. - 36952087 - Pfc. - July 24, 2005
Glock, Albert R. - 33558815 - Sgt. - January 12, 2007
Glunt, Albert - 33429679 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - September 24, 1984
Godkins, Leo W. - 33293375 - Pfc. - K.I.A. April 5, 1944
Goff, Calvin E. - 31375603 - Pvt. - K.I.A. 1944
Goff, Jack L. - 6381083 - Pfc. - 5307th - February 23, 2001
Goffman, Nathan S. - 36647790 - T/5 - 5307th - November 29, 2004
Gohn, William C. - 13132357 - Pvt. - 5307th - December 1997
Golash, Vardic E. - 31007272 - Pfc - 5307th - October 20, 1990
Gonce, Percy E. - 33377964 - Pfc - 5307th - May 29, 1973
Goodknight, John O. - 38149437 - Pfc. - K.I.A. July 2, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Goodman, Lawrance - 35697172 - Pfc. - K.I.A. June 3, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Goralski, Milton J. - 33558651 - Pvt. - K.I.A. June 27, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Gonzales, Altonso M. - 00000000 - XXX - 475th - December 1, 1993
Goraiski, Joseph I. - 32839678 - Sgt. - 475th - July 9, 1999
Gosho, Henry H. - 17145513 - T/4 - 5307th - Date Unknown
Gossage, Elmer J. - 36263082 - Pfc. - 5307th - October 13, 1998
Gould, Robert F. - 31299380 - Pfc - K.I.A. June 14, 1944
Gould, Robert F. - 32839707 - Pfc - 5307 - August 12, 1988
Gourley, Homer E. - 36897720 - Pfc - 475th - December 12, 2002
Graham, Frank L. - 20901551 - Cpl. - 5307th - Januray 1, 1983
Graham, James F. - 33272632 - Pfc - 5307th - K.I.A. July 27, 1944
Graham, William M. - 0-1100121 - Capt. - 5307th/475th - Unknown 2000
Granger, Chester E. - 20150228 - Pfc. - 5307th - February 5, 1977
Grant, Dock B. - 34087208 - K.I.A. April 13, 1944
(NHPUM GA, Burma)
Grato, Albert J. - 7024314 - Pfc. - 5307th - Dec. 18,1988
Gray, John R. - 37159998 - T/5 - 5307th - December 19, 1999
Green, George C. - 35652081 - Sgt. - 5307th - August 31, 2007
Greenhalgh, Jesse Jr. - 11019028 - S/Sgt. - May 26, 1974
Greggs, Edward K. - 35369526 - Pfc. - 5307th - September 20, 1998
Gregorek, Walter W. - 33161159 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 29, 2004
Grenowich, Eugene J. - 6990694 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 14, 1989
Griffiths, Harold J. - 20710895 - K.I.A. June 2, 1944
Grimes, William L. - 6998894 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - March 17, 1988
Grissette, Robert B. - 34723471 - Pfc. - August 29, 2001
Grissom, William C. - 0-1292512 - 1st Lt.- 5307th - August 28, 1967
Grochowsky, William H. - 37226184 - Pvt. - September 20, 1994
Gros, Joseph N. Jr. - 38499271 - Pvt. - K.I.A. August 7, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Grotte, Joel B. - 20710688 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - October 28, 2005
Guagliano, Peter J. - 32582514 - Pfc. - 5307th - June 5, 1999
Guido, Alfred - 6949871 - T/5 - 5307th - January 16, 1976
Guinn, Frank - 38322528 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - February 6, 1973
Gumaer, Kenneth I. - 01716248 - 1st Lt. - 5307th - September 25, 2008
Gunder, Marvin W. - 19020967 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - K.I.A. April 23 1944
Gunderson, Richard H. - 38610096 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. April 4, 1944
Gunter, Dewey - 7023380 - Pfc. - 5307th - June 14, 1996
Guthrie, John J. - Unknown - 124th Cav. - November 7, 1990
Guzaitis, Peter P. - 16002160 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - April 13, 1998
Hackerman, Joseph S. - 33131100 - Sgt. - 5307th - About 1990
Hackman, Harold E. - 37056547 - Pfc. - 475 - August 1, 1998
Hafen, John K. - 33421295 - Pfc. - 475 - June 16, 2003
Hagans, William T. - 34109096 - Pfc. - 5307th - July 1, 1999
Hagerman, Joseph C. - 32807411 - K.I.A. July 29, 1944
(Myityina, Burma)
Haglock, Albert A. - 15088911 - Pfc. - March 25, 2000
Halcomb, Fred - 6986649 - Pfc - 5307th - May 6, 1993
Hale, Donald L. - 00000000 - ? - 5307th - July 6, 1997
Hale, Richard W. - 15121757 - Pvt. - 475th - February 18, 2009
Hall, Billy - 00000000 - K.I.A. China 1945
Hall, Clayton E. - 6916095 - Pfc. - 5307th - April 21, 2001
Hall, George S. - 31027361 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 15, 1998
Hall, Robert S. - 33461213 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 28, 2010
Hall, Thomas F. - 00000000 - K.I.A. 1945 -
Hall, Thurmond E. - 35715210 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - April 3, 2010
Hall, Wade D. - 33429719 - Pvt. - 475 - About 1982
Hallihan, Thomas E. - 31209155 - Pfc. - 5307th - November 1, 1980
Halterman, John W. - 36611557 - Pfc. - 5307th - June 28, 1982
Hames, Pleasent E. - 33492882 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 24, 1988
Hamilton, Claudie B. - 14042703 - Pfc. - 5307th - 1995
Hamilton, Dave L. - 33439698 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - January 17, 2015
Hamilton, Robert. - 14042703 - Pfc. - 5307th - 1995
Hamilton, Raymond - 39037507 - Sgt. - 5307th MP - January 17, 2015
Hamolic, Carl F - 35009103 - S/Sgt - 5307th - Date Unknown
Hancewicz, Michael - 00000000 - ? - 475th - September 29, 1992
Hancock, Edward T. - 0-330192 - Maj. - 5307th - Date Unknown
Hanney, William L. - 17057599 - Sgt. - 5307th - October 11, 1988
Hannify, Francis - 31428252 - Pfc - July 3, 1972
Hannum, Winifred P. - 6886851 - K.I.A. July 15, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Hansen, James A. - 35048578 - Pvt. - 475th - April 6, 1999
Hansen, Balwin A. - 17060344 - Pfc. - 5307th - October 12, 2010
Hansen, Kenneth O. - 37073990 - S/Sgt - 5307th - November 26, 2005
Hansen, Palmer - 0000000 - XXX. - Det. 101 - December 22, 1983
Hansford, George M. - 0-1288541 - 1st Lt. - 5307th - 1978
Hanson, Hans I. - 00000000 - XXX. - 33rd QM PK - November 11, 1993Nov 1981
Hanson, Ira V. - 17156472 - Pvt. - Nov 1981
Hanson, Koore - 37441845 - T/5 - 5307th - December 1983
Hardgrove, Kenneth E. - 20502326 - Pfc. - 5307th - October 4, 2009
Hardy, Warren G. - 34312616 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - February 2, 1984
Harmon, Eulas L. - 7083546 - T/5. - 5307th - April 5, 1978
Harmon, George E. - 38023359 - Cpl. - 5307th - March 6, 2007
Harper Ewing D. Jr. - 34371860 - Pfc. - 5307th - July 12, 2001
Harris, Alfred N. - 14052904 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - October 18, 1994
Harris, Cecil B. - 38294363 - Pvt. - June, 1993
Harris, Johnny - 35560305 - K.I.A. 1944
(Tingkrukawng, Burma)
Harris, Raymond F. - 36312550 - T/5 - 5307th - K.I.A. May 13, 1944
Harris, Raymond M. - 0437471 - 2nd Lt. - 5307th - August 4, 1999
Harris, Thomas C. - 36586933 - Pfc. - 475th - January 27, 1999
Harrold, Arthur K. - 0-334828 - Maj. - January 1, 1988
Hart, William M. - 36188614 - Pfc - 5307th - July 8, 1994
Hartig, Raymond F. - 36368396 - Pfc - 5307th - November 26, 1945
Hartman, Edgar M. Jr. - 01825859 - LT. - Det 101 - June 13, 1974
Hartwell, John H. - 35630348 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - January 22, 2015
Harvey, Clinton - 18062438 - Pfc. - February 16, 2006
Harvey, Francis M. - 35615588 - Pfc. - 1981
Harvey, Paul E. - 35690773 - Pfc. - April 22, 1992
Hascall, Ralph A. - 6149340 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - February 1, 1981
Haslouer, Louie E. - 37143485 - T/5. - 5307th - January 9, 1991
Haupin, George W. - 42001476 - T/5. - 612th FA - July 7, 2008
Hawk, Gomer S. - 7025203 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - July 11, 1983
Haws, Vance L. - 39831275 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 7, 2002
Hayestek, Jacob W. Jr - 13003904 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 29, 1977
Haynes, Jessie D. - 34428896 - Pvt. - 5307th - January 1, 1982
Hazelwood, Flyod T. - 13015262 - Sgt. - May 9, 1966
Head, Sanford B. - 0-1586651 - 1st Lt. - 5307th/475th - July 15, 1999
Heald, George E. - 0-1283254 - 1st Lt. - 5307th - About 1974
Healy, Richard M. - 0-25275 - Maj. - 5307th - August 1, 1974
Hearn, George S. - 0-1314632 - 1st Lt. - 5307th - April 30 2009
Heath, George - 35548897 - Pfc. - 5307th - February 2, 2005
Heinecke, James W. - 33307180 - Pvt. - 5307th - February 1,1988
Heiss, Earl H. - 01321407 - 2nd Lt. - April 19, 1974
Hejdak, Richard R. - 36810419 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 1, 1981
Henderson, Dallas M. - 7081271 - Pvt. - 5307th - January 2, 1998
Henderson, Maurice J. - 32304253 - Pvt. - 5307th - February 14 1975
Henderson, Thomas R. - 6152327 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - October 12, 1987
Henderson, William P. - 32279882 - T/5. - 5307th - December 4, 2002
Henderson, William T. - 31025595 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - January 13, 1973
Hendricks, Marion - 35805065 - Pfc. - Date Unknown
Hendricks, Terry W. - 34578943 - Sgt. - 5307th/475th - October 11, 2007
Hendricks, William H. - 00000000 - XXX. - June 16, 2002
Henneberg, Robert W. - 12026903 - T/5 - 5307th - K.I.A. April 4, 1944
Hennington, Loy F. - 38011488 - T/5 - December 14, 1994
Henrich, William D. - 33302684 - Pfc. - 5307th - About 1976
Henry, Joseph P. - 32108686 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - February 27,2003
Henry, Joseph W. - 11011940 - T/5. - 5307th/475th - September 15, 2012
Henson, Leander (Lee). - 35005339 - Cpl. - 5307th - 1991
Herchko, Albert J. - 33365855 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - May 22, 1972
Hernandez, Arnold - 38232002 - Pfc. - 5307th - July 15, 2000
Herrick, Stanley J. - 13011861 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - October 18,1986
Hert, George J. - 36709369 - Pfc. - 5307th - About 1967
Hertzlieb, Louis E. Jr. - 35093632 - Pfc. - K.I.A. June 30, 1944
Hervoyavich, Peter L. - 33405649 - Cpl. - 5307th - July 11, 1998
Heselton, Stephen K. - 20105973 - Pfc. - 5307th - February 6, 1956
Hess, Donald D. -20648408 - Sgt. - 5307th - June 3, 2009
Hewey, Rachard S. - 31317051 - Pvt. K.I.A. June 16, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Hickey, John E. - 20110957 - Pfc. - 209th Eng. - June 9,2004
Hickey, Robert R. - 20932676 - Pfc. - 5307th - May 19, 1995
Hicks, Haywood A. - 34319071 - Pfc. - 5307th - February 17, 1988
Higgins, Elbert V. - 0-492091 - 1st Lt. - 5307th - May 13, 2006
Higgins, Hilton - 00000000 - XXX. - 475 - May 8, 1998
Hightower, Lyn W. - 6266938 - T/Sgt. - February 15, 1992
Hilgerson, Douglas C. - 12847516 - Cpl. - 5307th - August 6, 1982
Hill, Clarence R. - 34096355 - Pfc. - 5307th - 2005
Hill, George H. - 36161788 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - Date Unknown
Hill, Russell, F. - 20609811 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - March 27, 1953
Hill, Virgle V. - 35667951 - Pvt - February 1, 1980
Hill, William O. - 1106202 - 2nd Lt. - 475th - August 2, 2010
Hiller, Horold W. - 0-1286649 - 1st Lt. - 5307th - August 4, 1987
Hines, Allen D. - 37522449 - Pvt. - January 15, 1998
Hinton, Robert P. - 17109228 - Pvt. - Date Unknown
Hirabayashi, Grant J. - 39382612 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - Interpreter - November 24, 2010
Hiscar, Michael J. - 33302805 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - October 8, 1983
Hixenbaugh, Norman T. - 33429708 - Sgt. - November 14, 1994
Hobson, James E. - 15059389 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - July 30, 1975
Hoch, August J. - 20236663 - Pvt. - 5307th/475th - Date Unknown
Hocker, Richmond D. - 33932088 - Pvt. - 475 - Date Unknown
Hockett, Howard J. - 16131122 - S/Sgt. - November 28, 1987
Hodges, William H. - 38693353 - Pfc. - December 1969
Hodgin, Norman D. - 14018104 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - July 1,2001
Hoffman, William F. 39450269 - SGT. - 5307th - K.I.A. March 3, 1944
Hogan, Donald J. - 0-1697934 - 1St Lt. - K.I.A. May 23, 1944
Hoglund, Lawrence W - 36198716 - Pfc. - 5307th - August 23, 1987
Hogquiat, William A. - 20105139 - Pfc. - 5307th - April 15, 1995
Holcomb, Ernest J. - 36056829 - Sgt. - 5307th - January 26, 1985
Holcomb, James W. - 36434021 - T/5 - 5307th - February 17, 1987
Holguin, Florencio O. - 38442224 - Pfc. - 475th - May 12, 2005
Holik, Ernest - 18128612 - Pfc. - 5307th - January 1, 2000
Holland, George E. - 34543994 - S/sgt. - 5307th/475 - October 18, 2013
Holland, James D. - O-473478 - Col. - 5307th/475 - February 23, 2002
Holland, Lewis - 35127862 - T/5 - 5307th - September 1973
Hollobaugh, William A. - 33433017 - Pfc. - August 12, 1997
Holmes, Howard A. - 37093108 - Pfc. - 5307th - April 19, 2013
Holmes, Johnnie B. - 6342203 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - December 27, 1991
Holmes, William E. - 0-1300487 - 1st Lt. - August 12, 1979
Holmstrom, Walter O. - 35006851 - T/5 - 5307th - About 1985
Holobinko, Frank - 13003583 - Pfc - 475th - August 29, 1979
Holt, John G. - 20710941 - Pfc. - 5307th - Unknown
Holtzapfel, Leslie A. - 32751123 - Pvt. - 5307th - K.I.A. March 16, 1946
Homady, Steve - 33249562, Pfc. - 5307 New Galahad - August 1, 1944
Homeister, Charles H. - 35897809 - Pfc - 5307th/475th - November 11, 2008
Homra, David K, - 35725876 - Pfc. - 475th - November 11, 2008
Honda, Robert Y. - 30101492 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - September 10, 1981
Hopkins, James E.T. - 35491127 - Capt. - 5307th - June 16, 2014
Hopkins, Larnce - 35491127 - T/5 - 5307th - December 15, 1988
Hora, Edward L. - T/5 - 13129325 - August 15, 1978
Horn, Gilbert M. - 20930881 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 27, 2016
Horner, John R. - 6141217 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - July 1996
Horning, John M. - 35630873 - Pfc. - K.I.A. July 10, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Houck, Baton D. - 13005669 - S/Sgt - 5307th - April 5, 2002
Houghton, Raymond C. - 0-1312021 - 1st Lt. - 5307th - May 5, 1984
Howard, Ayland A. - 00000000 - T/5 - 5307th - K.I.A. April 2, 1944
(NHPUM GA, Burma)
Howard, Thaoma W. - 20133543 - Cpl. - 5307th - December 25, 2008
Howley, Francis L. - 31353214 - ?. - 475th QM PK - July 25, 2009
Hoy, Terry C. - 37478932 - T/4. - 5307th/475th - May 2, 200709
Hrabovsky, louis I. - 38246572 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - December 27, 1995
Hubacker, Ernest F. - 36585934 - Pfc. - 475th - July 13, 2018
Hudgins, Francis G. - 13008353 - Pvt. - 5307th - January 3, 1983
Huff, Belve W. - 13017135 - Sgt. - K.I.A. 1944
Hughes, Theodore Jr. - 0-1291280 - 1st Lt. - 5307th - September 11, 1984
Hughes, Thomas G. - 39696632 - Pfc. - 5307th - August 30, 1972
Hunt, Joe J. - 35725246 - Pfc. - K.I.A. July 1, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Hunt, Rolla B. - 34150432 - Pfc. - 5307th - April 24, 1978
Hunter, Charles N. - 0-17710 - Col. - 5307th - June 14, 1978
Huntzberry, Robert J - 13000646 - Pfc. - 5307th - About 1972
Hurlocker, Marshall W. - 14009121 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - August 10, 1980
Hurwitt, David - 32174963 - Sgt. - 5307th - July 15, 1993
Hus, Frank J - 36524822 - Cpl. - 5307th - February 9, 1998
Huston, William G. - 33429734 - Pvt. - 5307th/475th - July 3, 2000
Hutchison, Joseph P. - 35401604 - Cpl. - 5307th - Octuber 25, 1994
Hutchison, Roscoe P. - 35789869 - Pfc. - 5307th/475 - August 8, 1998
Hutson, Harold D.- 38062592 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 15, 1996
Hyde, Merrill R. - 14023531 - S/Sgt. - K.I.A. February 4, 1945
Hyyti, David - 31298551 - Pfc. - July 24, 2003
Imboden, James O. - 35615508 - Pfc. - 5307th - February 19, 2010
Ingram, Rufus L. - 34428879 - Pfc. - K.I.A. March 5, 1944
Inman, James R. - 34501535 - Pvt - 475th - March 25,1995
Irving, William J. - 12123766 - ?. - 475th - July 7, 2002
Iuliano, Anthony - 31038358 - ?. - 475th - July 8, 2001
Ivens, Dr. Milton H. - 0-1700473 - Capt. - 5307th - About 1963
Jaksina, Bronislaw C. - 31324280 - Pfc. - 475 - January 24, 2005
Jackson, Dean M. - 37429966 - Pvt. - 5307th - April 24, 2000
Jackson, John C. - 38433476 - Pfc. - 475th - Unknown date
Jaksina, Bronislaw C. - 31324280 - Pfc. - 475 - January 24, 2005
Jacobs, Paul - 320793 MC - Capt. - 475th - December 27,1988
Jacoboski, Edward 33118680 - Sgt. - 5307th - December 28, 2002
Jamieson, Wesley A. - 17001152 - T/Sgt. - 475th - November 7, 1998
Janis, Norman N. - 17055561 - Pfc. - 5307th - June 21, 1997
Jarjoura, Mitchell - 0-1313925 - 2nd Lt. - 5307th - November 15, 2002
Jasper, Ivan T. - 35094711 - Pvt. - April 2, 1999
Jenkins, James W. Jr. - 33558644 - Pvt. - K.I.A. July 23, 1944
Jenkins, Williams H.38516582 - Pfc. - 475th - Unknown
Jennings, AL. - 14052936 - Pvt. - 5307th - March 24, 1974
Jerry, George - 20127816 - Pvt. - K.I.A. March 12, 1944
Johnson, Arthur W. - 31298660 - Pfc. - Date Unknown, 1990
Johnson, Caifson - 0-337085 - Lt. Col. - 5307th - February 29, 1988
Johnson, Charles N. - 15333674 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 28, 2005
Johnson, D.J. - 0-3263020 - T/5. - 38081189 - 5307 - Date Unknown
Johnson, Frank A. - 0-3263020 - Maj. - 5307th - February 19, 1993
Johnson, George W. - 38183816 - Pfc. - 5307th - November 20, 2001
Johnson, Harvey W. - 33501152 - Pfc. - 475 - October 21, 2000
Johnson, John W. - 35725815 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - February 24, 1967
Johnson, Johnnie E. - 34765518 - Pvt. - September 2, 1996
Johnson, Raymond D. - 37514228 - Pfc. - 5307th - Date Unknown
Johnson, Robert A. - 0-442409 - K.I.A. April 8, 1944
(Nhpum Ga, Burma)
Johnson, Robert L. - 36586663 - Pfc. - 475th - April 29, 2003
Jones, Benjamin J. - 1412374 - Pvt. - K.I.A. February 11, 1946
Jones, Emery - 18059808 - T/5 - 5307th - January 29, 1985
Jones, Frederick R. - 0-1285954 - Capt. - March 17, 1989
Jones, John W. - 35725815 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - February 24, 1967
Jones, John W. - 35123498 - 1st Lt. - 5307th/475th - january 15, 1967
Jones, Matthews - 7024492 - Sgt. - 5307th - About 1999
Jones, Matthews - 7024492 - Sgt. - 5307th - About 1999
Jones, Robert, E. - 01321043 - 2nd Lt. - 5307th/475th - July 28, 1952
Jordan, Ernest W. - 35172348 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - January 28, 2017
Josefski, Stephen J. - 0-1230330 - 1st Lt. - February 6, 1973
Joyce, Charles C. - 35172348 - Pvt. - 5307th - July 8, 1997
Juba, Joseph - 13008263 - Pfc. - 5307th - Date June 20, 1979
Jubic, Thomas P. - 32748485 - Sgt. - 5307th/475th - March 28, 2010
Junker, John D. - 35790059 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - August 29, 2006
Junkins, James W. - 13001611 - S/Sgt. - 1986
Kadgihn, Robert C. - 0-407241 - Capt. - K.I.A. July 30, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Kaiser, Louis - 6553461 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - 1981
Kalchthaler, Earl A. - 33677872 - Pfc. - 5307th - 1991
Kallhof, Harold F. - 15010523 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - June 3, 2006
Kampman, George W. - 20501507 - Sgt. - 5307th - December 1, 1982
Kane, Raymond V. - 33585414 - Pvt. - September 11, 1993
Kaniewski, Frank R. - 33293298 - Pfc. - 5307th - Unknown
Kappel, Walter H. - 12027046 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - August 26, 2002
Kapsiak, Joseph - 32839616 - Pfc. - K.I.A. January 12, 1945
Karnes, Keith - 00000000 - ? - K.I.A. 1944
Kast, John W - 32196444 - Cpl. - 5307th - Unknown 1972
Katz, Warner - 32173212- S/Sgt. - 5307th - November 5, 2006
Kaucher, Edward J. - 15089298 - Sgt. - May 18, 1955
Kaufmann, William N. - 33067649 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 13, 2008
Kavel, Hobart - 0-131614 - 2nd Lt. - K.I.A. January 1, 1944
Kazee, Clarence M. - 35210766 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - January 1, 1957
Keane, John F. - 6153811 - Pfc. - 5307th - 1976
Keasling, Ralph L. - 15061313 - Pfc. - 5307th - Feb 26, 1960
Keeler, Charles H. - 33616912 - Sgt. - 475th - November 1, 1988
Keeler, Howard S. - 11015501 - Sgt. - 475th - August 30, 2003
Keeling, Richard L. - 35092896 - Pfc. - 5307/475th - June 13, 2010
Keely, Ralph T. - 35654708 - Pfc. - 475th. - August 30 2003
Keene, Donald K. - 31323716 - XXX - 209th Eng. - Octomber 17, 2009
Keith, Joe D. - 35586586 - Pfc. - 5307th - November 4 2006
Kelley, Frank G. - 33288345 - T/4. - 5307th - Dec. 27, 1999
Kelley, Merle L. - 33433294 - Pfc. - February 24, 1973
Kelliher, Lawrence W. - 20150754 - 1st Sgt. - 5307th - Unknown
Kellum, Harvey,H. - 14007471 - Sgt. - 5307th - January 21, 1989
Kelsey, Eugene F. - 31221316 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - December 7, 2003
Kendall, Dawson - 12016054 - Pfc. - 5307th - October 3, 1998
Kennaugh, Albert W. - 39478191 - XXX. - 475th - February 18, 2009
Kennedy, Henry B. - 7082698 - S/Sgt. - 5307th/475th - July 2, 2009
Kensinger, Earl E. - 39002724 - Cpl. - 5307th - July 16, 1975
Kenyon, Lowell F. - 12023380 - Cpl. - 5307th - 1964
Kerrigan, Phillip A. - 36712405 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 22, 1990
Keslik, John - 20610727 - M/Sgt. - 5307th - Date Unknown
Kessler, John W. Jr. - 34130865 - 1st Sgt. - November 7, 1982
Kestenmeier, Joseph C. - 36280368 - Pfc. - April 24, 2004
Ketcham, Charles R. - 14082106 - Pfc. - 5307th - October 2, 2015
Ketchum, John H. - 37651589 - S/Sgt. - November 3, 1988
Keyser, Ned R. - 6947246 - Pfc. - 5307th - April 2, 1976
Kidd, Mack - 35774963 - Pvt. - K.I.A. July 12, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Kienlen, john N. - 13173980 - 5307th/475th - Pfc. - January 31, 2014
Kilgore, Wiley M. - 34985690 - Pvt. - 475th - March 1, 2010
Kimak, John - 33164248 - T/5 - 5307th - November 23, 1998
Kinder, Henry T. - 36420428 - T/5 - 5307th/475th - March 29, 2012
King, Albert E. - 34435301 - Pfc. - 5307th - February 28, 1981
King, Edward J. - 31027523 - S/Sgt.- 5307th - August 20, 2003
King, Henry C. - 34428932 - Cpl. - 5307th - July 31, 1997
King, Lemuel - 20845047 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 4, 1990
King, William F. - 7005608 - Pfc. - 5307th - Unknown
Kinnison, Henry L. - 0000000 - Col. - 5307th - K.I.A. April 27, 1944
Comd K Force (Myitkyina Burma)
Kinnie, Ralph B. - 12003248 - Sgt. - 5307th - 1993
Kio, Seth B. - 33296823 - Pfc. - 5307th - 5307th - August 6, 2001
Kirby, Lloyd P. (Asst Adj Gen) - 0000000 - XXX- 5307th - April 22, 2007
Kirkland, Wallace H. (Hunter) - 14013606 - T/5 - 5307th - December, 1998
Kittle, William L. - 33439837 - T/5 - 475th - Unknow 1983
Klar, Albert F. - 20503373 - Pfc. - 5307th - September 23, 1992
Klimek, Ralph S. - 36810242 - Pvt. - 5307th - January 1991
Klocke, Lawernce E. - 37158800 - 5307th - Pfc. - January 2, 2004
Klocke, William A. - 00000000 - 124th Cav. - Date unknown
Klunk, Leon J. - 33849257 - Pfc. - 475th - July 7, 2000
Kluska, Walter - 00000000 - S/Sgt - M.P. - July 31, 1967
Kluver, Albert H. - 37195278 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 11, 2003
Knallay, William A. - 13012796 - T/Sgt. - January 17, 1975
Knapp, Charles F. - 37088525 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - March 25, 1997
Knowles, Lee Ray - 34491378 - Pvt. - 5307th - June 9,1971
Knoer, Robert H. - 32833592 - Pfc. - 475th - Unknown
Kobus, Adam T. - 33391998 - Pvt. - 5307th - Date Unknown
Kohler, John F - 33509325 - T/5 - 124th Cavalry - December 3, 2004
Kolodny, Abraham L. - 01685451 - Capt. - 2nd Bn Dr. 5307th - June 3, 2005
Kolumban, Paul J. - 33437560 - S/Sgt. - 475th - December 17, 2002
Komar, Stephen - 17047760 - Pfc. - 5307th - 1966
Kondrit, Walter T. - 33671780 - Pfc. - 33rd QM PK - June 7, 2009
Kono, Russell B. - 36174221 - T/4. - 5307th - November 27, 2003
Konstantakis, Harry - 32291506 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 5, 1960
Kopec, Edwin - 6137724 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - December 29, 1991
Koppel, George E. - 35697679 - S/Sgt. - 5307th/475th - September 3, 2013
Kornfeld, Milton - 32789567 - Sgt. - 475th Date unknown
Koski, Stephen P. - 32965235 - Pfc. - February 18, 2002
Kouroyen, Ralph S. - 31017054 - T/5 - 5307th - March 11, 1996
Kozakiewicz, Walter - Pfc. - 5307th - 16108853 - September 22, 2004
Krasa, Frank J. - 33270561 - T/5 - June 18, 1982
Krautwald, William - 00000000 - OSS - K.I.A. 1944
Krautz Walter - 33099771 - Sgt. - 5307 - May 1986
Kretchmar, Harold H. - 37623874 - Pvt - July 27, 1999
Krug, Joseph - 00000000 - K.I.A. 1944
Krug, Melvin - 36217430 - Pfc. - K.I.A. June 8, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Kucera, Edward F. - 16092096 - Sgt. - K.I.A. 1944
Kuczor, Elmer J. - 16132473 - T/3 - 5307th - October 24, 1994
Kuhar, Martin F. Jr. - 35048336 - Pfc. - K.I.A. July 30, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Kvocak, Frank - 33270481 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - April 4, 1996
Kwiatkowski, Joseph P. - 33366507 - Cpl. - 5307th - About 1959
Kyreakakis, James P. - 32765624 - Sgt. - 475th - April 27, 1999
Labosky, John - 00000000 - XXX. - 612th FA PK - August 1, 1998
Lackey, Huran, L. - 14027895 - S/Sgt. - 5307th/475th - January 15, 2016
Ladomirak, John - 33135123 - Sgt. - 5307th - November 1, 1984
Laetsch, Elvin H. - 31031543 - Sgt. - 5307th - March 9, 1987
Laferriere, Leo. - 00000000 - Photographer - June 1, 1997
Laffin, William A. - 0-923419 - Capt. - 5307th - K.I.A. May 18, 1944
Lafrennie, Albert E. - 31285248 - Pfc. - K.I.A. July 2, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
LaGrange, Kenneth O. - 208462791 - 5307th - Sgt. - 1968
Lahaie, Gerald j. - 31367870 - 612th FA PK - May 10, 2004
Lahey, John D. - 36278092 - Sgt. - 5307th - April 22, 1982
Lake, Eldon A. - 0-1314652 - 2nd Lt. - K.I.A. June 28, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Lamp, Chester C. - 06262693 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - December 22, 1977
Lampron, Earl R. - 06128879 - Cpl. - 5307th - November 1, 19954
Landeck, Kenneth R. - 33517936 - Pfc. - 5307th - May 17, 2008
Landis, Robert W. - 15071424 - Pvt. - 5307th - K.I.A. February 25, 1944
Landry, Allen A. - 38488862 - Pvt. - 5307th - K.I.A. June 27, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Lane, Lesie - 376606 - 1st Lt. - 5307th/475 - December 12, 2003
Lang, Adam J. - 33067546 - Pfc. - 5307th - 1976
Lanphere, Leon L. - 20745177 - Pfc. - 5307th - April 20, 2003
LaPanne, Paul W. - 20150281 - Pvt. - 5307th - K.I.A. April 8, 1944
(Nhpum Ga, Burma)
Lapierre, Arthur A - 31025586 - Pfc. - 5307th - 5307th - March 17, 1992
Lapierre, Raymond R. - 11108044 - Pfc. - December 27,2003
Lapore, William - 1289101 - 1st Lt. - K.I.A. April 8, 1944
Lapsiak, Joseph - 00000000 - K.I.A. 1944
Large, Ermil H. - 37443005 - T/5 - 5307th - November 4, 1998
Lauf, Albert M. - 31276393 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. June 29, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Laughlin, Jack - 00000000 - XXX. - 124th Cav. - Unknown
Lauritano, Dominic E. - 7024333 - T/Sgt - K.I.A. June 11, 1944
(Mitkyina Burma)
Lawson, Lonnie E. - 39095485 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - February 26, 1966
Leach, Richard D. - 20144844 - Pfc. - 5307th - February 21, 2010
Leach, Sherman W. - 14037550 - Pfc. - 5307th - February 1975
Leal, Facundo C. - 37341828 - Cpl. - 5307th - Unknown
LeBrun, Jean P.- 20144705 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 22, 2007
Leclair, Arthur A. - 00000000 - Unknown - 124th Cav. - September 22, 2002
Lederer, Charles E. Jr. - 15070740 - T/5. - 5307th - November 18, 1970
Leeper, Richard G. - 13022361 - Pfc. - 5307th - November 27, 2006
LeFebvre, Robert M. - 32849634 - S/Sgt. - 5307th/475 - February 11, 2009
Lehman, John W. - 33501441 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - Unknown 1985
Lehmann, Donald L. - 39562155 - Pvt. - 5307th/475th - December 27, 2009
Leighliter, Floyd R. - 33684515 - Pvt. - K.I.A. 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Leland, Delos A. - 20649190 - Sgt. - 5307th - October 6, 1999
Lennon, Edward F. - 3179729 - Sgt. - March 30, 2000
Leonard, Raymond A. - 0-1293960 - Capt. - 8/5/81
LePore, William S. - 0-1289101 - 1st Lt. - K.I.A. 1944
Leslie, John L. - 32161645 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 26, 1995
Lettieri, Charles J. - 20130581 - Pfc. - 5307th - January 29, 2005
Lettner, Pete - 34200382 - Pfc. - K.I.A. February 1, 1945
Levesque, Elmer R. - 31324491 - Pfc. - K.I.A. July 2, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Levin, Henry - 33071631 - Pfc. - 5307th - June 1, 1988
Levy, Mortimer B. - 32082825 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - March 4, 1990
Lew, Lawrence L. - 40132 - Maj. - 5307th - February 23, 1990
Lichtenau, Harold P. - 32806593 - Pvt. - K.I.A. July 12, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Lighthart, Clifford E. - 36199527 - Sgt. - December 30, 1985
Lilly, Willard J. - 6944198 - Sgt. - 5307th/475th - Date Unknown
Lind, Tony P. - 36523554 - Pfc. - 5307th - Date Unknown
Lindgren, Lawrence V. - 0-1302834 - 1st Lt. - 5307th - May 7, 2003
Lindsey, Beecher F. - 7005453 - S/Sgt. - 475th - July 25, 1985
Wood, Jay - 35604050 - S/Sgt. - May 17, 2011
Lindsey, Woodrow - 00000000 - Eng - K.I.A. June 16, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Lineman, Howard - 00000000 - Eng - K.I.A. July 6, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Linert, Charles H. - 35308206 - Pfc. - 5307th - Aug 1975
Linnbaum, george J. - 00000000 - XXX. - 124th Cav. - May 5, 1994
Linnemeyer, Arthur J. - 37145377 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - July 20, 1986
Liska, Frank W. - 33461153 - MP - Pfc - January 1, 1973
Lister, Zilpha - 35101189 - Pfc. - 475th Medic - Octomber 11, 2006
Littau, William - 00000000 - XXX. - 33rd QM PK - December 26, 1999
Littler, Wilber R. - 37238696 - Cpl. - 5307th - March 4, 2001
Locke, William A. - 00000000 - Lt Col. - 124th Cav. - October 18, 1987
Lohr, Bert M. - 3348730 - Pfc. - August 1, 2004
Lombardi, Dante - 00000000 - Eng - K.I.A. July 19, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Lombardi, Felix A. - 33302788 - Pfc. - 5307th - June 1, 1987
Loraski, Earl W. - 6149045 - Pfc. - 5307th - August 1, 1967
Lord, Earl W.- 6149045 - Pfc. - 5307th - August 1, 1967
Loroff, Ben - 36236692 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 27, 1992
Loughlin - Robert T. - 0-331329 - 1st Lt. - 5307th - January 10, 1957
Lounsbery - Wilford L. - 36407325 - Pfc. - 5307th - February 1, 1992
Love, Dame L. - 35138475 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - January 21,2011
Lowe, Charles W. - 70710141 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - June 1, 1996
Lowe, Clarence T. - 33849330 - Pfc. - 475th - October 9, 1999
Lowe,Delbert P. - 15011602 - Pvt. - 5307th - Novenber 1988
Lowe, George B. - 7081320 - Cpl. - 5307th - April 4, 2009
Lowe, Richard E. - 33073723 - T/5 - 5307th - November 19, 1995
Lowery, Roy A. - 33849495 - Pfc. - 475th - October 5, 1990
Lubin, David - 0-1635044 - 2nd Lt. - 5307th - December 15, 1976
Lucas, Eugene H. - 15018028 - Pfc. - 5307th - January 2, 1998
Luceno, Vito JR. - 32766593 - Pfc. - K.I.A. February 20, 1945
Luci, Patsy - 0000000 - XXX. - 124 Cav. - March 1, 1985
Lucky, Loyd P. - 38683149 - Pfc. - 475th - January 14, 2005
Ludwig, Edwin - 7022925 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - About 1979
Luedke, Ernest - 36259693 - T/5. - 33 QM PK - February 7, 2011
Luers, Wilbur - 33558689 - Pfc. - About 1987
Lum, Frank W. - 16146452 - Pfc. - 5307th - February 3, 2000
Lumpkin, Hanry P. - 38030965 - S/Sgt - 5307th - May 12 1990
Lupetin, John J.- 32810463 - Pvt. - June 26, 2010
Lusk, Eugene M. - 35094902 - Sgt. - April 24, 1985
Lussier, James C. - 31031995 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - June 6, 1990
Luttrell, Jack L. - 20509496 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - October 16, 2014
Lynch, John A. - 6152375- S/sgt - August 1, 2004
Lynch, Brendon - 0-1301657 - 1st Lt. - K.I.A. March 31, 1944
(Near Nhpum Ga, Burma)
Lyons, Charles - 6725614 - Pvt - 475th - Date Unknown
Lyons, Fredrick C. - 0-414377 - Capt. - 5307th - October 31, 1986
Lyons, Raymond V. - 20237968 - T/4 - 5307th - February 7, 2008
Lyons, Walter (Tiger) - 20507679 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 17, 1973
Macewicz, Chester J. - 11009864 - Sgt. - 5307th - June 21, 1991
Machin, Edmund F. - 12045177 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - June 2, 1998
Macik, John - 12164208 - Sgt. - 5307th - March 4, 2000
Mack, George G. - 20262149 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. May 1, 1944
Macy, Seth H. - 1104978 - 1st Lt. - August 21, 2001
Madden, Glen G. - 35127871 - Sgt. - 5307th - July 29, 2012
Maddock, William H. - 6148492 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - About 1978
Maddry, John R. - 34150516 - S/Sgt. - 5307th/475th - 1976
Magnotta, Joseph M. - 33353594 - T/4 - 5307th - August 27, 1998
Maki, Sam A. - 36196646 - Pfc. - 5307th - September 12, 1994
Malick, Robert J. - 35109038 - Pfc. - 5307th - About December, 2006
Mallick, Stephen - 33617522 - Pvt. - 475th - June 5, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Malnack, Harry - 0-1312779 - 1st Lt. - July 7, 1993
Maloney, Joseph C - 35117651 - Pvt. - About 1968
Maly, Harry R. - 35876432 - T/Sgt. - 475th - August 2, 2000
Mamula, George (Chappy) - 6889042 - T/Sgt. - 2/4/75
Manasco, Daniel B. - 35725874 - Pvt. - K.I.A. June 30, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Maner, Roy C. - 14140804 - Pfc. - 5307th - July 9, 1993
Manikas, Vincent A. - 20610125 - 1st Sgt. - 5307th - December 12, 2003
Maniscalco, Vincent A. - 31314416 - Pfc. - July 13, 2008
Mansell, Charles E - 6967970 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - March 17, 1996
Mansell, Leroy S. - 00000000 - XXX. - 209th Eng. - August 1, 1997
Manuel, Herman - 20845086 - Pfc. - 5307th - 1950's
Manzi, Edward M. - 33585415 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - August 28, 2008
Maple, Charles W. - 6562709 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - April 13, 2003
Markley, Wilbert L. - 36043996 - Sgt. - 5307th - Sept 30, 2008
Markovic, Frank J. - 35048165 - Sgt. - 1960
Marrujo, Bamjamin F. - 37350713 - Cpl. - 5307th - Unknown
Marshall, Bernard J. - 3112506 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. April 8, 1944
(NHPUM GA, Burma)
Marshall, Darcy I. - 37570545 - Sgt. - 475th - September 17, 2012
Martin, Alfred T. - 7020385 - T/Sgt. - March 19, 1988
Martin, Keith K. - 35748538 - Pvt. - 5307th - July 26, 1997
Martin, Raymond C. - 00000000 - ? - K.I.A. July 26, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Martinez, Henry - 39723399 - Pvt. - 475 - April 22, 2002
Martinez, Joseph C - 39167845 - Pfc. - 5307th - About 1988
Martinez, Mardoqueo - 38350813 - Pvt. - 5307th Medic - November 1, 2012
Martinez, Lee E. - 38008563 - Pfc. - 5307th - Date Unknown
Martini, Thomas J. - 32404040 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - November 16, 2004
Masengil, James T. - 34505385 - T/4. - 5307th - November 9, 2005
Mason, Clifford J. - 20684433 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - May 16, 1992
Mason, Morris Jr. - 32810715 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - May 15, 1979
Mastrangelo, Francis R. - 31284943 - Pvt. - November 16, 2001
Matlock, Thomas C. - 6978587 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - K.I.A. May 24, 1944
Matlovich, Clarence T. - 33502814 - S/Sgt - 5307th - September 15, 2005
Matney, Thomas H. - 13018166 - Cpl - 5307th - March 21, 1990
Matson, Kenneth E. - 15065014 - Pvt. - K.I.A. June 28, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Matsumoto, Roy H. - 18184261 - M/Sgt.- 5307th - April 17, 2014
Matteson, Edwin P. - 7032681 - S/Sgt - March 8, 2001
Mattina, Anthony T. - 32243452 - T/5 - 5307th - April 17, 2003
Matthis, Ervin A. - 19055401 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - November 14, 2011
Mauksch, Adolf H. - 37123851 - T/5 - 5307th - September 10, 1986
Maxen, Robert P. - 0-435634 - Capt. - March 16, 1996
Maxwell, Ival, - 35725668 - S/Sgt. - 5307th/475th - April 15, 2017
Maxwell, Robert, - 35049943 - Pvt. - 5307th/475th - December 24, 2010
Mayer, Jack V - 20508098 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - March 4, 1982
Mayle, Thurwood - 35741615 - Pvt. - October 7, 1987
McAfee, Louis J. - 37742949 - Pvt. - March 16, 1998
McCarty, Glenn M. - 20617856 - Pfc. - 5307th - July 22, 2005
McCarty, Theodore I. - 36052726 - Sgt. - 5307th - January 24, 1999
McCarty, Thomas F. - 6964052 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - January 24, 1999
McCauley, William I. - 38000163 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - November 6, 1989
McConnaughey, John N. - 00000000 - OSS - January 1, 2002
McConnell, Zene B. - 39616572 - Pfc - February 4, 1993
McCormick, John J. - 34428883 - Sgt. - 5307th - June 13, 2002
McCrain, Wiliam J. - 32808238 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - October 27 2010
McCullough, James D. - 6661861 - Sgt. - 5307th - October 25, 1965
McCutcheon, John W. - 31253868 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 21, 1999
McDaniels, Lewis R. - 39910205 - Pfc. - 5307th - September 15, 2007
McDermott, Joseph M. - 36044943 - Sgt. - 5307th - July 24, 1987
McDevitt, John H. - 31227929 - T/5 - K.I.A. June 16, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
McDonough, Charles S. - 33613858 - Pvt. - 475th - August 1, 1984
McDowell, Mike R. - 35790891 - Pvt. - K.I.A. July 29, 1944
McDowell, Peter C. - 0-1315086 - 2nd Lt. - 5307th - January 26, 1999
McElmurry, John B. - 0-1289112 - 1st Lt. - K.I.A. 1944
McElmurray, William V. - 00000000 - LT - K.I.A. 1944
McGee, George A. - 0-20806 - Lt. Col. Commander 2 BN.- 5307th - November 6, 2007
McGee, George P. - 32194638 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - Date Unknown
McGee, Samuel B. - 34330414 - Pfc. - 5307th - November 1, 1976
McGinnis, Harold E. - 35380730 - Pfc. - 5307th - July 30, 1972
McGinnis, William T. - 20601588 - Pfc. - 5307th - October, 10, 2012
McGoldrick, Francis - 33586057 - Sgt. - 475th - March 7, 2014
McGonegle, Ralph E. - 36243509 - T/5 - 5307th - January 1, 1971
McGowan, Dennis - 00000000 - XXX - 209th Eng. - July 26, 2007
McGraw, Robert S. - 32375050 - T/3 Med - 5307th - October 21, 1994
McGuire, James E. - 16021487 - T/5 - 5307th - December 1, 2003
McGuire, Donald R. - 0000000 - XXX. - 124th Cav. - January 17, 19999
McGuire, James E. - 16021487 - Cpl. - 5307th - December 1, 2003
McGuire, James F. - 35116255 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - January 31, 1997
Mcilwain, Russell - 13021923 - Pfc. - 5307th - August 4, 1983
McKenzie, Edgar L. - 33849403 - Pfc. - October 16, 1999
McKie, Leslee J. - 16525634 - Sgt. - 5307th - Unknown, 2012
McKinney, Elbert V. - 38333411 - Pvt. - 5307th - October 15, 2000
McKinney, Gus - 34141769 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - December 6, 2009
McKnight, John F. - 33433187 - Pvt. - May 1998
McKnight, Robert G. - 0-372477 - Capt. - K.I.A. June 16, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
McLaren, Leonard H. - 00000000 - XXX. - 209 FA QM - AQugust 8, 1996
McLaughlin, George M. - 0-1283812 - Capt. - 5307th - June 22, 1958
McLaughlin, Dr John J. - 0-398103 - Capt., Surgeon - 5307th - August 8, 2003
McLelland, Edwin - 38437187 - Pfc. - 5307th - April 30 2003
McMahan, Charles - 14007781 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 22, 1993
McMahon, Edward J. - 36364221 - Pfc. - 5307th - July 9, 2001
McNally, George - 00000000 - XXX. Det 101 - December 16,1987
McNally, James A. - 20269001 - 1st. Sgt. - 5307th/475th - November 4, 1990
McNees, Robert E. - 33433231 - 475 - July 30, 2003
McNeil, Edmund V. - 32636532 - Pfc. - 5307th - June 6, 1998
McPherson, Hugh H. - 37160239 - T/5 - 5307th - K.I.A. April 1,1944
McVay, Gordon J. - 36896001 - Pfc. - June 6, 1991
Mead, Robert L. - 15011628 - T/4 - 5307th - May 8, 1994
Mead, Vivtor M. - 39376014 - T/4 - 5307th - January 1, 1983
Mead, Willis C. - 0-370818 - Capt. - 5307th - January 7, 1992
Meadors, Warren G. - 35424726 - T/5 - March 28, 1998
Mealer, Neal L. - 38081298 - Sgt. - 5307th - July 2, 1984
Medeiros, Joseph F. - 39162715 - Pvt. - 5307th - July 14, 2005
Medvetz, Joseph F. - 32260721 - 5307th - K.I.A. 1995
Meehan, Art - 00000000 - OSS - K.I.A.
Meeks, Roscoe H. - 16019501 - T/4 - 5307th - April 12, 2006
Mehrten, Deryle M. - 39391107 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - August 27, 1990
Meischke, William G - 20508095 - Sgt. - 5307th - March 27, 1986
Mell, Albert - 6975110 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - March 20, 1985
Mellin, Valen V. - 393231736975110 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - 2006
Mellinger, Edward H. - 0-415015 - Maj. - 1998
Menta, Carmen S. - 13004136 - Pfc. - 5307th - October 12, 1978
Mereness, Gordon E. - 0-353931 - Capt. - 5307th - 1980
Meringer, Rudoph J. - 3280715 - Pfc. - unkown
Merino, Joseph P. - 34820291 - Pfc. - 5307th - April 20, 1996
Merrill, Frank D. - 0-17638 - Brig. Gen. - December 11, 1955
Messersmith, Harry L. - 37693457 - XXX. - 475th - Unkown 2006
Messersmith, Lloyd J. - 32839495 - XXX. - 475th - August 13, 2004
Messina, Ralph A. - 33566716 - XXX. - 236th Eng - March 12, 2004
Metcalf, Neil E. - 36615181 - Pfc. - 31st QM PK - November 4, 2009
Meyer, Lamont W. - 37070512 - Pfc. - 5307th - August 6, 1978
Meyer, Richard C. - 35564673 - Pfc - 5307 - K.I.A. June 28 1944
Meyerhoff, Melvin E. - 37669650 - Sgt. - 5307th/475th - October 2, 2011
Meyers, Walter G. - 33721658 - Pfc. - 209th - July 15, 2004
Michel, Paul V. - 15010345 - Pfc. - K.I.A. June 5, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Middelton, Horace H. - 33501351 - Pvt. - K.I.A. July 12, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Middleton, Virgle W. - 33501782 - 5307th/475th - Pfc. - October 3, 1994
Midyette, Albert L. - 34313123 - T/4. - 5307th - June 27, 2002
Mihalic, Louis J. - 33570597 - Pfc. - January 2, 1998
Mikolajezyk, Walter J. - 36012765 - Sgt. - 5307th - June 13, 2012
Mikulan, George M. - 13111009 - Cpl. - 5307th - April 14, 1966
Mikulski, Charles S. - 13006995 - Pfc. - 5307th - May 30, 1991
Miles, William H. - 35009571 - T/4 - K.I.A. July 28, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Milia, Peter E. - 31290574 - Pfc. - May 20, 2002
Miller, Clyde E. - 38251840 - T/5. - 5307th - February 24, 2013
Miller, Jackson E. - 13001655 - Pvt. - 5307th - December 1975
Miller, James E. - 13001655 - Pvt. - 5307th - January 1, 2000
Miller, Leo O. - 36477471 - Pvt. - 5307th - March 11, 2006
Minderman, Hurbert H. - 37155902 - Cpl. - 5307th - January 28, 2009
Minewski, Alex - 12041348 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 24, 1979
Mink, Walter - 35473790 - Pvt. - K.I.A. December 9, 1944
Minsukado, Edward H. - 30100095 - T/Sgt. - 5307th/475th - November 26, 2002
Mintz, JC. - 18192057 - Pfc. - 5307th - August 4, 1976
Mintz, Robert J. - 34772514 - Pfc. - 5307th - January 23, 2010
Mitchell, Fred J. - 33437721 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - December 9 2008
Mitchell, Lewis B. - 38607950 - Sgt. - 5307th - November 27, 1968
Mitchell, Ray F. - 14194305 - S/Maj. - 5307th/475th - November 13, 2011
Mitchell, Robert W. - 37422330 - Pfc. - 5307th - July 23, 2012
Miyasaki, Yoshiki H. - 30100586 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - 5307th - January 26, 1988
Moats, Gerold E. - 35154478 - T/4. - 5307th - December 20, 1975
Moen, Norman V. - 36810274 - Pvt. - 5307th - December 27, 2012
Molder, Carroll R. - 38107034 - Pvt. - 5307th - March 4, 1985
Mohr, William R. - 35697636 - T/5. - 5307th/475th - November 11, 2005
Molder, Carroll R. - 38107034 - Pvt. - 5307th - March 4, 1985
Moliff, Julian s. - 35008780 - Pfc. - 5307th - Junary 7, 2007
Mollet, John D - 39084139 - Pfc. - 5307th - About 1988
Monaghan, Joseph H - 15058777 - S/Sgt. - 475th - K.I.A. January 17, 1945
Monahan, Thomas K. - 36583166 - T/5 - December 19,1988
Monhollon, Arvil B. 35789712 - S/Sgt - 5307th/475th - November 2, 2004
Monnin, Edward A. - 6976786 - Pfc. - 5307th - June 9, 1990
Monteith, Thomas W. - 36339565 - Pfc. - 5307th - September 7, 1982
Monti, Salvator R. - 32893955 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - March 17, 2010
Montiglio, Dominick - 12006413 - Sgt. - 5307th - August 11, 2005
Montoya, Jose L. - 38168415 - Pvt. - November 18, 1988
Montrose, Frank - 32506598 - Pvt. - 5307th - August 23, 1987
Moon, Ray - 39910280 - Pfc. - K.I.A. August 2, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Moores, Clinton D. - 19014018 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - Unknown
Moran, George O. - 39704212 - Pvt. - K.I.A. July 27, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Morello, Joseph F. - 32805968 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - July 29, 1998
Morency, Roger W. - 31319347 - T/5 - 5307th/475th - December 22, 1993
Morgan, Franklin W. - 6387965 - S/Sgt. - October 6, 1975
Morgan, Iver - 6885937 - Pvt. - 5307th - 1970
Morgan, Richard F. - 0-1305963 - 2nd Lt. - 5307th - October 16, 1982
Morrell, James M. - 32849604 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - June 5, 2003
Morris, Edgar D. Jr. - 0-1313775 - 2nd Lt. - K.I.A. June 1, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Morris, Eugene - 37215242 - Pvt. - 5307th - March 18, 1979
Morris, Leroy - 6589086 - T/5 - 5307th - December 18, 2004
Morris, Price M. - 33591405 - --- - 124th Cav. - April 23, 2012
Morris, Robert E. - 12033817 - Pfc. - 124th Cav. - December 26, 1992
Morrison, John T. - 34428870 - Pfc - 5307th - May 28, 2004
Mortimer, Harold L. - 6148647 - Pfc. - 5307th - January 2, 2004
Mortimer, William B. - 11018277 - Sgt. - 5307th - November 28, 2003
Morton, Willie E. - 7005458 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - April 26, 1999
Mosher, Albert W. - 00000000 - XXX. - 124th Cav. - March 29,1998
Mosher, James L. - 31317335 - Pvt. - 5307th/475th - December 22, 2010
Mosher, Ray C. - 20150247 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - April 5, 2005
Mosley, Alex D. - 35876095 - Pvt. - 5307th/475th - May 3, 1965
Moss, Howard K. - 34377303 - Pfc. - K.I.A. February 11, 1946
Mount, George A. - 35725859 - Sgt. - 5307th/475th - June 14, 1997
Mowry, Harold - 35094840 - Cpl. - 5307th/475th - Unknown 2007
Muench, Donald R. - 20651089 - Cpl. - 5307th - May 8, 2000
Mulder, Gerald G - 36407681 - Pvt. - 5307th - September 1, 1981
Mulhonlland, Frank M. - 36511942 - Sgt. - 475th - Date Unknown
Mulder, Gerald G. - 36407681 - T/5 - 5307th - Sept 1, 1981
Mullian, Herman - 6135631 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - January 28, 1994
Mullins, Ercil. - 35210858 - Sgt. - 5307th/475th - December 19, 2002
Mullins, Robert C. - 33548386 - Pfc. - 5307th - September 15, 1997
Mulvaney, Robert J. - 00000000 - XXX. - 5332nd - April 10, 2004
Murphy, Richard S. - 6147306 - T/5 - 5307th - K.I.A. March 28, 1944
Shaduzup Burma
Murray, William V. - 01307736 - 2nd Lt. - 5307th - March 5, 1964
Music, Alfred G. - 15043812 - Pfc. - 5307th - Octomber 26, 2002
Musselman, Robert - Unknown - Pfc. - 124 Cav. - May 15, 2012
Myers, Crawley L. - 34132652 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. March 5, 1944
Walawbum Burma
Myers, Charles L. - 35095207 - Cpl. - December 31, 1984
Myers, Lawrence - 38320999 - Pfc. - 5307th - August 16, 2002
Myszewski, Ralph J. - 36235857 - Pfc. - 9/26/95
Nakada, Kenichi (Roy) - 30102013 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - July 20, 2002
Nalley, Fred E. - 14125208 - Pvt. - 5307th - Unknow 1948
Neal, John H.- 140499193 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - December 9, 2008
Nelson, Earle E. - 35095794 - Pvt. - Date Unknown
Nelson, Herbert - 12011450 - Sgt. - 5307th - March 12, 1991
Nelson, Orin H. - 37324941 - Cpl. - September 10, 1954
Nelson, Willard C. - 01289783 - Cpt. -- 5307th July 16,2000
Neri, Pasquale A. - 32735560 - Pfc - July 12, 1990
Ness, Martin K. - 00000000 - XXX - 612th FA PK - December 24, 2004
Nestor, Robert B. - 35749634 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - May 8, 2000
Newman, Fred D. - 34543665 - Pfc. - K.I.A. July 28, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Newman, Robert C. - 1285984 1st Lt. - 5307th/475th - August 18, 1992
Newsom, Denver E. - 35652212 - S/Sgt. - 5307th/475th - March 23, 2011
Nichols, Edward S. - 20509310 Pvt. - 5307th - K.I.A. April 4, 1944
(NHPUM GA, Burma)
Nichols, James W. - 33067625 - Pvt. - 5307th - January 23, 1994
Nichols, Thomas P. - 35186178 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. April 6, 1944
(NHPUM GA, Burma)
Nicholson, Robert F. - 33353518 - Pfc. - 5307th - January 23, 1994
Nicholson, William - 20501043 - Pfc. - 5307th - February 14, 2002
Nicholson, William E. - 35697001 - Pvt. - 475th - June 15, 2008
Nicoll, George - 0-1302862 - 1st Lt. - 5307th - August 7, 2001
Niehaus, Robert L. - 16054235 - Cpl. - 5307th - August 16, 2010
Niklas, Vincent B. - 39030645 - T/5. - 5307th/475th - June 5, 1984
Niles, Leland K. - 12024175 - 1st Sgt. - 5307th - June 30, 2001
Nitche, David J. - 6290773 - Pvt. - K.I.A. July 15, 1944
Noble, Albert W. - 37475535 - T/5. - 5307th - March 18, 2010
Noblett, Walter R. - 0-1302863 - 1st LT. - 5307th - May 2, 1995
Noe, William C. - 33078628 - S/Sgt. - K.I.A. May 12, 1944
Noel, Robert C. - 34155721 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. April 3, 1944
Nolan, John F. 6176723 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - June 1, 1983
Nolan, Lawrence - 34383049 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 1, 1974
Nolter, George L. - 13019649 - Pvt. - August 11, 2002
Noonan, Robert E. - 13022665 - Sgt. - 5307th - July 3, 1974
Noreka, Victor J. - 20503786 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - April 5, 2008
Norling, Robert W. - 20504451 - Cpl. - 5307th - K.I.A. April 8, 1944
(Nhpum Ga, Burma)
Norris, Everett L. - 34525911 - Pvt. - K.I.A. July 28, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Norton, Chester C. - 39381077 - Pfc. - 5307th - April 5, 1987
Norton, John P. - 31324339 - Sgt. - 475th - August 1,2002
Novak, Stanley J. - 36240642 - T/5 - 5307th - March 5, 1984
Noveletsky, Ralph - 11024863 - December 11, 1999
Nowocinski, Henry S. - 31316118 - Pfc. - K.I.A. July 3, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Nugent, William E. - 18046548 - Pvt. - March 1, 1971
Nutt, Francis R. - 20105148 - Pfc. - 5307th -January 1, 2002
O'Connor, Donald L. - 13088716 - Pfc. - 5307th - October 23, 1987
Odlum, Gordon E. - 20129511 - Cpl. -5307th - September 30, 1976
O'Donnell, Grant G. - 32849594 - Pvt. - 5307th/475th - February 11, 2001
O'Donnell, Robert J. - 6142416 - T/4 - K.I.A. July 3, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Ogburn, Charlton Jr - 0-1636417 - 2nd Lt. -5307th - September 19, 1998
Ogden, Charles A. - 20105959 - Pfc. - 5307th - 1950
O'Hara, John C. - 13115381 - Sgt. - 5307th - October 11, 1992
Oila, Edwin A. - 36183254 - Pfc. - 5307th - April 19, 1973
Olenik, Emil P. - 33302514 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - June 1, 1981
Olish, Joseph P. - 13084252 - Cpl. - 5307th - March 7, 2001
Oliver, Louis W. - 15047143 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - December 15, 1999
Ollila, Walter M. - 36701348 - Cpl. - 5307th -February 13, 1988
Olmsted, Robert E. - 16205019 - Cpl - 5307th MP - August 3, 2011
Ols, George A. Jr. - 35062388 - Pfc. - 5307th - September 28, 2002
Olsen, Lambert - 20604521 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. March 28, 1944
Olsen, Phillip L. - 20645641 - Sgt. - 5307th - June 13, 2002
Olson, Claris G. - 13152595 - Cpl. - 5307th - September 12, 2002
Olson, Einar - 37273806 - Pfc. - 5307th - Januaqry 6, 1998
Olson, Warren A. - 11050282 - Sgt. - 5307th - August 6, 1993
O'Neill, Orick - 32849594 - XXX - November 17,1989
Onie John J. - 35423724 - Sgt. - 5307th - November 29, 2008
Orea, Sidney C. - 6558375 - S/Sgt. - 5307th/475th - Unknown
Orlan, Joe - 0-858003 - 1st Lt. - OSS - K.I.A. May 27, 1945
Orlando, James J. - 17150839 - Cpl. - 5307th - October 27, 1999
Orlowski, Walter - 16110964 - T/5. - 5307th - February 2, 2002
Orr, Harry M. - 18030788 - Sgt. - K.I.A. July 23, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Orr, Willliam L. - 34736429 - Pfc. - K.I.A. July 29, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Orrs, Guy M. - 33366290 - Sgt. - 5307th - February 11, 1997
Ortega, Elpidio R. - 39562315 - T/4. - 5307th - December 28, 2009
Ortego, Emile P. - 14040455 - T/4. - 5307th - Date 2002
Orth, Franklin L. - 0-307198 - Lt Col. - January 5. 1970
Osborne, John J. - 34093950 - Pvt. - 5307th - K.I.A. May 13, 1944
(NHPUM GA, Burma)
Osborn, Willian L. - 0-343357 - Col. - 5307th - February 20, 1985
Ostroff, Harold B. - 33795048 - Pfc. - 5307th - May 23, 1989
Ostrolecki, Raymond F. - 7025650 - Pvt. - K.I.A. June 20, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Oswald, Edward R. - 0-444003 - lst Lt. - 5307th - May 8, 1992
Ott, George R. - 33382061 - ? - 613th FA PK - June 11, 2005
Overby, Allen H. - 20711242 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - September 26, 1980
Overton, Amos - 15054314 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - April 10, 2008
Owens, Willard I. - 39565027 - S/Sgt. - 5307th/475th - June 6, 2002
Owensby, Walter B. - 14030530 - Pfc. - K.I.A. 1944
Ownby, Loy A. - 14161424 - Pfc. - 5307th - February 5, 2004
Paddack, Kenneth L. - 35251520 - Pfc. - 5307th - June 6, 1975
Page, Charles B. - 34804426 - Pvt. - 5307th - K.I.A. May 6, 1944
(RITPONG, Burma)
Page, Norman - 11019972 - Pfc. - 5307th - in May 17 2002
Pagniello, Leonard J. - 32810845 - T/5. - 5307th/475th - KIA December 15, 1944
Painter, Lloyd J. - 7007774 - Pvt. - K.I.A. February 25, 1944
(Ledo/Burma Road) Paller, John - 32805977 - Pfc. - 475th - November 22, 1997
Panting, Melvin - 00000000 - XXX. - 209th Eng. - Novemberr 1, 2005
Pappalardo, Angelo M. - 20130328 - 5307th - T/4 - June 10, 1996
Paquette, Lionel J. - 20637984 - Cpl - 5307th - K.I.A. March 4, 1944
Paral, Frank J. - 36012776 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - Unknown
Paris, Harry H. - 16040658 - T/4 - 5307th - October 4, 1975
Parker, Raymond C. - 35866792 - Pvt. - 475th - September 1, 1980
Parker, Raymond T. - 31013345 - Cpl. - 124th Cav. - Unknown, 1994
Parker, Vilas D. - 20648114 - S/SGT. - K.I.A. 1944
Parnell, Earl - 33704288 - Pvt. - 475th - December 10, 2001
Parsils, Robert D. - 32205648 - Sgt. - 5307th - Date Unknown
Partridge, Clarence G. - 17052899 - 5307th - T/5 - July 12, 1980
Patelli, Thomas V. - 31303803 - S/Sgt. - 49th PT Surg. - October 22, 2001
Patera, Paul C. - 5307th - 32535257 - T/5 - June 20, 2007
Patrick, George W. - 33661670 - Pfc - 475th Inf. - December 29, 2012
Pattaro, Vincent J. - 32565503 - Pfc - 5307th - June 18, 2000
Patten, Robert M. - 15330777 - Pvt - 5307th - September 26, 2008
Patterson, Arthur E. - 36433999 - Pfc - 5307th - March 26, 2003
Paul, Wilson H. - 33612383 - Pvt. - 475th - October 1, 1984
Paulauskas, Joseph - 32357210 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - 1978
Pausch, Harold T.(Tommy)- 00000000 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. May 13, 1944
Paulin, Frank F. Jr. - 00000000 - XXX. - 124th Cav. - May 1, 1998
Pavel, Lawrance L. - 20505180 - T/5 - 5307th - Date Unknown
Payne, Clifford D. - 14105285 - Pfc. - 5307th - April 14, 2003
Payne, Emmett L. - 19015219 - Pvt. - 5307th/475th - September 9, 2006
Payne, William N. - 1324704 - 1st Lt. - 475th - Febuary 2, 1985
Peach, Clark E. - 37267891 - T/4 - 5307th - August 20, 1990
Pearce, Carles D. - 35630151 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - August 20, 2009
Pearson, Paul J. - 34831044 - Pvt. - 475th - Date Unknown
Peck, John E. - 33671770 - Pfc. - 475th Inf. - Date Unknown, 2002
Peleski, Nick S. - 33018982 - Pvt. - 5307th - December 30, 1988
Pelfrey, Everett - 6658759 - Cpl. - 5307th - January 1, 1997
Peltier, Charles W. - 15392441 - Pvt. - 5307th - March 9, 1994
Penna, Joseph M. - 32959418 - Pvt. - May 11, 1984
Pennington, William F. - 18130117 - Pfc. - 475th - Date Unknown
Perdomo, louis O. - 34209710 - Pfc. - 5307th - August 3, 2012
Perelli, John O. - 6152450 - M/Sgt. - 5307th - June 29, 2001
Perkins, Julius E. - 35330432 - Pfc. - 475th - May 30, 1996
Perl, Richard R. - 20504454 - Sgt. - 5307th - May 6, 1986
Perrone, Dominic A. (Pat) - 0-1795004 - Maj. - 5307th - February 27, 2001
Peryea, Joseph P. - 12005822 - T/5 - 5307th - Date Unknown
Pescatore, Primo J. - 31325725 - Pvt. - K.I.A. July 4, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Peters, Ruppert E. - 37035418 - 1st Sgt. - 5307th - December 27, 1980
Peterson, Ellwood G. - 37273747 - Pfc. - 5307th - January 10, 1999
Peterson, Francis W. - 39392510 - Pfc. - 5307th - April 1, 2005
Peterson, Joseph W. - 35342531 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. May 29, 1944
Petito, Peter A. - 0-369202 - Maj. - 5307th - November 21, 1998
Petrevay, George E. - 33391971 - Pfc. - 5307th - 1961
Pfannebecker, Lester L. - 27437306 - Pvt. - 5307th - January 18, 1983
Pfeiffer, George E. - 32806271 - Pvt. - 475th - May 1993
Phelps, Harold C. - 0-515503 - Capt. - 475th - November 19, 1996
Phillipp, Ben L. - 39244476 - T/5 - 5307th/475th - October 15, 2007
Phillips, Charles E. - 6976246 - Sgt. - 5307th - January 1, 1997
Phillips, Harold A. - 39081896 - S/Sgt - 5307th - July 15, 2001
Phillips, James B. - 18170082 - Pvt - 5307th - September 1, 2006
Phillips, James H. - 14014136 - T/5 - 5307th - November 1, 1998
Phillips, Roy N. - 39093347 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - December 21, 1972
Phillips, Walter W. - 13006994 - Pfc. - 5307th - September 3, 1983
Phleeger, Robert A. - 16150361 - Pfc. - 475th - July 3, 1985
Piazza, Anthony F. - 7074357 - S/Sgt - 475th - September 29, 2008
Piazza, Phillip B. - 1302089 - 1st Lt. - 5307th - May 29, 2011
Pichnarcik, John J. - 31452542 - T/5 - 475th - February 1, 1995
Pickard, Thomas E. - 00000000 - XXX. - ^13 FA PK - May 11, 1998
Pierce, Willie W - 34440499 - Pvt. - 5307th - Date Unknown
Pietsch, Carter - 37457922 - Pvt. - K.I.A. March 7, 1944
(WESU GA, Burma)
Pilarski, Carl - 36586013 - Pfc. - 5307th - October 5, 2012
Pilcher, Milton A. - 363806 - MG. - 5307th - April 16,2017
Pina, Ralph O. - 39541930 - Pfc. - 5307th - July 26, 1986
Pingel, John B. - 35871128 - Sgt. - 475th - May 15, 2015
Pirone, Frank A. - 32535426 - Pfc. - 5307th - October 22, 1988
Pirre, Salavatore J. - 31324473 - Pfc. - 475th - September 17,2001
Pisiak, John J. - 12024105 - Pfc. - 5307th - November 19, 1983
Pittaro, Vincent J. - 32565583 - Pfc. - 5307th - June 18, 2000
Pittman, Earl E. - 6956675 - Pfc. - 5307th - November 7, 1992
Pittaro, Vincent J. - 32565583 - Pfc. - 5307th - June 18, 2000
Pittaro, Vincent J. - 32565583 - Pfc. - 5307th - June 18, 2000
Pittaro, Vincent J. - 32565583 - Pfc. - 5307th - June 18, 2000
Place, William K. - 35547023 - T/5. - 475th - February 9, 2002
Plato, Stanley R. - 31285196 - Pfc. - 475th - February 19, 2003
Player, Luther S. - 7085173 - Sgt. - 5307th - March 15, 1998
Pliska, Stanley A - 20109506 - Sgt. - 5307th - June 15, 1981
Ploederl, John J. - 36208247 - Sgt. - 5307th - K.I.A. April 1, 1944
Plumeri, Charles J. - 32735355 - Pvt. - 5307th/475th - July 16, 2004
Plummer, John - *3120824 - S/Sgt - 5307th - K.I.A. April 2, 1944
(NHPUM GA, Burma)
Plunkett, Rossell J. - 35027412 - Pfc. - K.I.A. May 18, 1944
Polesinelli, Frank J. - 32319171 - Pfc. - 5307th - July 10, 2002
Pollak, Stephen G. - 15382255 - Pvt. - 475th - January 1, 1955
Ponder, Francis E. - 33294662 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - April 21, 2013
Pongratz, Frank J. - 7024312 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - About 1967
Pogue, Frank L. - 0-1291515 - 1st Lt. - 475th - October 1, 1985
Porteous, Lyle B. - 36703346 - Pfc. - 5307th - February 24, 2002
Potkai, Stanley - 31285178 - Pvt. - 475th - May 25, 1986
Potter, Junior E. - 34495553 - Pfc. - 5307th - February 13, 1999
Potter, Melvin I. - 35394697 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - JUly 4, 1999
Potter, Montie H. - 34142334 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - March 9, 2012
Poulin, Wilfred W. JR. - 11016679 - Pvt. - K.I.A. July 2, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Powell, George W. - 13023450 - Sgt. - 5307th - April 17, 1992
Powell, Richard D. - 32735338 - Pvt - 475th - February 19, 1997
Poynter, Gilbert - 35092762 - Pfc. - 475th - March 13, 1971
Prairie, james D. - 31223692 - Pfc. - K.I.A. 1944
Preckajlo, Henry J. - 32765525 - Sgt. - 5307th/475th - January 11, 2009
Presterly, George - 33494254 - Pfc. - K.I.A. June 20, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Press, Leon - 33548634 - T/5 - 5307th - May 3, 1985
Price, Donald M. - 34378084 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 23, 2000
Price, J.C. - 18115672 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - June 10, 2004
Pritchard, Joseph H. - 35492270 - Pvt. - 5307th - September 9, 2009
Pritchett, Maurice - 35492270 - XXX. - 475th - January 1, 1998
Prontnicki, Sdtanley - 32766196 - Pvt. - K.I.A. June 14, 1944
Proper, Francis J. - 0-1294237 - Capt. - 475th - July 12, 1985
Pruitt, John W. - 14138944 - Pfc. - K.I.A. May 22, 1944
Pruitt, Roger W. - 18162658 - Pvt. - 33 QM PK - February 24, 1998
Przeborowski, Leo M. - 36347482 - Sgt. - May 9, 1991
Pulkkinen, Walter E. - 31398637 - Pvt. - march 27, 2002
Pullen, John C. - 34428901 - Pfc - 5307th - August 6, 1984
Pung, Andrew B. - 20106194 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - September 10, 1993
Purjue, Joseph F. - 20106194 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - November 1, 2004
Putman, Ralph H. - 34088991 - T/5. - 5307th - December 28, 2016
Putt, Charles J. - 33366141 - Pvt. - 5307th - November 2, 2006
Puzas, Bronis A. - 31324050 - Pfc. - February 22, 1999
Pye, Lloyd A. - 1031207 - 2nd Lt. - 5307th - September 12, 2007
Pyle, Palmer - ? - ? - FA PK - October 15, 1997
Quaid, David L. - 32355750 - T/Sgt. - 164 Signal Co. Combat Photographer - August 19, 2010
Quinio, Frank - 33293346 - Pfc. - 5307th - April 5, 2001
Quinn, Louis M. - 16109283 - Pfc. - 5307th - February 27, 1998
Quinn, Willard C. - 32565416 - Pvt. - 5307th - November 2, 1982
Quintero, Benny, - 00000000 - XXX. - 124th Cav. - August 5, 2000
Rabe, Marvin C. - 36611554 - T/5 - 5307th - October 24, 1998
Rafferty, Oliver W - 38338294 - Pfc. - 5307th - May 5, 1998
Rafferty, Patrick A. - 6150050 - Sgt. - 5307th/ 475th - June 30, 1990
Raimey, Charles - 31319411 - Pfc. - 475th - October 14, 2001
Rainey, Clarence J - 20927362 - Pfc. - 5307th - July 24, 1997
Raison, John L. - 35094455 - Pvt. - K.I.A. June 16, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Rambo, Harold D. - 20505889 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 1, 1992
Ramos, Jesus F. - 39401323 - Pfc. - 5307th - October 6, 1987
Ramsey, Robert H. - 34435691 - Pvt. - 5307th - December 31, 1967
Rand, Ernest B. - 31154236 - Pvt. - 5307th - September 20, 2006
Rankin, William E. - 34435270 - Pvt. - 5307th - November 27, 1989
Rapaci, Vincent - 00000000 - ? - K.I.A. 1944
Rapisarda, Salvadore (Sam) - 35009154 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - October 21, 2004
Rapport, Edward E. - 12007758 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - October 21, 2004
Rash, Ivan - 20504456 - Pfc. - 5307th - April 28, 1989
Rasmussen, Roland M - 12179998 - Pvt. - 5307th - June 6, 2014
Raso, William M. - 39125034 - Pvt. - 475th - Unknown 1998, 1989
Ratcliff, Charles E. - 35214555 - Cpl. - 5307th Medic - December 11, 1988
Raveles, Mike C. - 20846955 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - July 29, 2006
Rayborn, Manuel E. - 16040561 - Pvt. - 5307th - May 7, 1967
Raymond, Thomas D. - 12006410 - Pvt. - september 25, 2002
Razien, Paul - 38569449 - 475th - Pvt. - November 15, 1995
Recke, Henry J. - 6135303 - 1st/Sgt. - 5307th - Octcber 1. 1960
Rector, Worth E. - 6929880 - 1st/Sgt. - 01 Oct 1999
Redly, John W. - 32695532 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - May 10, 1980
Reed - Douglas E. - 33240130 - T/3 - 5307th - February 17, 2008
Reed - Ernest P. - 33240130 - T/3 - 5307th - April 20, 1985
Reed - John L. - 34384807 - Cpl. - 5307th - March 23,2002
Reed, Luke A. - 38300599 - S/Sgt. - 475th - May 6, 1988
Reed, Raymond M. - 6898212 - Pfc. - September 29, 1985
Reed, Willard P. - 38258149 - T/Sgt. - 475th - February 1, 2007
Reese, Clarence R. - 0-452341 - 1st Lt - 475 - March 28,2004
Reese, Jay T. - 39105623 - Pfc. - About 1991
Reid, Ernest - 35713371 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - June 15, 1988
Reid, Ernest M. - 31033087 - Sgt. - 5307th - December 21, 2015
Reid, Ernest W. 20508323 - T/5. - 5307th - Unknown
Regula, Richard H. - 36866873 - Pvt. - 475th - September 10, 2009
Reil, Joseph F. - 31297799 - Pfc. - March 16, 1984
Reinhart, Richard - 35547698 - Pvt. - 475th - December 4, 2005
Reising, Michael J. - 37194474 - Cpl. - January 14, 1982
Remal, Earl J. - 31262243 - 5307th/475th - T/5 - April 18, 2008
Reno, Donald W. - 34967554 - 475th - Pvt. - Octobur 16, 1984
Renner, Miller W. - 35219103 - 5307th/475th - T/5 - July 2, 2003
Repaci, Vincent J. - 7025269 - Pvt. - Date Unknown
Resch, Gregory G. - 16008735 - S/Sgt - March 25, 2017
Reuter, Richard L. - 32205934 - T/5 - October 17, 2003
Reves, Leroy - 34678863 - Sgt. - 475th - K.I.A. August 2, 1944
Rhoades, Clifford A - 20509687 - S/Sgt. - November 1, 1996
Rhoades, John I. - 37232172 - 5307th - Pvt. - Unknown
Rhoaten, Carl M. - 33559305 - 5307th - Pfc. - December 1, 2004
Rias, Charles A. - 35206149 - Pfc. - K.I.A. April 7, 1944
(NHPUM GA, Burma)
Ricard, Raymond L. - 31267029 - Pvt. - August 3, 1999
Rice, Allen E. - 31318649 - Pvt. - 5307th - April 19, 1993
Richards, Arthur J. - 33353539 - Sgt. - October 19, 1984
Richards, Howard R. - 32849624 - Pfc. - May 19,1947
Richardson, David B. - 32059176 - T/Sgt. - Yank Mag. - January 25, 2005
Richardson, Glen F. - 33083305 - Pvt. - May 26, 1992
Richardson, James F. - 20911002 - Pfc. - August 21, 2009
Richer, George F. - 34000630 - Pfc. - 5307th/475t/ - January 25, 2009
Richey, Marshal H. - 35697378 - Pfc. - 475th - February 6, 2005
Richmond, Clinton J. - 35793490 - Sgt. - 124th Cav. - June 21, 1991
Richmond, Vernon A. - 20603628 - T/Sgt. - 5307th/475th - April 23, 2011
Richter, David - 32172514 - Pfc. - K.I.A. July 11, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Rieger, Horace N. - 37513560 - Pvt. - 5307th - March 31, 2011
Riffe, Herbert - 35212269 - Cpl. - 5307th - July 10, 1991
Riley, Charles J. - 32736083 - Cpl. - 475th - April 20, 2001
Riley, Robert M. - 39318992 - 5307th - Pvt. - Date Unknown,1958
Riley, Thomas R. - 00000000 - OSS - K.I.A. Date Unknown
Rinaldi, Frank - 31250666 - Pfc. - February 29, 1992
Riner, Titus W. - 34330479 - Pfc. - May 31, 1981
Rippel, Raymond L - 33009122 - T/5 - July 6, 1984
Rizzo, Thomas D. - 32199977 - T/5 - 5307th QM PK - Octuber 1, 2004
Roach, Aubrey - 32849897 - Pfc. - July 30, 1983
Roach, George E. - 16054689 - Unkown - 236th Eng. - July 29, 2004
Robare, Lawrence R. - 36980179 - Pfc. - 475th - April 15,2006
Robarge, Leroy J. - 12003063 - T/5 - November 11, 2001
Robbart, Edward - 31366664 - Pvt. - 5307th - March 22, 2007
Roberts, Joseph J. - 32749408 - S/Sgt. - 475th - Jan 1, 1969
Robertson Edgar - 35434040 - Cpl. - K.I.A. April 2, 1944
(NHPUM GA, Burma)
Robertson, George G. - 7071416 - Sgt. - 5307th - December 14, 1988
Robinson, Alvie - 15066766 - Pfc. - 5307th - Mau 2, 2006
Robinson, Herbert F. - 34145345 - Pvt. - November 29, 2001
Robinson, Joseph - 32364986 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - October 5, 2008
Robinson, Malcom - 00000000 - Eng - K.I.A. June 16, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Robinson, Philip L. - 36480017 - Pfc. - 475th - December 15, 2001
Robinson, Thomas D. - 36047363 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - January 18, 1999
Rodela, Abrahm - 38070485 - T/5 - 5307th - January, 2002
Robles,Albert C. - 19045898 - Pfc. - 209th Eng - October 19, 2015
Rodriguez, Charles - 39533911 - T/5 - 5307th - July 23, 2011
Rodriguez, Gerald - 6999119 - T/5 - September 8, 2003
Rodysill, Phares - 37466118 - Sgt. - 5307th - January 21 2005
Roemeling, Harold G. - 17010960 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - May 7, 1998
Roers, Ralph T. - 00000000 - OSS - K.I.A. Date Unknown
Rogers, Earl - 34449430 - Pfc. - 5307th - November 22, 1978
Rogers, Paul L - 11016364 - Pfc. - 5307th - July 22, 1984
Rogoff, Bernard - 0-357969 - Maj. - 5307th - August 5, 1986
Rollins, John L. - 32805004 - Pfc. - K.I.A. June 16, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Romanosky, Frank G - 31193304 - T/4 - 5307th - October 30, 1992
Romero, Jose C.- 38215605 - Pfc. - K.I.A. June 1, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Ronan, Maurice T. - 12078404 - Sgt. - 1963
Ronemus, Robert R. - 00000000 - XXX. 124th Cav. Medic - February 13, 1997
Roose, Merle W. - 35604053 - Pfc. - 475th 33 FA - June 20, 1999
Rooke, James E. - 35790667 - Pvt. - 1975
Ropitsky, Walter - 32748389 - Pfc. - 475th - March 27, 1999
Rosales, Pedro V. - 38214737 - T/5. - 33rd QM PK - Unknown 1983
Rosales, Timoteo (Till) G. - 3800?52 - S/Sgt. - October 3, 2000
Rose, George M. - 33326075 - Sgt. - 5307th - May 4, 2003
Rose, Robert P. - 35726991 - Pvt. - March 14, 2001
Rose, William H. - 35789666 - T/5. - 5307/475th - October 17, 1965
Rosen, Willliam L. - 32361601 - ?. - 124th - December 6, 2004
Rosenman, Benard - 00000000 - XXX. - Det 101 - January 1, 1988
Ross, Bruce L. - 38087066 - Pfc. - 5307th - January 27, 1976
Ross, Harry H. - 38331902 - Cpl. - 5307th - April 13, 2000
Ross, Herbert - 37230274 - T/5 - Aug 1, 1979
Ross, Vincent J. - 33109061 - Pvt. - 5307th - August 26, 1995
Rossano, Anthony S. - 13152568 - Cpl. - 5307th - June 1, 1977
Rossi, Dominic R. - 32809381 - Pfc. - 475th - August 11, 1989
Rossochacy, Paul J. - 33488501 - Pvt. - K.I.A. 1944
Roten, James C. - 34605605 - Pvt. - K.I.A. July 4, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Roth, Paul F. - 37194465 - T/5 - 5307th - Medic - September 26, 2000
Rothschild, Edwin A. - 0-1303548 - 2nd Lt. - 5307th - Unknown
Rousseau, Arthur M. - 6125760 - M/Sgt. - June 1983
Royce, William D. - 16020606 - T/Sgt. - December 1, 1993
Royer, Earl L. - 35603538 - Pfc. - $75th - August 1, 2009
Ruby, Kenneth L. - 13102790 - Pfc. - 5307th - January 11, 2007
Ruderman, David D. - 31194962 - T/5. - 5307th/475th - April 5, 2007
Rumore,Alfonso - 34408573 - Pvt. - 5307th - July 7, 1974
Russell, Frank - 20507684 - 1st/Sgt. - 5307th - August 7, 1992
Russell, Z.B.Jr. - 35725778 - S/Sgt. - 475th - August 7, 1992
Russler, WAyne E. - 16108224 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - February 14, 2009
Ryan, Edmund M. - 31020704 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - February 28, 1958
Ryba, Edward A. - 36384713 - Pvt.- 5307th - Date Unknown
Ryder, William F. - 33586242 - Pvt.- 475th - May 10, 2005
Rykowski, Henry R. - 31316094 - Pfc - K.I.A. July 16, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Rynes, Sturgle C. - 34491381 - T/5 - 5307th - March 13, 2004
Saburn, Harold W. - 32849580 - Pfc. - October 27, 1998
Saco, Charles - 6148499 - Pfc. - K.I.A. July 28, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Sadler, Glenwood - 34663532 - Pfc. - 5307th - August 8, 1998
Saffell, William H. - 37085487 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - January 8, 1990
Saibine, Norman - 00000000 - Eng - K.I.A. June 15, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Sakalowskas, John - 6122870 - Pvt. - May 27, 1988
Saltman, Evertt J. - 32763698 - Pvt. - 5307th/475th - Augustn 19, 1979
Salts, Clarence C. - 20721941 - Pfc. - 5307th - July 1, 1983
Salvato, Erenest A. - 33429746 - Pfc. - K.I.A. July 15, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Sammartano, Walter R. - 32808118 - Pfc. - August 23, 1964
Samosuk, Gregory - 00000000 - Pfc. - 475th - April 5, 2007
Sanders, Harry R. - 33437660 - Pfc. - 475th - November 21,2006
Sanders, Heinz H. - 00000000 - Pvt. - 5307th - K.I.A. April 5, 1944
(NHPUM GA, Burma)
Sanders, Robert H. - 20649662 - 1St Sgt. - 5307th - K.I.A. April 6, 1944
(NHPUM GA, Burma)
Sanders, Willard I. - 6298304 - Pvt. - 5307th - November 20, 1989
Sandoval, Joe J. - 38169385 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 26,2000
Santymire, Robert C.. - 13003655 - T/5 - 5307th - June 17, 1970
Sapio, Frank N. - 32805248 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - Unknown
Saraco, Michael D. - 20105953 - Sgt. - 5307th - December 2, 1997
Saunder, Paul E. - 35629702 - T/5. - 5307th - February 2, 2001
Savitt, Joe T. - 13115393 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - October 17 2016
Saylor, Sidney T. - 15045476 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - March 18, 2000
Scarbrough, Forest L. - 18217185 - T/5 - 5307th - June 1, 1990
Schafer, George H. - 6978567 - SGT. - June 4, 2002
Schafer, Howard F. - 36248516 - S/Sgt. - 5307th/475th - October 10, 2009
Schaffer, John M. - 13004471 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. May 4, 1944
Schaffer, Thomas C. - 6978567 - S/SGT. - K.I.A. May 24, 1944
Scheaffer, Richard B. - 20105155 - Sgt. - 5307th - March 3, 1999
Scheifele, John W. - 32352543 - Pfc. - 5307th - January 19, 2004
Schell, William R. - 0-132l336 - 1st Lt. - January 5, 1981
Schellenberger, Benard C. - 35285614 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - June 3, 1971
Scherkenbach, Robert J. - 17048301 - 1st/Sgt. - 5307th - March 4, 1992
Schermerhorn, Carl - 33849347 - Pvt. - 475th - November 2, 1997
Schitter, Rudolph S. - 35715401 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - February 21, 1998
Schliegelmeyer, John H. - 38193798 - Sgt. - 5307th - April 4, 1981
Schmidt, Richard P. - 33788642 - Pvt. - K.I.A. June 16, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Schneider, Fredrick N. - 6861622 - Cpl. - 5307th - October 18, 2000
Schoenfeld, Seymour - 32887471 - Pvt - February 28, 1996
Schoenherr, Norman N. - 16108660 - Pfc. - 5307th - June 7, 2010
Schorum, Elmer - 36380617 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - July 10, 1962
Schrader, Otis D. - 39472396 - Pvt. - June 5, 1987
Schriber, Nathan - 16120662 - Pfc. - 5307th - Oct 1978
Schudmak, Melvin A. - 0-357424 - Maj. - 5307th - April 28, 1998
Schultz, Curtis C. - 00000000 - XXX. - Det 101 OSS - June 16, 2003
Schultz, Howard E. - 35547481 - Pvt. - 5307th/475th - June 24, 2016
Schultz, Lou A. - 37076639 - Pfc. - 5307th - June 10, 1996
Schumer, Howard D. - 7032619 - Sgt. - 5307th - June 7, 2003
Schuster, Phillip E. - 37086936 - Pfc. - 5307th - January 11 2009
Schwartz, Forrest S. - 33486428 - Pfc. - 5307th - April 17, 2013January 11 2009
Schwartz, Herbert C. - 1294944 - 1st Lt.Pfc. - K.I.A. January 18, 1945
Schwartz, Matthew K. - 33577688 - Pvt - October 1, 1999
Scotina, Guarino - 31223838 - Pvt. - 5307th - October 3, 1994
Scott, Charles R. -0-1320781 - 2nd Lt. - 5307th - Octomber 14, 1962
Scott, James S. 17010350 - Sgt. - 5307th - April 1. 1999
Scott, Jess W. 6988926 - Pfc. - 5307th - September 26, 1986
Scott, William W. - 20609421 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. April 5. 1944
(NHPUM GA, Burma)
Scott, William Z. - 0-990186 - Capt. - 5307th - November 4, 1993
Scroggins, Albert R. - 34431813 - Pfc. - 5307th - November 21, 1991
Seagraves, Edward - 1178970 - 2nd Lt - April 9, 2000
Seate, George A. - 34666747 - S/Sgt - 475th - August 1, 2003
Sebree, William S. - 35697710 - S/Sgt - 475th - October 13, 1997
Sedgley, Raymond L. - 6148047 - Sgt. - 5307th - About 1973
Sedlmeyer, Charles V. - 7026678 - Cpl. - 5307th - July 2, 2002
See, Frank C. - 36411698 - T/4. - 5307th - June 8, 2011
Seeds, Merle G. - 35531163 - Pfc. - 5307th - April 2, 1990
Seelye, Owen E. - 0-1307736 - 2nd Lt. - 5307th - June 3, 1987
Seeyle, John S. - 00000000 - 2nd Lt. - 5307th - June 13, 2005
Seleska, Joseph - 32090424 - S/Sgt. - January 25, 1988
Sempek, Chester P. - 20610735 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - Dec. 27, 1992
Senff, Tom P. - 0-1283194 - 1st. Lt. - 5307-th - October 11, 1988
Sergi, James - 13009507 - M/Sgt. - 5307th - December 24, 1979
Seswich, Henry M. - ? - ? - 613th FA PK - June 25 1999
Sevigny, Arthur A. - 31316674 - Pvt. - 5307th/475th - Unknown
Seward, Otis W. - 22849483 - Pfc. - 475th - May 1, 2010
Sexton, J. R. - 34491746 - Pfc. - 5307th - February 24, 1972
Sexton, Raymond - 15041143 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - January 7, 2007
Shakelford, Benjamin L. - 00000000 - Eng - K.I.A. July 6, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Shapiro, Manny - 32805033 - Pfc. - K.I.A. June 30, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Sharrow, Benjamin L. - 16062576 - 5307th - Setember 26, 1997
Shaver, Russell D. - 1318335 - 1st Lt - 5307th - September 3, 2011
Shaw, Alton H. - 34428578 - Pfc - 5307th - December 22, 2005
Shea, Emmett J. - 00000000 - XXX - 5307th - October 30, 2000
Sheaks, Robert L. - 20506278 - ? - 5307th - July 12, 1995
Shearer, Robert E. - 0-1308876 - 2nd Lt. - 5307th - June 1970
Sheehan, Nicholas B. - 31224419 - Pvt - 5307th - 10/19/71
Shefchuck, Steven J. - 36870817 - Pfc. - 5307th - Unknown
Shelley, Kenneth W. - 20509482 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 20, 1978
Shelton, Gilbert R. - 19032761 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - October 20, 2003
Sheppard, Alfred J. - 6147713 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - March 01, 1972
Sheppard, Harvey E. - 00000000 - XXX. - 5332nd Det. - October 30, 2000
Sherry, Lester W. - 35015406 - Sgt. - 5307th - 1/21/1997
Shinsky, Andrew R. - 33433155 - Pvt. - 475th - June 1, 2003
Shoemaker, William D. - 35059663 - Pfc. - 5307th - November 14, 1993
Shores, Delbert L. - 37395962 - Pfc. - 5307th - October 13, 1991
Short, Clarence D. - 33661666 - Pfc. - 475th - December 10, 2009
Short, Raymond P. - 6933658 - Pfc. - 5307th - April 10, 1994
Shortsleeve, Raymond F. - 36434983 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 12, 1972
Shriver, Thomas A. - 33367695 - Cpl. - 5307th - April 2, 1997
Shufelt, Evan M. - 31020327 - Pfc. - 5307th - July 8, 2002
Shumaker, Raymond L. - 37514138 - T/5. - 5307th - Jan. 8, 1999
Sibley, Guy - 36358111 - Cpl. - 5307th - Jan. 8, 1999
Sieber, Albert - 12015363 - Pvt. - 5307th/475th - March 30, 2011
Siedler, Eugene A. - 32833143 - Pvt. - K.I.A. August 2, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Siewert, Wilmer P. - 37141560 - Pfc. - 5307th - June 6, 1998
Signer, Harvey - 33501289 - Cpl - June 1, 1980
Silber, Martin S. - 20381745 - Cpl. - 5307th - January 4, 1970
Sillivent, A. Z. - 18192844 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - July 6, 1984
Silosky, John R. - 33088417 - Cpl. - 5307th - September 5, 1992
Silvey, Gerald T. - 39031972 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - May 1, 1986
Simon, Camille - 31221630 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 3, 1981
Simmons, Paul G. - 33528444 - T/5 - February 16, 1993
Simms,Glenn C. - 37485836 - 5307th/475th - T/5. - March 14, 2006
Simpson, Richard E. - 32026718 - T/Sgt. - May 27, 1981
Simpson, Wilbur B. - 31023542 - S/Sgt. - K.I.A. - May 30, 1944
(Typhus 14th Evac.)
Simpson, William J. - 20501063 - T/5 - 5307th - December 23, 1993
Simurda, Michael J. - 33578474 - Pfc. - K.I.A. June 2, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Singer, Carl - 36708484 - Cpl. - 5307th - February 19, 1988
Singleton, Lester L. - 18080178 - T/5. - 475th - June 18, 1998
Skimmehorn, John F. - 34377111 - Pfc - 5307th/475th - January 22, 1997
Skirmont, Anthony A. - 6149074 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 2, 1992
Slater, Richard D - 35603223 - S/Sgt. - 475th - May 1, 2012
Slaughter, Kenneth - 6952798 - XXX - "Y" Force 5303rd - January 21, 2009
Slevin, Ernest N. - 36701311 - Sgt. - 5307th - April 24, 2010
Slowey, John B. - 33319696 - T4 - Date Unknown
Slusser, Charles F. - 15042717 - Sgt. - 5307th - September 16,1975
Smawley, Wilbur K. - 20943495 - ? - K.I.A. June 10, 1944
(Hosp. India)
Smiley, Elmer E. - 35789737 - S/Sgt. - 5307th/475th - August 30, 2004
Smilie, Kendall R. - 31154212 - Pvt - 5307th - December 1, 1964
Smith, Arthur V. - 38022347 - Pfc. - 5307th - August 9, 1961
Smith, Carl E. - 35696953 - Pvt - 2001
Smith, Clarence T. - 7025761 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - December 20, 1990
Smith, Creight - 6985943 - Cpl. - 5307th - March 25, 1989
Smith, Donald E. - 35696971 -Pfc. - 5307th - June 13, 1998
Smith, Donald K. - 33501203 - Cpl. - 5307th - January 28, 1997
Smith, Eugene J. - 16096214 - Pfc. - 5307th - October 13, 1993
Smith, George E. - 15116223 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - AQpril 18, 2004
Smith, Gerald L. - 36572635 - Pvt. - 1992
Smith, Johnnie - 34398554 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. May 13, 1944
Smith, Joseph J. - 35093201 - Pfc. - January 1, 1992
Smith, Luther - 7085484 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - July 16, 1987
Smith, Melvin L. - 32751396 - Pfc. - 475th - February 2, 2004
Smith, Oakey H. - 33459425 - Sgt. - April 18,1995
Smith, Oral E. - 36444289 - S/Sgt. - Unknown 2009
Smith, Paul K. - 38692828 - Sgt. - 475th - June 6, 2006
Smith, Philip E. - 1765506 - Capt. - 5307th - July 6. 2008
Smith, Ralph G. - 6874125 - Pfc. - 5307th - May 24, 1999
Smith, Richard I. - 37237593 - Pfc. - 5307th - November 19, 2003
Smith, Richard W. - 20609922 - Pfc. - 5307th - July 24, 1978
Smith, Robert B. - 32849605 - Pfc. - 5307th - November ?, 2006
Smith, Robert I. - 37237593 - Pfc. - 5307th - November 19, 2003
Smith, William E. - 35251708 - Pfc. - 5307th - April 10, 1994
Smith, Warren R. - 01312726 - 2nd Lt. - K.I.A. May 24, 1944
(Charparte, Burma)
Smock, William G. - 33874460 - 475th - Pfc. - October ?, 1985
Smead, Nova D. - 38631193 - ? - 612th FA/B - 1June 14, 2007
Snedegar, Garland B. - 35629487 - Pfc. - 5307th - April 25 2005
Snell, Elmor L. - 35789732 - Pfc. - 1977
Snider, Howard V. - 37035396 - Pfc. - 5307th - January 1, 1955
Snitzer, Joseph - 32833810 - Pfc. - 5307th - April 5, 2006
Snyder, Stanley L. - 37174126 - Sgt. - 5307th - February 17, 1980
Sobczak, Robert R. - 15014184 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - December 12, 2010
Soboslai, Frank J. - 31194952 - Cpl. - 5307th - July 1979
Socabasin, Richard J. - 31351455 - Pfc. - 475th - October 19,2004
Sofranko, Paul - 16014950 - Pfc. - 5307th - September 21, 1967
Sokolnicki, Albin - 11045463 - T/5 - 5307th - About 1991
Sokoloski, Stanley - 33333127 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - August 8, 1965
Sokolowski, Walter L. - 33463716 - Pfc. - K.I.A. July 1, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Solewin, John E. - 12093331 - Pvt. - 5307th - 1990
Solmski Alvin T. - 20647552 - Cpl. - 5307th - August 19, 2001
Solomon, Robert - 6878173 - S/Sgt. - K.I.A. July 15, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Sondey, Walter T. - 31066870 - Medic - November 27,1997
Sorensen, Stanley C. - 36547685 - Pfc. - 5307th - April 8, 1972
Sorenseen, Christian K. - 37451422 - Pfc. - 5307th - July 16, 2003
Soule, Timothy F. - 31039870 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - 1978
Soule, Wilbert L. - 14055522 - Pfc. - 5307th - July 19, 1997
Sovie - Royal E. - 31316196, Pfc - July 17, 1997
Spadola, Joseph - 12032330 - Pvt. - 5307th - July 1, 1997
Sparks, Johnnie J. - 3411930 - Sgt. - 5307th - Aug. 1973
Spears, Frank - 13017428 - T/3 - 5307th - December 9, 1985
Speelman, Harry - 6493367 - 1st Sgt. - 5307th - About 1977
Speer, Kenneth B. - 37444387 - Cpl. - 5307th - March 19 1986
Speer, Robert E. - 15062034 - Cpl. - 5307th - March 1999
Spielman, William J. - 31324501 - Pvt. - K.I.A. July 2, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Spinelli, Armand A. - 6949954 - Pvt. - 5307th - May 16, 1991
Spino, Julio M. - 35620988 - Pfc. - January 15, 1991
Sproat, James G. - 36191542 - Pfc. - 5307th - July 1, 1981
Spryzenski, Anthony - 31285129 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 29, 2001
Spurgeon, John T. - 34428942 - Cpl. - 5307th - January 1, 1976
Stafford, Laurence J. - 6147836 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - March 7, 1991
Stafford, William H. - 13073207 - Sgt. - September 9, 1989
Stagg, Edward C. - 20222742 - Pfc. - 1986
Stamey, Stamuel - 7001800 - S/Sgt. - 5307th/475th - January 13,2007
Stanke, Everett W. - 20648399 - Sgt. - 5307th - August 12, 2015
Stanley, Joe W. - 37465790 - T/Sgt. - 5307th/475t - August 13, 1995
Stanley, Raymond D. - 16110273 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 26, 1992
Starnes, Hobert W. - 6948350 - S/Sgt. - 475th - March 12, 1971
Starr, James B. - 20219288 - S/Sgt. - 475th - May 29, 1994
Starsiak, Mitchel S. - 12032466 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 25, 2000
Stastny, Steve J. Jr. - 38284574 - T/5. - 5307th - July 19, 1964
Stawski, Harry L. - 33437966 - T/5 - Date Unknown
Steffy, Robert N. - 37401082 - Unknown - 209th Eng. - March 8, 2006
Steflik, Charles A. - 00000000 - Capt - 209th Eng. - August 31, 2003
Steinfield, Winton - 0-474199 - 1st Lt. - 5307th - 1950
Stelling, Henry G. - 0-1684050 - Capt. - 5307th - January 29, 1990
Stephens, Jesse C - 14092239 - Pvt. - 5307th - September 24, 1980
Stephenson, Eugene U. - 19011733 - T/5. - 124th - January 12, 2006
Stephenson, Larry W. - 20846693 - 1st Sgt. - 5307th - April 27, 1993
Sternberg, Donald A. - 20654729, Pfc. - April 1, 1996
Stessin, Norman - 32811419 - Pvt. - January 6, 2003
Stetlet, Donald C. - 19087861 - Pfc. - 5307th - 1997
Stevens, William V. - 13013280 - Sgt. - 475th - September 11, 2000
Stevenson, Harold R. - 35002504 - Sgt. - 5307th - November 23, 2009
Stietzle, Edward L. - 12014174 - Pfc. - 5307th - July 31, 2005
Stiffler, John W. - 35050263 - Pvt. - 5307th/475th - March 16,2003
Still, Daniel E. - 019510 - Lt. Col. - 5307th - June 7, 1997
Stilt, William A. - T/5 - 5307th - K.I.A. March 22, 1944
Htingdankawing, Burma)
Stockdale, Carl W. - 33437856 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - March 30, 2001
Stockdale, Donald L. - 36467234 - Pfc. - Agust 28, 1998
Stoddard, Arthur G. - 32551241 - Pvt. - K.I.A. May 18,1944
Stokes, Samuel Jr - 35635707 - T/5 - 5307th - September 1, 1967
Stolec, Milan R. - 33107970 - ? - January 1, 1977
Stone, Benjamin F. - 37068596 - T/5 - 5307th - March 30, 2006
Stone, (Bud) Cyril A. - 35094801 - Pfc. - 475th April 6, 2010
Stone, Jerome E. - 32846675 - Pfc. - K.I.A. February 12, 1945
Storey, Cleven T. - 14067365 - Pfc. - 5307th - April 20, 1995
Stormont, Charles - 36245552 - XXX -613th FA PK - May 12, 2006
Stout, Kenneth M - 32367230 - S/Sgt. - 5307th/475th - June 16, 1991
Stovall, Chester C. - 37514210 - Pvt. - 5307th - November 18, 1990
Stover, Auther - 39030490 - T/5 - 5307th - December 7, 1998
Stratis, Ralph N. - 00000000 - OSS - K.I.A. Date Unknown
Strausbaugh, Bernard A - 37010540 - Sgt. - 5307th - May 10, 1991
Street, William N. - 37442786 - Pfc. - 5307th - May 26, 2002
Strout, Freddie A. - 31212733 - Pvt. - 5307th - January 21, 2007
Stump, Earl P. - 35394710 - Sgt. - Date Unknown
Stump, John A. - 33849268 - Pfc. - 475 - Date Unknown
Sturgill, Wade G. - 39563682 - Sgt. - March 13, 2010
Sturms, Claude J. - 35749440 - Pfc. - May 23, 1983
Subanski, Standly - 36155591 - Pfc. - 5307th - May 6, 2006
Subich, Joseph, Jr. - 15132509 - Sgt. - January 1, 2000
Sugarman, James - 11020237 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 20, 2003
Sugeta, Ben S. - 18184286 - T/4 - 5307th - June 12, 1990
Sukup, John S. - 12007683 - Sgt. - 5307th - November 16, 2009
Sulicz, Edward A. - 35093364 - Pfc. - K.I.A. June 14, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Sulkowsky, Joseph H. - 1312819 - 1St Lt. - 5307th - March 5, 2009
Sullivan, Frank A. - 31267508 - Pfc. - December 25, 1986
Sunstad, Herman J. - 1299324 - 1St Lt. - K.I.A. June 5, 1944
Suriano, Benjamin J.- 32766464 - Pfc. - 475th - April 25, 2003
Sutterfield, Luther E. - 38022721 - T/5 - 5307th - K.I.A. April 4, 1944
(NHPUM GA, Burma)
Swanson, Richard S. - 31125149 - Pfc. - 5307th - July 1, 2002
Sweeney, Joseph F. - 20127086 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 16, 1992
Swenson, Oscar V. - 37207219 - Sgt. - 5307th - July 7, 1987
Swietlikowsk (Swiett), Teddy T. - 31353201 - Pvt. - 5307th/475th - February 13, 2011
Swogger, Paul V. - 6691266 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 23, 2005
Syes, Ernest N. - 36767374 - Pvt. - 475 - November 12, 2000
Szymanski, James R. - 36585912 - Cpl. - 475th July 1, 2001
Tabb, Robert L. - 34019038 - Pfc. - 5307th - Augus 15, 2000
Tagel, Anton J - 36208326 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - April 12, 2009
Talley, J. B. - 38256260 - Pfc. - 5307th - June 20, 1991
Tarleton, Brice - 1303795 - 1st Lt. - 475th - June 6, 2001
Tatman, William - 35424516 - Pvt. - 5307th - December 2 , 1989
Taylor, Bruce E. - 31297404 - Pfc. - 475th - March 29, 1990
Taylor, Francis R. - 15063015 - T/5. - 5307th - 1984
Taylor, Henry J. - 6930229 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - Date Unkown
Taylor, Herbert - 37156445 - Sgt. - 5307th - Date Unkown
Taylor, Spurgeon S. - 34397313 - Pfc. - 5307th - August 26, 2005
Tedford, Elva L. - 39229301 - T/4 - 5307th - Januard 21, 2006
Teal, John Y. - 39229301 - Pfc. - 5307th - September 6, 2011
Teixeira, John - 32416050 - Pfc. - 5307/475th - October 7, 2007
Teller, Bernard - 13024869 - T/3. - 475th - February 16, 1989
Tharp, Ray M. - 36189650 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - Oct. 3, 1999
Theile, Henry W. - 36374702 - Cpl. - 5307th - January 2, 2004
Theodos, James - 32807088 - Pvt. - 5307th/475th - April 28, 1967
Thoemke, Ramond F. - 36279735 - Pfc. - 5307th - February 27, 2007
Thoman, Dale E. - 00000000 - XXX. - 475th - March 5, 2001
Thomas, Alvis C. - 38286385 - Pfc. - September 10, 1997
Thomas, Clare G. - 0-402885 - Capt. - 5307th - July 7, 1992
Thomas, Harold F. - 34543796 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - Date Unknown
Thomas, Hosea A. - 36064058 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - August 5 2005
Thomas, Richard H. - 12024710 -T/4 - 5307th - October 1985
Thomas, Vincent E. - 35094203 - Pfc. - K.I.A. July 28, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Thomason, Joe H. - 6648496 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - December 5, 1978
Thomasson, Albert - 34723461 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - February 11, 2014
Thompson, Charlie H. - 35130856 - Pfc. - K.I.A. 1944
(Nhpum Ga Burma)
Thompson, Harold - 36360974 - Pvt. - 5307th - May 10, 1980
Thompson, Jasper J. - 34428738 - Pfc. - 5307th - August 1977
Thompson, Joe H. - 6648496 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - December 5, 1978
Thompson, Oral D. - 38294749 - Pfc. - 5307th - October 10, 1989
Thompson, Paul R. - 00000000 - ?. - 475th July 12, 2006
Thompson, William P. - 34666866 - Pfc. - Date Unknown, 2002 - 475th Inf.
Thomsen, Robert M. P. - Pvt. - 31409170 - April 25, 1987
Thornton, Jack - 00000000 - QM PK - K.I.A. Date Unknown
Thornton, William E. - 2064357 - 5307th - 2nd Lt. - K.I.A. June 22, 1945
Thorpe, Edward D. - 19013592 - T/5 - 5307th - October 10, 2001
Thrasher, George K. - 32809786 - Pfc. - K.I.A. August 2, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Thrasher, Larry L. - 34445852 - Pvt. - 5307th - August 19, 2000
Thurlow, John E. - 37513930 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - September 29, 1952
Tibbetts, Robert - 00000000 - OSS - K.I.A. Date Unknown
Tibbs, - Paul E. - 36429160 - Sgt - 5307th - January 19, 1988
Tickyj, Peter - 32736078 - Pfc. 5307th/475th - February 16, 1974
Tidwell, - J. T. - 35725768 - Pfc. 475th - December 4, 2003
Tindell, - Joseph E, - 37634095 - T/5. 475th - August 3, 2014
Tintary, Perlee W. - 12032007 - Sgt - 5307th - July 13, 1987
Tolleson, John H. - 000000 - XXX. - Det 101 OSS - K.I.A. Unknown
Tolx, Ernest R. - 31466368 - T/4 - February 7, 2002
Toomey, William F. Jr. - 13013923 - Pfc. - K.I.A. May 12, 1944
Topa, Josepf W. - 342935574 - Pfc - 5307th January 19, 2004
Toth, Albert - 35335988 - T/5 - 5307th September 12, 2006
Toth, Fred - 39015606 - Pfc. - 5307th July 5, 2008
Tourville, James R. - 37141380 - Pfc. - 5307th June 19, 1991
Town, James E. - 35527531 - Cpl. - 5307th - July 23, 2003
Trappen, Francis J. - 6851428 - T/5 - September 14, 1994
Travis, Walter V. - 36453877- Pvt. - 5307th - March 11, 1998
Treadwell, John W. - 0-461054 - 1st Lt. - 5307th - November 28, 1967
Tremblay, Robert E. - 6153153 - Pfc. - 5307th - 1980
Triplett,Dillard L. - 34606335 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. July 11, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Tripp, Arthur F. - 36204939 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - December 20, 2006
Troise, Carlo J. - 32847648 - Pfc. - Date unknown
Trout, Charles A. - 35638085 - Pfc. - March 1, 1982
Tsubota, Kiyoshi T. - 30101536 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - February 14, 2017
Tuczynski, John J. - 32576543 - Sgt. - 5307th - March 1, 2014
Tudor, James O. - 39404032 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 7, 1973
Truell, James R. - 34607405 - Pvt. - 5307/475 - May 1, 2009
Truesdell, William W. - 37640353 - Sgt. - January 18, 1992
Tudor, James O. - 39404032 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 7, 1973
Tulli, John L. - 7024345 - Sgt - 5307th - February 21, 1999
Tulman, - Joseph - 00000000 - ? - March 12, 2000 - 124th Cavalry
Tuminno, Joseph J. - 32212212 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 19, 1982
Turek, Michael E. - 32648869 - Pvt. - 5307th/475th - February 20, 2009
Turcotte, Real J. - 20104741 - Pfc. - 5307th - Feb 1971
Turek, Louis J. - 37475307 - Pvt. - 5307th - October 19, 1975
Turella, Frank J. - 13029116 - Pvt. - 5307th - 1974
Turiello, Gasper C. - 32174100 - Pfc. - 5307th - February 18, 1986
Turner, Arvel - 35070887 - Pfc. - January 30, 2002
Turner, Edgar - 14035184 - T/5 - 5307th - December 31, 2004
Turner, Edward A. - 31185369 - T/5 - 5307th - August 17, 1973
Twilla, Clifford I. - 36023403 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - November 18, 2002
Tygart, Charles J. - 35094664 - T/5 - February 5, 1987
Tyre, John L. - 34358600 - Pfc. - 5307th - July 11,2002
Ullery, Charles R. - 35629565 - Pvt. - K.I.A. July 27, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Unterreiner, Raymond - 37056567 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 2, 2000
Upshaw, Raymond E. - 37205346 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 29, 1978
Upshaw, Roland E. - 01322739 - 1st Lt. - 1976
Uttech, Loin R. - 39259399 - Cpl. - 5307th - Date Unknown
Vadnais, Harland - 37273568 - T/5. - 5307th - November 17, 2003
Vail, Robert E. - 34393423 - Pfc. - 5307th - Date Unknown
Vaillancourt, Albert W. - 34393423 - Sgt. - 5307th - March 30,1951
K.I.A. as M/Sgt POW camp Pyongtong Koria.
Valderrama, Enmanuel G, - 6592386 - Pfc. - 5307th - April 29, 2016
Valentine Ernest L. - 35547545 - Pfc. - K.I.A. July 11, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Valentine, Wallace E. - 35901586 - Pfc. - 475th - Date unknown
Valle, Felix - 39263565 - Pfc. - 5307th - May 1, 1954
Valles, Oscar P. - 20547669 - XXX. - Medic Det - November 23, 1992
Vandervot, Dale S. - 00000000 - OSS - K.I.A. Date Unknown
VanFossen, James E. - 15336273 - Pvt. - 5307th - December 12, 2007
VanMeter, Earl - 13024136 - Sgt. - 5307th - March2, 2000
VanTol, Clayton A. - 16150149 - Pvt. - May 1, 1993
Varney - Earl E. - 0-425533 - 2nd Lt. - 5307th - November 17, 1982
Vela, Raymond T. - 38455702 - Pfc. - K.I.A. February 2, 1945
Myitkyina, Burma
Velardo, Celestino P. - 32180184 - Pfc. - August 8, 1995
Venezia, Martin - 34152492 - Cpl. - 5307th - August 15, 1945
Ventura, Warren T. - 15069130 - Sgt. - 5307th - March 10, 2000
Vickroy, Marvin K. - 36044335 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - July 24, 1993
Vidovich, Nick - 33432212 - Pvt. - 475th - April 4, 2008
Vincent, Robert L. - 35725281 - Pfc. - K.I.A. July 11, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Vineyard, Lee - 36061391 - Pfc. - June 20, 1987
Vohnson, Henman - 35106065 - Pvt. - K.I.A. April 19, 1944
(NHPUM GA, Burma)
Virus, Mike J. - 35095076 - Pfc. - 475th - December 6, 2006
Volpe,Joseph A. - 32277671 - Pfc. - 5307th - About 1966
Voltz, Dean K - 36213842 - 1st Sgt. - 5307th - November 6, 1988
Voorhies, Thomas - 38232205 - T/5. - 5307th - June 19, 2008
Vruggink, Stanley - 36187213 - Pfc. - 5307th - May 12, 1984
Vutci, Sam - 36111853 - Sgt. - 5307th - May 10, 1984
Wade, EDward A. - 20927796 - Pfc. - 5307th - August 14, 2010
Wagner, Nicholas - 20634642 - Pfc. - 5307th - January 30 1991
Wagner, Ralpf B. - 15582276 - Pfc. - 5307th - June 3, 1973
Wagner, William R. - 33302734 - T/5 - 5307th - April 6, 1989
Waible, William C. - 12007752 - Pfc. - 5307th - January 23, 1986
Waite, Quentin L. - 20506501 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - November 6, 2016
Walczak, Walter J. - 33184311 - Cpl. - 5307th - 1981
Waldo, Maturin - 00000000 - OSS - K.I.A. Date Unknown
Walker, Marvin - 14138621 - Pvt. - 5307th - Date Unknown
Wall, Melvin D. - 36770053 - Cpl. - 5307th - March 7, 2005
Walthouse, Frank W. - 36770053 - Pfc. - K.I.A. Feb. 2, 1945
Wankel, Albert C. - 36607160 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. April 5, 1944
Ward, Kent - 20507896 - T/4 - 5307th - July 20, 2001
Ward, Paul R. - 35092939 - T/5. - $75th - April 11, 2001
Ware, Stephen C. - 2070302 - Capt. - 124th Medic - September 4, 1996
Warman, James L. - 35749643 - S/Sgt. - 475th - March 25, 2007
Warner, Basil L. - 35443525 - Pvt. - 5307th - May 12, 1959
Warner, Charles. - 35143316 - T/5 - 5307th/475th - January 1, 1973
Warner,Wesley G. - 36219398 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. July 28, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Warschaur, Florian B. - 0-1018292 - 2nd Lt. - September 12, 1987
Warts, Edward J. - 35049701 - Pfc. - 475th - November 29,1995
Wasielewski, Joseph E. - 6945513 - Sgt. - 5307th - June 4, 1982
Wassinger, Howard C. - 36172820 - Pfc. - 5307th - April 5, 1996
Waszk, Frank A. - 33366692 - Sgt. - 5307th - December 17, 1992
Waters, Martin J. - 0-454133 - Col. - 5307th - December 27, 2002
Wathen, Lawrence L. - 35714814 - Pvt. - 5307th - September 2, 1997
Watson, Lummie S. - 37514255 - Pvt. - 5307th - September 4, 1995
Webb, Horace B. - 00000000 - ? - May 28 1996 - 124th Cavalry
Weber, Benjamin - 33372345 - T/5 - 5307th - Date Unknown
Weber, Frank J. - 32205960 - Pfc. - 5307th - September 8, 1988
Weddle, Lester R. - 38129919 - Pfc. - 5307th - July 2, 1961
Weeks, Eugene. - 31317209 - Pvt. - August 31, 2002
Wehrie, Charles R. - 35216006 - T/5. - 5307th/475th - November 30, 2003
Weinandt, Eugene J. - 00000000 - XXX. - 236th Eng. - Date Unknown
Weinfeld, Samuel S. - 13080974 - Pfc. - 5307th - October 15, 1964
Weingartner, Victor - 0-1303901 - 1st Lt. - 5307th - September 8, 1987
Weitzman, Nathan - 32974977 - Pfc. - 475th - Date Unknown
Weld, Philp S. - 0-1318599 - 1st Lt. - 5307th - November 6, 1984
Weldon, Harold J. - 31019484 - Pvt. - 5307th - March 12, 2007
Wellington, Edwin - 39696819 - Pfc. - 5307th - Date Unknown
Wellman, Russel G. - 6985041 - T/5 - 5307th - May 26, 1961
Wells, John D. - 14130545 - T/5 - 5307th - Date Unknown
Wells, Robert W. - 35330067 - Cpl. - 5307th - November 1, 1996
Welsh, James R. - 33392021 - Pvt. - 5307th - K.I.A. March 28, 1944
Shaduzup, Burma
Welshonse, John A. - 333011923 - Pfc. - 475th - October 8, 2001
Wentz, Harold B. - 34172688 - T/4 - 5307th - July 4, 1962
Wenzel, Joesph A. - 1305354 - T/5 - 5307th - Date Unknown
Werner, Arthur A - 19017591 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - October 16, 1998
Wertman, Chester - 35629272 - Pvt. - May 25, 1994
West, Clifford A. - 36442090 - Pfc. - 5307th - Date Unknown
West, Donald J. - 338216955 - Pfc. - 475th - January 8, 2009
West, Everett E. - 35629237 - Pfc. - 475th - December 2, 2009
Weston, Logan E. - 0-1795021 - Col. - 5307th - May 5, 2003
Whalen, Harry V. - 32736122 - Pvt. - 475th - May 7, 1995
Wheeler, Frank T. - 13032443 - Pfc. - 5307th - Date Unknown
Wheeler, Whitney E. - 20134126 - T/Sgt. - 5307th Medic - Date Unknown
Whisenant, Grady B. - 34166071 - T/5 - 5307th - March 5, 1992
Whisman, Clyde K. - 35603722 - Pfc. - 475th - July 7, 2008
White, Calvin A - 6384443 - Sgt. - 5307th - January 20, 2007
White, James R. - 31201914 - 475 - Pfc. - August 7, 2011
(Myitkyina Burma)
White, James W. - 35628445 - Pfc. - K.I.A. July 2, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
White, Jesse M. - 33352211 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - July 18, 1988
White, Kennth R. 35629913 Pfc. - 475 - Unknown
White, Thomas E. 38556502 Pvt. - K.I.A. June 24, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
White, Vernon R. - 6964910 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - April 1, 1994
White, William C. - 15041417 - Pvt. - 5307th - December 3, 1981
Whiteley, John E. - 35093823 - Pvt. - 5307th/475th - September 16, 2013
Whitener, Douglis H. - 6969538 - T/5. - 5307th/475th - February 9, 2014
Wightman, Horace S. - 20104353 - 5307 - T/Sgt - Unknown
Wilcox, Emory J. - 15140562 - 5307 - T/4 - December 16, 1989
Wiley, John J. - 33588051 - Sgt. - About 1980
Wilkinson, Thomas E. - 1500562 - Lt. Col. - May 13, 1978
Wilks, Harold J. - 33110163 - Pfc. - 5307th - November 4, 2002
Williams, Dalton F. - 34975645 - Pfc. - May 28,1999
Williams, Donald T. - 14007231 - Pfc. - 5307th - July 1996
Williams, Herbert D. - 20150788 - T/5. - 5307th - July 4, 2006
Williams, Jesse L. - 35603972 - T/5 - April 8, 1994
Williams, Louis G. 372083 - Capt. - 5307th Medic - April 1, 1999
Willings, Oliver E. - 36456437 - T/5. - 5307th - March 8, 1991
Willis, Albert T. - 461057 - Pfc. - 475th - November 9, 1998
Willis, Doyt W. - 37201714 - Pfc. - 5307th - November 24, 1986
Willman, Stephen J. - 33242855 - Pfc. - 5307th - February 8, 2007
Wills, James R. - 00000000 - XXX. - 236th Eng. - Date Unknown
Wilson, Albert G. - 18217343 - Pfc. - 5307th - 1970
Wilson, Andrew - 0000000 - Pfc. - 209th - Unknown
Wilson, Arthur W. - 20511473 - Cpl. - 5307th/475th - September 3, 2008
Wilson, Orval D. - 18217343 - S/Sgt. - 475th - April 26, 2007
Wilson, Harry L. - 37602148 - Pfc. - K.I.A. August 2, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Wilson, Lester F. - 15043147 - Pfc. - 5307th - March 1, 1960
Wilson, Robert - 00000000 - Eng - K.I.A. June 15, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Wilson, Roy E. - 471366 - Capt. - 236th Eng. - November 8, 1981
Wilson, Samuel V. - 01290347 - Lt. (LTG) - 5307th - June 10, 2017
Wilson, Solomon B. - 37514281 - Pfc. - 5307th - October 18, 2000
Winik, Melvin - 33551478 - Pfc. - March 16, 1987
Winter,Raymond W. - 39907382 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. July 28, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Wintner, Harold - 33594365 - XXX. - 5307th - December 23, 2003
Wirsing, Erwin C. - 36147595 - Pfc. - 5307th - September 11, 1979
Withrow, Thomas W. - 20610812 - Pfc. - 5307th - June 1, 1981
Witten, Hessel D. - 0-1309137 - 2nd Lt. - 5307th - May 12, 2000
Woeshnik, Floyd A. - 20648116 - T/Sgt. - April 1, 1987
Wohiteil, Joseph W. - 1318114 - 2nd Lt. - 5307th - March 8, 2009
Wolf, Earl - 31513980 - Pfc. - K.I.A. 1944
Wolford, Richard R. - 35651740 - Pfc. - November 1, 1998
Wolniak, Andrew - 12003059 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - October 16, 2005
Wonsowicz, Francis - 15103944 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - December 17, 1991
Wood, Edgar E. - 11053908 - Pfc. - 5307th - January 22, 1987
Wood, Leland V. - 36859788 - T/5. - 475th - march 20, 2006
Woodham, Allan A. - 14060351 - XXX - XXX - January 14, 1975
Wooley, Willie R. - 34925665 - Pfc. - 475th - December 22, 2009
Woomer, William E. - 0-1302913 - 2nd Lt.- 5307th - November 23, 1995
Worley, Leand - ? - ? - 613 FA PK - ?
Worley, Paul B. - 34784550 - Pvt - 475 - August 11, 2005
Worsham, Driskle - 6387627 - Pvt. - K.I.A. February 18, 1944
Worstell, William W. - 18019662 - Pvt. - 5307th - March 30, 1991
Wozniakowski, Walter P. - 31285176 - Pfc. - May 11, 2005
Wralstad, Leon R. - 6937940 - Pfc. - 5307th - K.I.A. April 7, 1944
Wright Calvin A. - 34710241 - Pfc. - 475th - November 28, 2006
Wright, Duard - 00000000 - Eng - K.I.A. June 24, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Wright, James H - 36112829 - S/Sgt. - 5307th - October 31, 1999
Wychock, Stephen - 00000000 - Eng - K.I.A. June 15, 1944
(Myitkyina Burma)
Yaboni, James L. - 32105963 - Sgt. - 5307th BCT - September 27, 1998
Yamaguchi, Jimmie N. - 39168021 - T/Sgt. - 5307th - November 1, 1982
Yanez, Lawrence R. - 39856961 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - March 21, 2008
Yardley, William V.- 37513993 - Pvt. - 5307th - K.I.A. May 1, 1946
Yardley, Willard F. - 37049785 - Cpl. - 5307th GCT - May 17, 2018
Yardley, Paul - 37513943 - Cpl. - 5307th/475th - April 5, 2011
Yashinski, Anthony J. - 31314783 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - December 2, 2001
Yazzo, Vito J. - 32829477 - Pvt. - 5307th - December 15, 2006
Yinger, Charles W. - 6893584 - S/Sgt. - 5307th/475th RCT - April 16, 2013
Yodel, Ellis C, JR. - 13124716 - T/5 - 5307th GCT - K.I.A. March 1,1944
Yohe, Joseph B. - 33502124 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - June 22, 2000
Yohe, Joseph U. - 16138414 - Sgt. - ? - April 24, 2000
Yoshimura, Akiji - 39079489 - T/4 - 5307th - September 18, 1987
Yost, Robert E. - 37475325 - Pfc. - 5307th/475th - April 27, 2008
Young, Evertt - 33526701 - Pfc. - 5307th - October 27, 1992
Young, Irving - 36709480 - Pfc. - 5307th - 1959
Young, James D. - 34339932 - Cpl. - 5307th - About 1988
Young, Oscar J. Jr. - 13067705 - Pfc. - 5307th - February 22, 2002
Young, Richard E. - 6145735 - Sgt. - 5307th - January 3, 1985
Young, Thomas F. - 31297176 - Pvt. - July 1, 1980
Youngblood, Burrel T. - 36422477 - Pfc. - 5307th - December 7, 1976
Yuele, Joseph A. - 31187239 - Pfc. - 5307th - About 1975
Zablocki, Richard W. - 15019593 - Cpl. - 5307th - October, 1993
Zaino, Edward A. - 36333625 - T/5 - 5307th - June 11, 2003
Zakotnik, Theodore G. - 37453431 - T/5 - 5307th/475 - February 15, 2010
Zaleski, Henry F. - 33503452 - Sgt. - 5307th/475 - March 29, 2016
Zanie, John H. - 33392511 - Pfc. - K.I.A. July 29, 1944
Zanzinger, Edward D. - 16133780 - XXX. - 5307th QM PK - August 24, 1995
Zappolo, Charles J. - 33586225 - T/5 - 475th - August 23, 2005
Zborowski, Michael - 32839617 - XXX - 5307th/475th - July 28, 1981
Zeranski, Edward G. - 31324499 - Pfc. - K.I.A. June 13, 1944
Zdynak, Daniel - 33252587 - T4 - July 22, 1971
Ziede, Frank - 39856841 - 5307th/475th - August 15, 2018
Ziemblicki, John A. - 36652844 - Pfc - 5307th - July 24, 1986
Zikas, Joseph S. - 32810706 - Pfc. - K.I.A. July 1, 1944
Zimmer, Robert L. 35048239 Pvt. - K.I.A. April 2, 1946
Zimmerschied, Ted H. - 39307985 - T/4 - 5307th -August 4, 1967
Zirpolo, Michael - 32565426 - T/5 - June 28, 1982
Zokosky John - 35007130 - S/SGT. - K.I.A. March 17, 1944
(JANPAN, Burma)
Zosel, Jack E. - 19020765 - T/Sgt. - January 2, 2003